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This paper reviews the theory of employment and the theory of income distribution in a systematic way and on the basis of the research achievement and method of relationship between employment and income distribution,and taking Guangdong province as an example, constructs index systems of employment level, industry structure of employment, the level of income distribution and the gap of income distribution, and builds the model of VAR(Vector Autoregression) to make a quantitative analysis rather thoroughly on the relationship of influencing each other between industry structure of employment level and resident income distribution in Guangdong, between industry structure of employment and income distribution in Guangdong by means of Cointegration tests,Variance decomposition,Impulse response analysis and Granger causality tests and so on
     The main conclusions of this paper is: since the reform of economy in China, there have been a dynamic equilibrium relationship between employment level and resident income distribution, industry structure of employment and resident income distribution in Guangdong,and the dynamic equilibrium relations can be taken as important tools for the Government macroscopic adjustment.
     Finally , the author gives the political suggestion to establish the benign interactive relationship between employment and resident income distribution in Guangdong based on the synthetized wide-length research and conclusion of quantitative analysis: the economic increase is the precondition and foundation for establishing the benign interactive relationship between the both ; Acceleration of the concreted development of industry structure and employment structure is the important guarantee for establishing the benign interactive relations ; Setting up a uniform labour market is the institutional guarantee for establishing the benign interactive relations; the Increase of the labour capital and enhance of their employment ability is the predetermination for establishing the benign interactive relations; Expediting the citizenization course and enlarging the employment capacity is the space support for establishing the benign interactive relations ; Continuation to implement the economic policy in favor of accelerating employment and opening out some new increasing points of employment is the root for establishing the benign interactive relations; Innovation of Indemnificatory system is the final guarantee for establishing the benign interactive relations.
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