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To promote public transport priority and integration of urban and rural passengertransport, Chinese governments at levels are implementing positive administration measureson urban public transport (UPT) trade. And some critical problems are confronted, such ashow to determinate the reasonable cost of offering UPT service, how to get the UPT providersto be reasonably paid back, what is and how to adjust the UPT regulated fare for the publicwelfare, how to determinate the fiscal subsidy on UPT and how to determine the share of thegovernments of different jurisdictions for UPT deficit, which are critical to the efficiency ofand have to be solved in the UTP trade regulation.
     Literature overview on the related research on UTP cost, price and subsidy is made at thefirst part, taking the above critical problems into consideration, and based on theachievements loaded in the accessed documents and papers. And the goals of this dissertationare made to explore out the practical theories, principles, modes and methodologies of solvingthe above problems. That is, with the effective results achieved, and based on the experienceand data gathered in the planned investigation on UPT in different cities, innovated theoriesand methodologies are put forward to determinate the reasonable UPT cost, set and adjustregulated UPT price, and determine the governmental responsibility shares on UPT subsidy.And also joint mechanism of UPT cost, pricing and subsidy is set up as a systematical anddynamic solution for efficient UPT trade administration, to solve the critical problemsconfronted in the UPT trade regulation.
     By analyzing the supervision methods on UPT cost involved in determining price, therelevant problems and improvement suggestions have been put forward. According to therelevant regulations by the laws, documents and policies, and based on the statistical data bythe governments and the level of the UPT trade, the economic property the UPT cost, and theaims of the UPT trade administration, this dissertation reclassifies the UPT cost items and setsup systematical standard unit cost, then the audited cost data from the UPT providers can bechecked, compared and reconfirmed with the systematical standards and relevant methods,and the reasonable cost of the UPT providers can be drawn out, namely the UPT regulatedcost. And based on the UPT regulated cost accounting, the dissertation also puts forward the administration mechanism on the reasonable return of the UPT providers, which offers thetheoretical basis for the governments to make and implement active and effective regulationpolicies on the UPT trade.
     After analyzing the current UPT pricing methods in China and their shortcomings, thisdissertation puts forward suggestions for some improvement. From the point that the UPTpublic welfare is to ensure the UPT supply to meet the residents’ basic travel demand, thisdissertation analyzes the relationship between the optimal UPT pricing with subsidy, thereasonable return of the UPT providers for their UPT service, the price which the member ofthe middle-income families can bear for their basic travels, and the price for public welfare,then forms the theory to make UPT price for the purpose of public welfare in China, and alsoputs forward the principles, methods and policy recommendations to readjust the UPT pricefor public welfare.
     To explore the theory and methodology for reasonable quantification and implementationof the UPT subsidy, this dissertation analyzes the reasons, responsibilities, targets andprinciples for the governments to subsidy UPT service providers, then the methodology ofUPT subsidy quantification, based on optimally subsidizing the UPT providers, UPTregulated cost accounting, reasonable return administration on UPT service providers and thefulfillment of the special tasks assigned by the governments. Meanwhile, this dissertationforms the new fully allocated UPT cost analysis methods are created, to determine theappropriate governmental shares of fiscal responsibility for UPT deficit in the different relatedjurisdictions. The theory and methodology offer good base for the governments to make,integrate and implement UPT related subsidy policies.
     From the basic view point of efficiently subsidizing the UPT service providers, andbased on analysis of the aims, targets, operation basis and requirements of forming the UPTcost, pricing and subsidy joint mechanism, the properties of and the relationship between theUPT cost, pricing, subsidy are explored, then the relevant theory and methodology are putforward to form the joint mechanism of UPT cost, pricing and subsidy. And based on the jointmechanism, the methodology on making and selecting the proper UPT subsidy schemes andthe supporting measures are drawn out, which are quite necessary to well administrate the UPT trade, make the related policies well arranged and sound, and solve the critical problemsin a wise way.
     Supported by the project “Urban Public Transport Cost Regulation in Henan Province”,and according to the specific UPT conditions in Xuchang City, the relevant empirical researchis carried out with the target to make reasonable UPT subsidy regulation schemes forXuchang UPT trade administrators, based on the UPT cost, pricing and subsidy jointmechanism and other relevant theories this dissertation achieves. In this empirical research,after investigating the UPT trade in Xuchang City, analyzing the data submitted by the UPTproviders and studying the basic UPT situation, the critical problems handicapping the UPTtrade development are identified, and the methods on the regulated cost accounting and thereasonable return administration of the UPT providers, UPT pricing for public welfare, UPTsubsidy quantification are explored. And the2011~2015Xuchang UPT subsidy quantificationschemes based on UPT cost, pricing and subsidy joint mechanism are explored and selected,and so the supporting policies and measures. From the empirical research, the achievementsby this dissertation have resulted in good economic and social benefits.
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