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In this paper, in order to resolve the development threshold and relevant obstacle factors of "Agricultural Super-Docking",we make a study of the basic pattern of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode which is name as "Farmers+Farmer Cooperatives+Supermarket",and do a Research on development mode and operation mechanism and initial development ideas of "Agricultural Super-Docking ".Base on analysis of the basic theoretical issues, we use game theory and system dynamics modeling approach to focus on the game rules of stakeholders under different conditions, internal and external system factors of operating rules,to reveal the development mechanism and system operation mechanism of "agriculture super-docking " mode, to find an entry point and the direction in theory which is used to promote the stable development of the docking mode; to reflect on the underlying causes and the direct causes of the development threshold and relevant obstacle factors; to propose development ideas and policies which are used to resolve the problems of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode early stages from the perspective of internal and external systems optimization.
     One. Content of the study
     1.The basic theoretical research of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode of development
     We mainly do the system analysis of definition, elements, characteristics, the system components and docking pattern of the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, and make a in-depth study of function, realization condition and realization mechanism on "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, in order to prepare for theoretical study of development mechanism and system operation mechanism, etc..
     2.Development mechanism of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode
     We make theoretical explanation on formation and development of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode,and do the in-depth analysis of static games of incomplete Information and dynamic games of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode which are dominant of supermarket, development mechanism based on distribution of benefits about the cooperative.
     3. Research of operation mechanism on "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode of the system
     We use basic flow rate through the system dynamics modeling approach into the trees to generate grow archetypes of the cooperative., growth benefits archetypes of supermarket and system integration development archetypes. According to the chain of causation, we make a study of system operation mechanism on "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, and find development rules and development direction growth of the docking mode.
     4. Historical changes and reflection of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode
     From the angle of practice development, we do the analysis of development background, causes and changes on "agriculture super-docking" mode; we reveal development threshold effect of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode "which has been in the initial stage of development, and reveal the main impediments in research practice; we reflect on the underlying causes and direct causes of the development threshold and main impediments,and propose solution ideas to solve the development threshold and main impediments from the angle of internal and external system
     5. Development Policy research of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode
     From the angle of study emphasis based on the constitutes of develop policy support system about government, development goals and development policies of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, we propose development directions and recommendations on policy of the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, which include development of the cooperative, chain business development of supermarket in "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, development of professional service outsourcing enterprises which are involved in the docking supply chain, as well as support system construction on development of "Agricultural Super-Docking", etc. Two. The main conclusions of the study
     1. Development of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode requires specific conditions for the realization, it need the market mechanisms to play a fundamental role and government-led regulatory mechanisms to have the function of promotion and regulation. The development of "agricultural Super-Docking", it is of course a result which is attributed to the willingness of both sides and the push factors of government, but the development of "agricultural Super-Docking" must meet certain realization conditions which contain organization, complementary coupling and effectiveness.Organization is the basic condition. The organization not only requests farmers and cooperative of the docking which have corresponding requirements of the organization, but also it requests the supermarket and docking system which have a better common organization complementarity is butt-induced condition in the docking, that is a station that both partners can get their cooperation needed interests and their resource is complementary; coupling is operant conditioning, that is tightness of cooperation rules and cooperation order, and matching effectiveness is the implementary impetus of docking condition, it means that both sides can achieve direct benefits and indirect benefits. At the same time, implementation of the " Agricultural Super-Docking" also need to realize the market mechanism which play a leading role in society, have a guide regulatory mechanisms of government which is support to promote and regulate the implementation.The action of achieve the mechanism of supply and demand mechanism, price mechanism, the mechanism of competition, risks and other market mechanisms, specifically, they have the realization of the specific form which contain price-based benefit distribution and regulatory mechanisms, management and cost-sharing mechanisms, risk management and sharing mechanisms, systems integration development mechanism, dynamic balanced achieve mechanisms. But the market failures and immature development needed to guide regulatory mechanisms which are form government action. Government guidance regulatory mechanism are used to solve market failure and fulfill economic, social and political functions. the use of finance, taxation, monetary and financial, market regulation and so on means, are aimed at recovery about the defect of market mechanisms in " Agricultural Super-Docking".
     2. Established and stable development of the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode is mainly based on cooperative intervention, the results of both agricultural super-game contract stability is improved, the long-term interests of the space increases. Based on the " Farmers+Cooperatives+Supermarket " and " Agricultural Super-Docking" basic mode, we consider interest as the fundamental point to study, and find some conclusions:In "farmers+supermarkets" direct docking mode, whether farmers or supermarket that there are apt to giving rise to default risk, high cost of rights protection, consequencely,their cooperation is not established; however, while the cooperatives join the "farmers+supermarkets" direct docking mode, Whether the Cooperatives and Supermarket both can avoid the risk and realize Nash equilibrium in the game of short-term interests and long-term interests, consequencely,their cooperation is established,and the stability of cooperatives and cooperative farmers is also improved. From the angle of the cooperatives and supermarket on static games of incomplete information, the interests of the cooperatives have been improved after docking cooperation, even though the supermarket gross margin declined and costs raise due to increasing necessary investment in initial cooperation, but economies of scale will greatly increased in the long-term, coupled with government subsidies, the interests of both can be protected effectively, the cooperative relations of both will be more stable; From the angle of the cooperatives and supermarket on dynamic games of incomplete information, it is hard for they to give rise to default risk in the long-term interest; if the cooperatives can gain subsidies from supermarket and government,the cooperative relations in "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode will be more stable; From the angle of the distribution of benefits on members of cooperatives, the cooperation income can be gain greater than Independent operating income.Overall, from the perspective of theoretical analysis, farmers, cooperatives, supermarkets can achieve win-win in the " Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, but if the cooperatives can gain subsidies from supermarket and government in the initially cooperative stage, it will be beneficial to work out initial difficulties, consequencely, the cooperative relations will be more stable in the long term.
     3. Operation of the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode system is shows that internal factors, and external factors influence each other to form the chain of causation, affected direction and property restrict the healthy development of the system. based on the running of grow archetypes of the cooperative, growth benefits archetypes of supermarket,system integration development archetypes and the chains of causation, we can gain some conclusions:in the absence of supermarkets and government subsidies, only the market transaction costs El(t) has a direct negative impact on cooperatives households, L1(t), fine standard L16(t) and the number of cooperatives L1(t); natural risks E2(t) has a direct negative impact on the production conditions L4(t), the passing rate of agricultural quality standards L11(t); individual farmers to produce value added E10(t) is as a value-added agricultural cooperatives L6(t) of the external frame of reference, has a direct negative impact on agricultural value added difference L7(t);single testing costs E5(t) has direct negative a impact on the detection frequency, and has a direct positive impact testing costs, thereby have a negative impact on the supermarket income L13(t). Others are positive influence factors. Therefore, the main restricting factors in grow archetypes of the cooperative contain transaction costs, natural risks, value-added co-vitro individual farmers.it is difficult to predict natural risks, therefore, agricultural insurance and government subsidies must be generated to solve the problem; added value of individual farmers have been proved, if farmers join in the cooperatives, they will be gain more cooperative income. The key question still is how to reduce transaction costs. If both supermarkets and government can provide subsidies, the system operation shows that the role of government subsidies can improve production conditions of the cooperatives, or government subsidies directly increase income of the cooperatives, so, government subsidies can improve profitability and protect cooperatives planting initiative to the cooperatives. Supermarket subsidies can increase revenue of cooperatives, improve production conditions, increase value-added agricultural of cooperatives, increase production, rose the rate of product quality on cooperatives, stabilize cooperative relations, be beneficial to growth environment. As long as government subsidies to cooperatives can be more greater than or equal to the supermarket subsidies to cooperatives, the original income of supermarket will remain stable,the supermarkets will be willing and have the ability to continue to supply supermarket subsidies to cooperatives, continue to improve production, operations and other capabilities. meanwhile, super-market subsidies have other Benefits which include improvement of production conditions, improvement of production quality, decreasing testing cost, increasing income of supermarket,are can remedy the pressure of supermarket subsidies.
     4."Agricultural Super-Docking" is in the early stages of development, it have the "development threshold" issues and other impediments,the key to crack the "development threshold" and weaken other impediments is to solve the problem of optimization of internal and external development of the docking mode.The analysis of development and changes to" Agricultural Super-Docking" mode shows that the " Agricultural Super-Docking" is in the early stages of development. There are low degree organization of farmers and cooperatives, hard "development threshold" and other obstacle factors which are involved in cooperatives, supermarkets, government policies, etc." Development threshold" and other impediments are generated bottleneck or improve the cost of docking, therefore, the problems can be caused to the phenomenon that the part of the farmers and cooperatives will be blocked in the supermarket or be constricted its development.The underlying reasons of development threshold" and obstructive factors are caused by unbalanced urban and rural development which are under "dual structure" contradictory productivity, the Contradictions which are form small-scale production with the largest circulation among market players enterprise system, restructuring the supply chain and other aspects. The direct cause contain the increasing costs which are constricted to initial development stage of docking, poor business rule in coupling, unscientific government policies, unbalance, cet. The key solutions of development threshold" contain improvement the degree of organization of farmers and cooperatives, solution of absence to seller. Other obstructive factors have been solved by two methods. First, cooperatives, supermarkets and service outsourcing enterprises involved in docking need select the way that implementation of the basically competitive mechanisms of market and self-development must be considered as the basis market regulation and the allocation of resources,in order to achieve internal positive cycle in "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode; Second, we must build a mechanisms that contain the regulatory mechanism for the government which can form a positive impact in Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, and a market that cooperatives and enterprises rely on norms of behavior, therefore, the optimizing in outside the system of" Agricultural Super-Docking" mode will be promoted gradually.
     5. At the stage of insufficient, unbalanced, short-term failure market mechanism of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, the government needs to play a role of promotion, support and regulation, constantly optimize existing policies, propose new policies and new policy entry points system, so as to mature the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode. Based on existing problems of development in initial stage of market failure, if we want to accelerate the development of " Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, we must recognize that the existing government policy system doesn't has been adapted to the new requirements, and we must as soon as possible to solve new question of development.,the methods is that we should make a distinction between national and local government on two levels and overall consider the differences the functions, dynamic, standardized policy system, regions, the main type of development, scale, form targeted, on this basis, we carry out reasonable and adaptable supporting policies to promote the development pattern, to solve governance market failure. In addition, From the angle of internal development from farmer cooperatives, supermarket chain in " Agricultural Super-Docking", professional services outsourcing business development in" Agricultural Super-Docking" supply chain and development system and other aspects in " Agricultural Super-Docking", we do the analysis of the new government development policy research, supporting system constitutes and development objectives of " Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, focus of development policy, the development of the cooperatives, guided multiple investors into cooperatives and cooperative downstream to the supply chain, in order to promote the development and self-development of cooperatives, promote policies designed to expand the supermarket business in" Agricultural Super-Docking", promote development of professional service outsourcing enterprises, improve and innovate quality certification and standardization of agricultural products, Make market conduct specification, build public information Platform, support personnel training, etc. All in all, we advice that the development of policy support system, upgrading of specific policies, improvement of the science and relevance and effectiveness of development policy system in " Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, to solve the "development threshold" effect " in " Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, weaken impediments related development, catalysis " Agricultural Super-Docking " mode transformation to matured mode gradually.
     Three. Possible innovation
     1. The mechanism research of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode of development is on the basis of contract, stability and the goal of long-term benefits.The previous studies of development in "Agricultural Super-Docking" mostly focus on transaction costs and price, this paper select a specific aspect that focus on the " Farmers+Farmer Cooperatives+Supermarket " mode in "Agricultural Super-Docking" base mode, The study begins with the measure whether the cooperation continue for a long term is depended on the stability of contract, meanwhile, in order to achieve goals that we aim at pursuing the interests of long-term, we do some analysis of forming mechanism, development mechanism and the difference of the condition which has no allowance or allowance from external system, in the different situations which contain static games of complete information, dynamic games of complete information, static games of incomplete information, dynamic games of incomplete information. In addition, it took a new try in study design on this paper.
     2. The basic system dynamics flow rate into the tree modeling method to study the mechanism of operation,"Agricultural Super-Docking" mode systems from internal and external factors that two dimensions. In order to study the impact more closely how the internal and external factors take effect on the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, and do a further analysis of development mechanism and operation mechanism, we use the modeling approach of "System dynamics basic flow rate into the tree" to build three archetypes,such as grow archetypes of the cooperative, growth benefits archetypes of supermarket,system integration development archetypes.Furthermore, we do in-depth analysis of the three archetypes and its causal structure and its causal chain, so as to recognize the rule of the system on "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode. Of course, it is still rare for any researcher to use the modeling approach of "System dynamics basic flow rate into the tree" in the analysis of development mechanism and operation mechanism on 'Agricultural Super-Docking" mode.
     3.Proposed the ideas of development of an early stage, to solve the problem of "development threshold",weaken related impediments of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode, and optimization of internal and external sys-tem. There are lots of constraint factors,especially such as "development threshold" constraints and obstructive factors, in the early development stage of "Agricultural Super-Docking" mo-de. Author in this paper do a in-depth analysis of the Change of "Agricultural Super-Docking",and reflect on the underlying causes and the direct causes of the development threshold and relevant obstacle factors, and propose optimization ideas which are used to resol-ve development threshold constraints and obstructive factors in the "Agricultural Super-Docking" mode from internal and external systems. Meanwhile, the optimization ideas and analysis in this paper can be considered as significant referents to new policy system and development policy.
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