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Since the reform and opening-up, Chinese urbanization process has been accelerating, however during the process of urban construction and development, the monopoly management system of the government has seriously hampered the healthy development of urban infrastructure industry. The urban infrastructure industries are less of necessary maintenance, the input of urban infrastructure is for form enough to meet social demands, the serious shortage of facilities and low management efficiency of businesses, the majority of facilities because of inadequate investment and less of maintenance are inefficient, unsafe operations, in a long time direct affect urban development. Such problems, the reason is that the urban infrastructure is being in non-industrialization operation. The text around the main line of urban infrastructure development in the industrialization in comprehensively, systematic tally analysis the Mechanism, scope, modalities, effectiveness and implementation of countermeasures of the urban infrastructure in the industrialization development.
     This paper first analyzes and defines the connotation of core concepts related about with urban infrastructure industrialization. Analyzes the external encironment and internal conditions of urban infrastructure in the industrialization development in detail, Clear the development mechanism of urban infrastructure industrialization, From the economics angle analyzes the function of the industrial development of urban infrastructure in the city's economic growth, use the multiplier utility theory to elaborate the effect that the urban infrastructure investment which can promote economic growth in the near future, probe the urban infrastructure Facilities have effect of the the capital stock of urban’s economical growth in the long-term, described the effect that the development of urban infrastructure industries is to the economic structure, use related industries theory to qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the linkage effects that the industrial development of the urban intrastructure and relevant industries, high relevante characteristics the reveals the urban infrastructure industries. analyzeing the main obstacles of urban infrastructure industrialization reveal the economics nature about the obstades of urban infrastructure industrialization.
     About the scope of the industrial development of urban infrastructure, In this paper, on the base expouneding the defiaenaes that the government set out the urban infrastructure facilities analyzeing the feasibility of urban infrastructure development in the industrialization because of the characteristics of public goods, urban infrastructure is divided into different types, different types of urban infrastructure Facilities are also different configuration process, It is necessary to analyze the scope of the urban infrastructure development in the industrialization, and on this basis, establishing the screening measure model of the urban infrastructure industries development, determine the criteria of the industrial development, according to screening modle, screening didcalculaulateing the scope of some urban infrastructure in industrial development, in accordance with the urban infrastructure in the criteria of the industrial development to analyze the urban infrastructure facilities.
     On the base of screening and calculateing the scope of the urban infrastructure in industrialization development, studying the mode in urban infrastructure in the industrialization development, putting forward the elements of the content and composition, the industrialization development model of urban infrastructure, expounding the initial endowment conditions of China's urban infrastructure industries and the general pattern of urban infrastructure in industrialization development, determining the two modes that it is fit for China's urban infrastructure development in the industrialization, namely industrial restructuring mode and company management mode.
     on the basis of clearing the content of performance evaluation of urban infrastructure industrial development, this text form the industrialization of urban infrastructure development,establishing the index sytem of performance evaluation in the industrialation development of urban infrastructure and the mathematical model of comprehensive evaluation,determineing a comprehensive evaluation standards and verified by empirical evaluation model.perspectiv-base system protection, the text form the path of government’s function position and function transfornmation, proposeing the specific measure that perfect private capital to enter the city infrastructure industries.Especially, form six areas that include founding the paid use of urban infrastructure industries elabrat how to improve the management system of the industrial development of the urban infrastructure.
     Studying the theories, methods and the implementation measures of Urban infrastructure industrialization development in the text.To some extent, enriching and compleing the theories and methods of urban infrastructure industrialization development. To solve problems existed in the course of China's urban infrastructure facilities industrialization development,such as the government monopoly business, the low efficiency of enterprise management, the total serious shortage of facilities, a single means of financing,the inadequate of infrastructure construction and maintenance issues, promoteing urban infrastructure construction, innovateing operation and management system, improveing the quality of urban infrastructure and enhanceing the core competitiveness of urban infrastructure industries and so on,which will have great theoretical and practical significance.
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