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    且是一种战略性的经济资源,是一个国家综合国力的有机组成部分。1997 年 1 月,
    联合国在《世界水资源综合评价报告》中指出,水问题将严重制约 21 世纪全球的经
     中国以世界上 6%的可更新水资源和 9%的耕地,支持了占全球 22%人口的温饱
    和经济发展,中国为世界水资源的供需平衡做出了贡献。中国是 13 个人均水资源占
    因此,寻求人口、经济、社会、环境相互协调的可持续发展之路,探讨 21 世纪水资
    水资源可持续利用指标体系及其评价方法研究。第四章根据 Peter Chen(1976)提出的
    RSWRS 系统选择,提出了 RSWRS 系统指标体系的概念框架。根据 Bossel 基本类定
    向指标评价和可持续发展思想,将 RSWRS 系统的各类指标划分为生存、能效、自由、
    安全、适应、共存等 6 个基本类定向指标,作为度量 RSWRS 系统发展状况的定
    指标理想集按最低水平、低水平、中等水平、高水平和最高水平 5 级标准确定。第五
    章基于 Bossel 评分标准,以参考状态的离差平方和最大法计算基本类定向指标权重,
    获得系统综合指数。最后依据 Bossel 星图法,提出了 RSWRS 系统发展态势的度量
    础,从寻求系统理想发展值出发,根据同步协调发展方程,以 RSWRS 系统中子系统
    研究和仿真运算。第七章根据 Matheson 模型和 Bossel 可持续发展度量标准,提出了
    RSWRS 系统公平性程度度量模型,包括公正程度、平等程度、满足需求程度模型,
    以公正程度、平等程度、满足需求程度的综合值反映 RSWRS 系统的公平性程度。第
    八章认为 RSWRS 系统可持续性度量包括 RSWRS 系统的发展态势、系统的协调性和
    系统的公平性。提出了 RSWRS 系统可持续性的度量模型,以人们习惯判定标准进行
    评定。第九章以 RSWRS 系统中子系统的各类定向指标指数值与可持续性等级,利用
    RSWRS 系统的可持续性评价。第十章概括总结了本文研究的主要成果、主要结论、
     ⒈根据 Bosse(1999)可持续发展影响因素分析,将水资源可持续利用的 8 个影响
    因素归结为水资源、社会经济、环境 3 个系统,以单位圆表示它们的发展空间,则水
    发展用水要求(数量、质量)的全部过程。这种水资源可持续利用的 3 环定义符合系
Water resources is not only bases of basic natural resource of controlling ecological
    environment and substance bases of all society development, but also is a strategical
    economical resource. It is also an important parts of a national comprehensive power.
    World water resources comprehensive assessment (1997.1) of United Nations reported that
    water crisis will seriously restrict global society and economy development in 21 century,
    and might lead to conflicts among countries. Now, national water crisis has not been solved
    for a long period of time, furthermore it is becoming to yield severe water crisis.
     China feed its population which account for 22% of world population with 6% of
    world fresh water and 9% of world arable area. So, China has made a great contribution to
    the world water supply and demand balance. It is one of thirteen water resources per capita
    shortage countries in the world. It’s water resources states are waterlogging, water shortage,
    water dirtiness and water pollution and ecological environment unbalance. Therefore,
    studying on harmonious sustainable development path among population, society,
    economy, environment and national stratagem of water resources and other scientific
    topics in relation to water resources in 21 century have become one of important research
    subjects which governments pay a great attention to in the world. Sustainable water
    resources are one of important multi-discipline comprehensive research fields in this
    century. Indicators system and assessment methods for sustainable utilization in relation to
    water resources are one of core subjects. At the present time, some works about the fields
    have been investigated and made some progress. These progress are very beneficial to
    perfect the indicators system and assessment methods for sustainable utilization in relation
    to water resource. But, generally speaking, the research in the fields is still in its primary
    research stage. So far, there has no a assessment indicators system which can be widely
    accepted by water resources experts. In this thesis, based on existing research states and
    main problems about the field at home and abroad, taking Shaanxi Province as research
    area, using sustainable development theory, we want to establish the indicators system of
    sustainable water resources and study assessment method of the indicators system.
     There are nine chapters in this thesis. Chapter one is about a comprehensive
    description of some progress and main shortcoming in sustainable development and
    indicators system of sustainable water resources at domestic and abroad, presents research
    contents and methods and technical ways. Chapter two presents sustainable water
    resources utilization system structure, including defining and basic research tasks and
    targets of sustainable water resources utilization system. Chapter three describes the
    general situation of natural geography and climate and society and economy and water
    resources utilization and environmental protection in Shaanxi Province. Chapter four
    selects indicators and presents the indicators system concept framework for sustainable
    water resources utilization system which consist of water resources society and economy
    and environment subsystem according to Entity-Relationship Approach (Peter Chen,1976).
    The sustainable water resources utilization system name as RSWRS system. Based on
    Bossel’s basic orientor indicators and sustainable development idea, these indicators are
    fallen into six categories basic orientor indicators, i.e. Existence, Effectiveness, Freedom
    of action, Security, Adaptability and Coexistence. Using benchmark selecting method and
    optimum selecting methods, this thesis gives the basic orientor indicators criterias which
    classified as the lowest level, low leve, middle leve, high leve and the highest level.
    Chapter five uses Bossel’s assessment criterias and deviation sum of squares with
    reference state of basic orientor indicators to determine the weight, bases on Bossel’s
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