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It is always a hot topic with arguments in both research and practice of corporate law that whether shares could be one kind of contribution. Furthermore, it is also a legal issue which needs urgent solution that we have to face to. On the base of jurisprudence of Chinese corporate law and with perspective of Chinese practice in corporate law, this paper deeply explores in some parts of the issue combined with research and practice. Except for the introduction and conclusion, the text of this paper is divided into four parts:
     Part I is "jurisprudence analysis on shares as contribution ". In this part, firstly the author analyzes the nature of shares according to logic of theory and research of this issue. On the base of comprehensive evaluation on all kinds of schools of shares, with consideration that shares are property rights in existence in form of values and they could be measured by currency, the author concludes that share as contribution could be a reasonable and lawful kind of contribution. Then the author analyzes the definition and features of shares as contribution. After examine several definition of it, the author concludes the definition as following: shares as contribution are such a contribution that initiator or investor contributes his shares in another corporate so as to get shares of the new company or additional shares as investment expansion. On the base of this definition, the author raises the opinion that shares as contribution have features as following: subject itself has the feature of identity and continuity; acceptor has the feature of new company and investment expansion; and the value has the feature of instability. To further clarify the definition of shares as contribution, the author compares it with transfer of shares, reversal investment,and company separation. Conclusion of this comparison is that these concepts have close connection among them but they have different meanings, and we may not mix them up. Different countries have different regulations on shares as contribution. Chinese scholars have positive and negative opinions on this correspondingly. The author does not agree to hold absolutely positive or negative opinions on this, however, the author raise the argument as "limited shares as contribution "after consideration that shares as contribution probably will cause false registered capital, increase burden of financing, cause difficulty on evaluation of values, do harm to safety of transactions, namely, we should add necessary limitation and regulation to do our best to reduce or eliminate disadvantages caused by share as contribution.
     Part II is "regulations on shares as contribution". First of all the author analyzes regulation on subject. The author argues that qualified subject should be shareholder of limited liability company, initiator of company limited by shares and subscriber of non-public issued shares, and the subject should not be limited to natural person. Directors, supervisors or senior managers of the company who want to contribute shares as contribution should meet legal conditions as well. Secondly, the author analyzes regulations on object and argues that shares should be regulated as well, and should meet legal conditions such as consent of shareholders, amount limitation, etc. Shares could not be shares as contribution if they could not meet the legal conditions. The third are regulations on contribution procedure. Contributions must follow due process, namely, it should be with required documents, with agreement or legal evaluation, with legal verification. The fourth are regulations on evaluation on the contribution. Evaluation should be carried out by professionals. Evaluation should consider more on voluntary than compulsory in principle. The fifth are regulations on verification on the contribution. Review system on verification authority should be established and facilitated. Publication system of verification should be established. Adjustment system of evaluation should be established. All the regulations mentioned above help ensure lawful function of the contribution.
     In PartIII , the paper explores effectiveness of contribution agreement in four aspects. 1. When the contribution violates legal conditions, the author argues that this agreement should be deemed as a contract with undetermined effectiveness. 2. When the contribution violates legal process of approval, the author argues it as an invalid one. 3. When the contribution violates the company articles of association, the company and other shareholders may argue it as an invalid one, but it should be valid to the parties, and non performance of it will bear liability in breach of contract. 4. Conditional contribution effects when the condition is met.
     Part IV is "civil liability of shares as contribution". The author analyzes civil liabilities in four complicated situations in practice. Firstly, the author analyzes civil liability on false contribution. Combined with typical case study, the author divides them into three kinds of situations, namely, false shareholders, false shares and false debt with true investment, and then explain correspondent civil liabilities. Secondly, the author clarifies civil liability of defective shares as contribution. The author explains that there are three styles of defective shares as contribution, namely insufficient contribution, false contribution and capital flight. Defective shares as contribution do not affect the existence of share right, and they will not inevitably lead to invalidation, but correspondent civil liability should be borne. Thirdly, the author clarifies civil liability of nominee shareholder. The author deeply analyzes the relations between nominee shareholders and ultimate beneficiary of the nominee shareholding, and the author set detailed criteria of shareholder qualification and issues which need consideration.
     In sum, shares as contribution are a very complicated issue both in research and practice of corporate law. This paper is just an elementary discussion on the base of other people's research, and it raises several opinions which still need to be developed. The author would be reluctant to carry out further research in order to contribute the humble efforts to the completeness and integrity of system of shares as contribution in China.
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