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China is a large agricultural country, and more than 70 percent Chinese people live in the rural areas. In the thirty years of China's introducing reform and opening up policy, economy has maintained a momentum of high-speed growth, achieved world-acclaimed achievements and basically realized a fundamental change from the highly centralized planned economic system to the socialist market economic system. However, with the economic growth, we ignore the concept of sharing the outcome of the social development, so China's peasants class are always in a disadvantageous position, which is on the performance of unbalanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural inhabitants. Realizing the balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural is a way to redistribute the national income , which can excessively resolve the problem of the significant gap between China's urban and rural areas, and improve the social status of peasant class. At the same time, on the background of China's high-speed economic growth and more market-oriented system, it is very necessary that the government plays its proper functions, makes effective public service policies and maintains the normal operation of market economy and the harmony and stability of society. At present, China is endeavoring to build public service-oriented government, and the central government has attached great importance to public service functions. In 2005, a new reform proposition was promoted on the fifth session of the 16th CPC National Congress, which is the "balanced supplying of public services". The balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural is an important part of balanced supplying of public services, and systematic researches on it have theoretical significance and practice value. In this thesis, we will make a study of the balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural inhabitants. The research will be based on improving theory, concerning about China's economic and social practical issues, and promoting feasible countermeasures and proposal.
     The theoretical chapter begins from making clear the connotation of "public services". At present, there are different standpoints on the connotation of "public services". In this article, through examining the process and intent of the government's promoting "balanced supplying of public services", we make clear that the "public services" may be understood from the narrow functions of the government, which means from government's promoting public goods. But public services and public goods are not of the same meaning. Public services means the goods and the services provided by the government, which contain a value judgment, are commonly enjoyed by the public, and have targets of meeting the public needs and realizing social justice. Public services have the same property of the public goods, which are non-divisibility, non-rivalness and non-excludability. Besides, public services stress the properties of meeting the public needs, containing value judgment and being equitably enjoyed by the public. Then in this thesis, we make an analysis on the demand and supply of public services with public goods theory. The focal point of the theoretical part is the definition of "balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural inhabitants". The "balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural inhabitants" is the integral part of harmonious society construction and coordinating rural-urban development, and reflects the change of the concept of governance based on the current socio-economic development stage. It means that we will make rational allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas, provide public services to the urban and rural residents, which are geared to the needs, are provided with different standards in different stages and are eventually roughly equal, and then the urban and rural residents will enjoy the public services roughly at the same quantity, quality and accessibility. According to the practical needs of peasants and the stage of realizing balanced supplying of public services, the content of balanced supplying of public services at present should include two aspects, in one aspect of which is realizing balanced supplying of social public services including basic education, basic health and social security, and in the other aspect of which is from the practical needs of peasants to focus on the provision of public services quite needed by the peasants, having particularity of the rural, and promoting the modernization of agriculture,which include rural infrastructure.agricultural information, agricultural technology services and technical training.Ultimately, realizing balanced supplying of public services means making rational allocation of public resources between the urban and rural inhabitants to improve the overall level of benefits, so it involves weighing equity and efficiency. In this thesis, we make in-depth analysis of the relationship between balanced supplying of public services and the principles of equity and efficiency from the theoretical and practical perspective. To a certain extent, balanced supplying of public services reflects the principle of efficiency, but as it is of the interest the urban and the rural inhabitants enjoying public services, it mainly reflects equity development concept and equity principle of public services distribution. Finally, in the theory chapter, we make abstract analysis of the mechanism of realizing balanced supplying of public services.
     After the theoretical analysis, we switch to the demonstrational chapter, in which we will analyze the existing state of unbalanced supplying of public services. Firstly, we analyze the existing state of inadequate total supplying of public services, especially the inadequate total supplying of public services in rural regions. Secondly, we make analysis of the unbalanced supplying of public services, such as basic education, basic health and social security in urban and rural regions. Because the urban and rural inhabitants have differences in social status and inequality on resources allocation, the supplying level is much lower in the rural regions than that in the urban regions.So the focal point of realizing balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural is to increase the supply of public services and raising the level of public services in rural areas. We should make the public resources allocation inclined to the rural inhabitants who are in the disadvantaged condition and provide opportunities and benefits compensation for them.The demonstrational chapter also includes investigation research.We make investigation in three counties of Shandong province, from the investigation we make empirical analysis of supply satisfaction and demand urgency degree of public services in rural areas, and then we can make clear the contents and order of improving public services supply at present. The empirical analysis provides a base for the content of realizing balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural.
     There are many factors of the unbalanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural. In this thesis, we will analyze macro, mid-scale and micro factors. Macro factors are the urban-rural dual system. Finance is the material foundation of public services supplying, so finance factors are the mid-scale factors. The micro factors are the government and peasants reasons under the mechanism of the public services supplying from the upper to the lower.
     On the basis of theoretical and demonstrational researches, finally we switch to the policy chapter, which include policies and ways of realizing balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural. Firstly, in accordance with the factors above, we propose the macro, mid-scale and micro policies. Macro policies are to change the urban-rural dual system, which include changing scissors difference and developing agriculture economy, changing household registration system, changing the urban-rural dual employment system and building coordinating urban-rural system of public services supplying. Mid-scale policies are finance policies, which include improving the financial system of tax distribution, improving township financial difficulties to ensure the supplying of rural public services, promoting unitary urban -rural tax reform to built unitary urban-rural public services cost-sharing system, and making sustainable financial support mechanism for rural public services. Micro polices are to change the influence on the supplying of rural public services by the government and peasants reasons under the mechanism of the public services supplying from the upper to the lower, which include building the expression mechanism of the needs of the rural public services, building the performance evaluation mechanism of grass-roots government's supplying public services, and rationalizing the government compartmentalization management to implement the responsibility of supplying public services. Secondly, we propose the ways of realizing balanced supplying of public services for the urban and the rural, making basic education, basic medical treatment and social security for example. The ways of realizing balanced supplying of basic education include making clear the basic education authority, increasing financial input to basic education, building unified standards of basic education school and improving the teaching level of teachers in the rural areas. The ways of realizing balanced supplying of basic medical treatment include changing the focus of financial input on basic medical treatment from the urban to the rural areas, strengthening the rural medical and health services supply, and building rural cooperative medical system adjusting measures to local conditions. The ways of realizing balanced supplying of social security include providing financial support, building the minimum subsistence guarantee system for the rural residents, building rural social endowment insurance system, and making farmer workers included in the urban social security system.
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