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China issued in February2006the new accounting standards system in order tospeed up the pace of international coordination and convergence with internationalaccounting standards. While the most significant change is the moderate use of valuemeasurement attributes. However, the globalization of the financial crisis triggered bythe U.S. subprime mortgage crisis occurred when China is introducing the fair valueaccounting. It caused a fierce debate among the theorists, practitioners and regulatoryagencies on the appropriateness of the use of fair value accounting. At present, China isjust beginning to use the new accounting standards and the government and regulatoryagencies need experiences, the market and companies need time to adapt, coupled withquestions on fair value accounting by subprime mortgage crisis triggered from all walksof life. These all show that the research of fair value accounting is necessary and urgent.
     The theme of this paper is the contract usefulness of the fair value accountinginformation. Stakeholders reach and achieve transactions by signing and performingvarious types of contract and contract design depends on the accounting information toa large extent. The introduction of the fair value accounting changed the meaning ofaccounting information and the way of displaying under the traditional historical costand it affected the relativity and reliability of the accounting information. Theintroduction of corporate behavior alienation connected the fair value accountinginformation with the alienation behavior of companies' internal management. It isinnovative and practical to explore the impact of the alienation of corporate behavior,resulted from the fair value accounting information, on payment contract, liabilitycontract and dividend contract.
     This thesis is divided into nine chapters. With a well-rounded exploration based onresearch topic, it has four parts, including basic research, theoretical analysis, empiricalstudy and policy suggestion.
     The first part consists of Chapter One and Chapter Two. In Chapter One, there isan analysis of the theoretical value and practical significance of the selected topic. Itmakes a brief introduction to the research situation at home and abroad, summarizes themain study content, presents the research framework and puts forward innovative points.Moreover, in accordance with the criterion system construction and application processof fair value, Chapter Two reviews the development of fair value in American Accounting Standards System, International Accounting Standards System and ourcountry's Accounting Standards System. Besides, it analyzes the specific applicationand features of fair value in the new Accounting Standards System of our country.
     Chapter Three and Chapter Four are included in the second part. As the theoreticalfoundation of this thesis, Chapter Three expounds on the main points of the theoriesrespectively concerning firm contract, accounting information quality, principal–agentissues, financing and dividend distribution and corporate behavior alienation, providingthe following empirical study with theoretical basis and support. Furthermore,according to the theoretical analysis of core elements and crucial relationship, ChapterFour sketches out the usefulness of the contracts for fair value accounting information,working as the theoretical foundation and idea reference for the succeeding systematicalmechanism analysis as well as empirical study.
     As the core content of this thesis, the part of empirical study contains Chapter Five,Chapter Six and Chapter Seven, taking a research on the effectiveness of fair valueaccounting information on remuneration contract, debt contract and dividend contract.Following the idea of mechanism analysis, hypothesizing, empirical test and conclusionanalysis, the author reaches a series of significant conclusions.
     Firstly, the article found in the research of compensation contract validity thatchanges in fair values is significantly related to the profit and loss of the pay ofexecutives. The sensitivity coefficient of the pay of executives to the changes in the fairvalue loss is almost equivalent to that of the recurring profit and loss, and even higher thanthat of the recurring profit and loss in stability test. When the change of fair valueresults in profit, they are significantly related, but when it is a lost, there is nocorrelation. In the state-owned enterprises, they are not related to each other, while thereare significant and positive correlations in the non-state owned enterprise. Companiestend to limited rationality and avoid the use of fair value accounting information inearning management. Therefore, there is no payment contract alienation behavior.Secondly, the author derives from the analysis of the debt covenant validity that in theaspect of the size of the overall debt the recurring gains and losses is higher than thechanges in fair values related to the asset-liability ratio. The short-term debt covenantsemphasis on the solving of liquidity problems and the debt requires repaid in a shortterm, so they are positively related. The long-term debt covenants focus on permanentinvestment and it can be settled in a longer period, banks are at greater risk, so there isno correlation between the two. Companies think that banks are capable of identifying the particularity of fair value accounting information and they don't have any space forearning management. As a result, there is no debt alienation behavior in overall debt andlong-term debt contract, whereas short-term debt contract is tend to be alienated owingto the relaxation of bank constraints. Thirdly, the research of the usefulness of thedividend contract shows that the level of our cash dividend payment is low and the desireof the allocation of listed companies is generally weak. The changes in fair values lossand corporate cash dividends payment levels is significantly and positively correlatedand the reaction coefficient is almost the same as that of the recurring profit and loss,but lower than that of the recurring profit and loss and corporate cash dividendspayment levels in stability test. Changes in fair value gains and losses of state-ownedholding companies are uncorrelated with payment of companies' cash dividends, whilethose of non state-owned holding companies are in notably positive correlation with thepayment of companies' cash dividends. Changes in fair value gains and losses andpayment of enterprises' cash dividends are uncorrelated in companies with low stockright concentration, while those are in remarkably positive correlation in companieswith high stock right concentration. The demonstration results above almost conform tothe assumption, confirming the contractual usefulness of fair value accountinginformation in some degree, but some actual and irrational conditions lessen its fairnessas well. The shareholders are relatively rational and attach great importance to thesustainable development of the company. They do not make use of fair value accountinginformation to conduct earning management, so there is no sign of alienation behaviorin dividend contract.
     Chapter Eight is about policy suggestion. Based on the previous empirical researchconclusions and combined with the development and application of fair valueaccounting and our economic characteristics, this chapter proposes some policysuggestions to consummate companies' payment contract, liability contract anddividend contract. At last, the author summarizes the thesis' main viewpoint andresearch conclusions and put forward follow-up study for the essay's imperfection.
     The characteristics and innovation of this paper lie in three aspects. First, theexisting researches have neglected the fact that the kind of changes in the fair valueloss reduction, which happens at the time that "fair value" subjects are transferred to"return on investment" subjects when enterprises sell trading financial assets, is not areal loss of profit, or believed that the noise interference cannot be technologicallyevaded. The author makes data screening and corresponding stability test and solves the problem to some extent. Second, this paper, taking the characteristics of variouseconomic systems of our country during the period of transition into full consideration,makes packet analysis on the system differences between state-owned enterprises andnon-state enterprises, the ownership concentration degree caused by differentshareholding ratio of large shareholders and the loan contracts with different length ofmaturity and obtains a series of valuable conclusions. Third,this paper introducescorporate behavior theory of alienation initiatively and pays attention to whether theearning management space provided by the fair value accounting information will leadto the alienation behavior of payment contract, liability contract and dividend contract.
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