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It has been 20 years since China opened her door to the outside world, and currently, China's attracting foreign investment is coming to a new stage. From the 1990's, especially 21~(st) century, with the rapid development of the economic reform and China's opening door policy, international investment is been intensified continuously. Cross border M&A has become a world trend and the major means of international investment. At the same time, since the number of state-owned enterprises that have been acquired by foreign capital is increasing, with scale being enlarged, people become more and more concerned about this issue.
     Merger with and Acquisition of State-owned enterprises by Foreign Investors, mainly refers to acquiring entire or parts of ownership of certain enterprise's assets through designated legal procedures. It is the combination of phenomenon of M&A and Cross-border investments in advanced levels, and also a main means of direct investment of international capital. Due to the specialties of the problems which may arise like potential monopoly threat and the national economical security issues, studying on M&A of state-owned enterprises by foreign capital is positively practical and meaningful.
     With the special background, it is of great and realistic significance to carry out a deep study on the issue arising from the M&A of state-owned enterprises by foreign capital. Since China opened her door to the outside world, and for the needs of introduction of foreign capital, we established "Chinese and Foreign joint venture management business enterprise method of the People's Republic of China "and its ordinance, "Chinese and Foreign cooperation management business enterprise method of the People's Republic of China", "overseas-funded enterprises method of the People's Republic of China" and its ordinance, and other laws and code in stages. In recent year, our government established and promulgated "Regulation for Merger with and Acquisition of Domestic enterprises by Foreign Investors" and "Anti-Trust Law ", which perfect the law and regulation of Cross border M&A. However, we still lack a unified code to regulate cross border M&A, with the laws and regulations pertained to this aspect are spreading in various laws and codes. In practical, the laws are always with strong principles and not fit for operation, as well as not explicit, many issues are arising. We must study from the past experience precept and draw lessons from the foreign successful experience, to perfect the regulations as soon as possible, and promote the health and rapid development of the state-owned enterprises.
     This essay is divided into four parts:
     The first part gives us an insight into the basic conceptions and ways of foreign capital's M&A of state-owned enterprises, giving definitions to "M&A", "Foreign capital's M&A", "State-owned enterprises". Also, it discusses two means of M&A, which are M&A of stock rights and M&A of capital. Especially, the essay summarizes the new model of M&A, which was newly specified in "Regulation for Merger with and Acquisition of Domestic enterprises by Foreign Investors".
     The second part analyses the current legislation of China, and reviews the laws of the developed countries. When studying on the laws of our country, two periods are included. Meanwhile, it gives a better insight into two regulations named "Regulation for Merger with and Acquisition of Domestic enterprises by Foreign Investors" and "Anti-trust Law" separately, both of that are very important. As to the foreign legislations, it analyzes the universal characteristics of such laws, such as protecting the national economical security, anti-trust and unfair competition, and the systematic features of legislation. From above analyses of the characteristics, we may learn a lot to build the legislation system of our country.
     The third part, studies on the main legal problems of foreign M&A of state-owned enterprises, including: various entities can make laws, the low levels of laws, lack of systematic features. Meanwhile, in the process of M&A, following problems are faced: the national economical security issues, the decrease of national properties, the Super National Treatment of foreign investors, the settlements of the employees in state-owned enterprises, and the lack of agencies.
     In the fourth part, on the basis of above analyses, the author gives suggestions to the legislation of foreign M&A, including: establishing and perfecting the pertained laws, protecting the national security, perfecting the management system of national properties, establishing the unified law named "Company M&A Law", which is used as common regulations for M&A, and perfecting the related laws, establishing the legislation system for foreign M&A.
     In summary, this essay conducted the studies to analyze the current situations, and the legal problems of the state-owned enterprises' being acquired by foreign capital. On the foundation, the author provides with the pertinent countermeasures and suggestions to these matters.
1 刘忠,“从凯雷并购徐工案述评外资并购”,中国竞争法网(2007年7月30日),http://www.competitionlaw.cn/show.aspx?id=1975&cid=21.
    2 2007年中国外资并购大事件指:凯雷并购徐工,达能并购娃哈哈,法国SEB并购苏泊尔,阿尔斯通并购武汉锅炉,高盛并购红狮水泥。
    3 Henry Campbell Black,Black's Law Dictionary,Fifth edition,West Publishing Co.,1979,p.891.
    4 张忠远:《外资并购国有企业中的法律问题分析》,北京:法律出版社,2004年版,第84页。
    5 "Mergers and Acquisitions:Definition",http://www.investopedia.com/university/mergers/mergersl.asp.
    6 与我国有关法律规定一致,本文所称外资也包括我国港澳台地区对大陆的投资。
    7 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第2条。
    8 徐建华:《外企改革,外资并购和上市指引》,上海:远东出版社,2002年版,第33页。
    9 夏有富:“正确对待跨国公司在华投资控股的问题”,《对外经贸研究》,1997年总第790期,第5页。
    10 慕亚平,黄勇:“外资并购的形式、存在的问题及法律调整”,《法商研究》,1999年第6期,第66-70页。
    11 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第2条。
    12 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第27条。
    13 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第12条。
    14 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第10条。
    15 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第6条。
    16 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第40条。
    17 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第38条。
    18 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第13条。
    19 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第30条。
    20 “外资并购法的喜与忧”,第一财经日报,2006年8月10日,http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2006-08/10/content_4944501.htm.
    21 孙延生:“《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》的法律实务解读”,中国律师网,2006年8月31日,http://www.chineselawyer.com.cn/pages/2006-8-22/p44402.html.
    22 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第1条。
    23 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第2条。
    24 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第9条。
    25 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第10条。
    26 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第31条。
    27 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第15条,经营者能够证明达成的协议属于下列情形之一的,不适用于相关禁止条款:为改进技术、研究开发新产品的;为提高产品质量、降低成本、增进效率,统一产品规格、标准或者实行专业化分工的;为提高中小经营者经营效率,增强中小经营者竞争力的;为实现节约能源、保护环境、救灾救助等社会公共利益的;因经济不景气,为缓解销售量严重下降或者生产明显过剩的;为保障对外贸易和对外经济合作中的正当利益的;法律和国务院规定的其他情形。
    28 王晓晔:《竞争法研究》,中国法制出版社,1999年版,第382-383页。
    29 Debra A.Valentine,"The evolution of U.S.Merger Law"(August 13,1996),http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/dvperumerg.shtm.
    30 聂名华:“德国对企业并购投资的法律管制”,《中南财经政法大学学报》,2004年第4期,第117-123页。
    31 Rob Kwinter and Navin Joneja,Blake Cassels & Graydon,"Canadian merger control",http://crossborder.practicallaw.com/3-246-8952.
    32 "Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Cross-border Merger and Acquisition Sales 2006",UNCTAD World Investment Report 2006 and 2007,http://www.business.nsw.gov.au/aboutnsw/Trade+and+Investment/B7_foreign_dir inv_inflow.htm.
    33 张赛美:“跨国并购法律监管问题初探”,《世界经济研究》,1997年4月,第35-37页。
    34 胡峰:“美国对跨国并购的监管制度及启示”,http://www.shgzb.gov.cn/,2003年11月21日。
    35 王晓晔:《企业合并中的反垄断问题》,北京:法律出版社,1996年版,第85-86页。
    36 侯怀霞、钟瑞栋著:《企业并购立法研究》,法律出版社2005年版,第4页。
    37 《反垄断法》:“规制外资并购 维护国家经济安全”,瞭望,2007年09月19日,http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2007-09/19/content_6751457.htm.
    38 黄丽珠:“解读《反垄断法》与经济金融安全”,2007年9月10日,http://www.zgpj.net/News/79/2082007910103446.htm.
    39 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第12条。
    40 参见《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第4条。
    41 前注34,第24页。
    42 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第31条。
    43 潘爱玲:“论外资并购中的国有资产流失问题”,《山东社会科学》,2001年第6期,第22-24页。
    44 刘李胜:《外资并购国有企业—实证分析与对策研究》,中国经济出版社年版,1997年版,第136页。
    45 在外资并购国有企业过程中,某些外商利用资产的专用性,只收购企业主体部分、核心部分,而把离开了主体部分就可能变得毫无用处的配套设备、附属设施排除在收购之外,使合资企业能以极小的代价控制这些设施,而却将这些资产的经营风险留给了中方。
    46 张远忠:《外资并购国有企业的法律问题分析》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第60页。
    47 车玉明;王勉;周芙蓉:“企业所得税法获通过 外资超国民待遇走向终结”,新华网,2007年3月16日,http://www.p5w.net/news/gncj/200703/t830756.html6.
    48 墨翟:“关于国家经济安全立法的报告”,乌有之乡,http://www.wyzxsx.com/Article/Class16/200606/7631.html.
    49 "Takeover," Wikipedia,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostile_takeover.
    50 参见《中华人民红和国反垄断法》第31条。
    51 “中国颁布新《外商投资产业指导目录》”,搜狐网,2007年11月7日,http://business.sohu.com/20071107/n253109354.shtml.
    53 参见37,第27页。
    54 参见《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第10条。
    55 “‘大部制'改革应确定‘反垄断执法机构'”,中国法律指南,2008年3月13日,http://blog.eastday.com/spl/lawycrdzw/104127261012.shtml.
    56 由于外资和涉外经济关系的特殊性,外资并购与国内企业并购毕竟存在一些差异,对此,《企业并购法》应做出例外规定。当然我们还应该看到,《企业并购法》作为并购法律体系的“母法”,主要是对有关问题做出原则性规定,并据此指导外资并购主体法、外资并购行为法、外资并购配套法规的具体立法工作。
    57 史建三,贺大伟:“我国台湾地区《企业并购法》的发展与借鉴”,2008年2月2日,http://www.gh-lawyer.com/info.asp?id=1839.
    6.干春晖 主编《大并购:30个世界著名企业并购经典案例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年版
    .8.王晓晔 主编《反垄断立法热点问题》北京:社会科学文献出版社,2007年版
    10.全国人大常委会法制工作委员会 编《中华人民共和国反垄断法释义》,北京:法律出版社出版,2007年版
    12.国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究室 编《探索与研究——国有资产监管和国有企业改革研究报告》,北京:中国经济出版社,2007年版。
    13.郭复初 《完善国有资产管理体制问题研究》,成都:西南财经大学出版社,2008年版。
    19.唐清林 等编:《企业并购法律实务》,北京:群众出版社出版,2005年版。
    1."Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Cross-border Merger and Acquisition Sales 2006," UNCTAD World Investment Report 2006 and 2007,http://www.business.nsw.gov.au/aboutnsw/Trade+and+Investment/B7_fo reign_dir_inv_inflow.htm(访问日期:2008年1月20日)
    2.Steven M.Dickinson,"New M&A Law:No Major Changes" China International Business(January 2008),http://www.cibmagazine.com.cn/ShowAtl.asp?ID=296(访问日期:2008年1月22日)
    3.Debra A.Valentine,"The evolution of U.S,Merger Law"(August 13,1996),http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/dvperumerg.shtm(访问日期:2008年2月4日)
    4.Rob Kwinter and Navin Joneja,Blake Cassels & Graydon,"Canadian merger control",http://crossborder.practicallaw.com/3-246-8952(访问日期:2008年2月6日)
    1.Hwy-Chang Moon,Hee-Kyung King,Dong-Hyun Lee,"Cross border Mergers & Acquisitions:Case Studies of Korea;China;And Hong Kong,China," APEC(September 2003)
    2.Nishimura & Partners,"Japan," The international Comparative Legal Guide to:Mergers & Acquisitions 2007 Chapter 19,Global Legal Group
    3.Masakazu Iwakura and Sadayuki Matsudaira,Nishimura & Partners,"Country M&A Japan Mergers & Acquisitions,"(2007/08)
    4.Joan Carlos Ferraz,Nobuaki Hamaguchi,"Introduction:M&A and Privatization in Developing Countries," The Developing Economies XL-4(December 2002)

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