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Social welfare system is an very important social settings to maintain social operation orderly, and social stratification is an important tool to describe our society, both of them are very important issues in sociology. In the last few years, to establish an appropriate social welfare system becomes an urgent task in social transformation era, and at the same time, a scientific and rational social stratification structure is the proper meaning of social stability and development. In the process of the social welfare system’s establishment, development and improvement, it displays the even more close relationship with the social stratification, and the social stratification’s present situation and future development can also affect the social welfare system. Based on the above understanding, the author will mainly explore the deep relationship between the social welfare system and the social stratification. This exploration is conducive to the improvement and development of China's social welfare system, especially for the current model selection of the social welfare system, and it also can be an introduction of the social welfare system’s performance evaluation. At the same time, this study is conducive to rich the social stratification theory, and deeply understand that the social stratification can also be used as a tool.
     The relationship between the social welfare system and the social stratification can be deeply understood through their mutual interaction. The social welfare system’s influence on the social stratification is shown in its production, maintenance and transform. First, the social welfare system has the charitable spontaneity attribute and artificial design attribute, the charity enables the social welfare system can make clarity out of the bottom group of our society, and then strengthen the presence of this group. The artificial design's attribute can allow the leader of laws to bring up the middle class by the social welfare system in order to maintain the social stability. Second, the social welfare system can be effective maintained by distributing the system benefits rationally, and just because of the system’s benefits which make the social welfare system can affect the gap among all levels of social stratification. The social welfare system based on civil rights can reduce the disparity well, and based on the social control can enlarge the gap among all the levels. Third, on the background of the western welfare state facing the welfare crisis, different countries have carried on various transformations. Although there are some differences in the measures, overall there are two orientations: one is the targeting social benefits, that is giving the limit resources to the people who need it most. But because the targeting social benefits has many disadvantages, the diversity of the object can be used as a revision, that is according to the specific characteristics of different groups to supply their most needed welfare. Either targeting social benefits or diversity of the object, both of them keep close contact with social stratification. Targeting social benefits can strengthen the presence of the bottom group, and the diversity of the object needs to classify and sort, both of them can affect the social stratification.
     The influence of the social welfare on the social stratification can be understood through the impact factors of stratification, features, results, and the movement between different groups. First, the social stratification’s influencing factors have epochal character and diversity character, which enable the social welfare system became one of them, so the social welfare system can enlarging, reducing and maintaining the existing disparity. Second, the social stratification exists in any society as an objective phenomenon has both positive and negative functions. The positive function is to arrange the members in the right position, to promote cooperation among members of society, and to maintain social integration. This kind of function's display should take the reasonable difference as a foundation, so which needs the he social welfare system to maintain reasonable difference through the distribution of the system’s benefits. The negative function of social stratification can induce social class contradictory when the difference among members is too large, so which needs the he social welfare system to dispel the negative effect. Third, the result of the social stratification is a stable social class structure. There are three type of the social class structure: pyramid structure, olivary structure and deformed structure. The olivary structure is recognized the most scientific and reasonable social class structure. So in the construction of the olivary structure needs the social welfare system to bring up a huge middle class. Forth, the social welfare system can also maintain reasonable social mobility through certain operation details, such as orchestrating level, payment stipulation and so on.
     Based on the above knowledge combined with the actual situation of China’s social welfare system and the social stratification, the author think that the present social welfare system in our country have solidified the existing society stratification structure, and the present social stratification and its future development has modeled the development of the social welfare system. The present social welfare system in our country has solidified the existing society stratification structure, which is manifested in the social welfare system has co-rotating movement with the society stratification influencing factors. Meanwhile since China’s social welfare system exist old-new two stages alternating, which deepen this solidification. China current social stratification is impelled by market force and country force, which enlarge the disparity among different social class. There are two views about the development of social stratification, one is pessimistic, and another is optimistic, but whatever happens, the disparity among different class can be effectively adjust through the social welfare system. The present social stratification can affect the society welfare systems' object, system content, supplied way and so on. Therefore the author think that the social stratification has modeled the social welfare system.
     The reason why there is such a relationship exists between the social welfare system and social stratification is that both of them own“justice”. In social welfare system, the justice contains the order and pluralism in its deep meaning, and the justice in the social stratification is reflected as reasonable disparity, free movement and harmonious interaction. There exists certain conjunction between the two in the pursuit of "justice", that is the justice of the social welfare system should take the scientific and reasonable social stratification as its objective foundation, and the justice of the social stratification also needs the social welfare system to maintain and improve. But actually, because of the order and pluralism contained in the social welfare system, which cause its solidify the existing social stratification structure in the transition and the adjustment stage. But the author thinks that the social welfare system can reduce the disparity effectively in the future, and the existing features of social stratification and future developed demands can be fully shaped the social welfare system reform and improvement. So the author advocates that the social welfare system and the social stratification should interact with each other positively. The concrete manifestation is to establish and improve the social welfare system by taking the reasonable social stratification as a objective foundation, and to take the social welfare system as the main driving force to promote the scientific social stratification structure’s formation.
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