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The main issue which is discussed in this paper is the mechanism theory on citizen political socialization. The focus of this dissertation is the theoretical research which is based on specifically expounding the structural elements, operating mechanism and functioning mechanism of citizen political socialization. The research on political socialization mechanism is mainly based on the need of society development and theoretical research. First, to deeply and effectively understand new demands of the society on citizen political socialization, it is necessary to closely examine the features and laws of operating mechanism and functioning mechanism which appear during the change of external environment and situations; only by doing so, can new features and developing space of citizen political socialization be grasped and broadened so as to strengthen the controllability and effectiveness of citizen political socialization. Second, the research on political socialization is both the content of political socialization and the emphasis of ideological and political education and citizen education. Ideological and political education is important channels for the political governing system to realize political socialization, important ways in which the dominating political ideology is put into effect, and the process of political socialization. The research on mechanism of citizen political socialization can directly deepen and push forward the development of citizen political socialization theories, so as to advance the development and improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education.
     Citizen political socialization mechanism stresses the interaction among various elements of political socialization, and the influence of this interaction on realizing the general aim of citizen political socialization. Based on comprehensively using the theory of citizenship, the theory of socialization, and the theory of economic mechanism design for reference, this paper puts forward mechanism theory on citizen political socialization, a theory which discusses whether one mechanism can be designed and developed so as to achieve a given aim in the process of citizen social socialization, when the citizen develops of their choice, and select of their own free will. The main issue of the theory is the feasibility and ways of designing and applying a mechanism of citizen political socialization for a given goal so as to make the will and choice of citizen and the aim of the educator identical.
     This theory tries to solve two basic issues: one is the system arrangement and dynamic structure of the mechanism of citizen political socialization; the other is the stimulus issue of the mechanism of citizen political socialization. Focusing on the solution of the two issues, this paper expounds five specific issues—the theoretical basis, the knowledge basis, the basic connotation and structure, the operating mechanism and supervision, and construction and realization. The research on the mechanism of citizen political socialization is a combined study of experiences and theories. By comparing the history, tradition, and changing features of ideological and political education between China and western countries, a specific methodological issue—the mechanism of citizen political socialization is segregated; the theory of citizen political socialization which can guide the citizen education and the practice of citizen political socialization is put forward in the way of combining experience and theoretical research.
     Marx and Engels didn’t expound the mechanism of citizen political socialization specially, but in the revolutionary theories the related theory of the mechanism of citizen political socialization is put forward. The nature of the theory of political socialization in Marxist classics is the theory of the revolutionary alliance; that is, the political education and campaign of the potential social classes should be conducted to win over as many alliances as possible, so more revolutionary forces can be united to conduct class struggle. At that time, the mechanism of citizen political socialization is the mechanism of the proletarian political socialization; how to strive for and form the revolutionary alliance was the realistic focus of Marx and Engels. The proletarian mechanism of political socialization is the systematic organization by Party agencies, whose motive force is satisfying and meeting the realistic and benefit demands of the masses of the people so as to liberate the globe. Lenin is the first revolutionist who combined the universal truth of Marxism with specific revolution practices. He is also a practical revolutionist in the issue of proletarian political socialization. In his view, Marxism is only a general guidance; different countries should apply it according to their different situations. The theory of mechanism of proletarian political socialization is a part of Mao Zedong Thought, and it is also the development of Marxism and Leninism. In Mao Zedong Thought, the revolutionary organization can be realized by the proletarian party; the political education of peasants—the important alliance of revolution—should be strengthened, which should be organized and conducted by the Chinese Communist Party. Since the era of Deng Xiaoping, contemporary citizen political socialization began to truly develop. From the angle of systematic structure, Deng Xiaoping put forward that we would mainly educate instead of launching campaigns.
     Citizen political socialization mechanism refers to the functioning mechanism and manifestation of elements of citizen political socialization, the interactive function and effective relation towards the given target in the process of citizen political socialization, under the condition of citizen’s development of their choice, and selection of their own free will, the designer of education having insufficient information, and the strategies being relatively dispersed. The research on the mechanism of citizen political socialization tries to find out the internal structure, organizing form and functioning method of citizen political socialization in both stable and changing political life. The mechanism of citizen political socialization focuses on the operating mechanism of the mechanism of citizen political socialization during the process of realizing the goal of citizen political socialization. The focus is the interaction between systematic arrangement and dynamic structure. The mechanism of citizen political socialization consists of two aspects: one is the systematic arrangement and dynamic structure of citizen political socialization; the other is functioning mechanism and operating process of the structure. Citizen political socialization has three features: the unity of subject and object, coordination and interaction, relative dependence, and balanced development.
     The structure of the mechanism of citizen political socialization consists of three basic elements--the systematic arrangement, the dynamic structure, and the interaction method. The structural element of citizen political socialization is in fact the organizing and operating method of the element of the mechanism of citizen political socialization, so the structure of the mechanism refers to the unity and interaction of systematic arrangement and dynamic structure which can stand and reconcile certain pressure from the external environment in the system of citizen political socialization. The nature of the mechanism is a complex which has the capability of openness, adaptability and self construction; it is visible carrier of realizing organizational manner and operating method of the mechanism; it can respond and adjust to the demand and support of external input; then it readjusts and revises former goals to suit the development of external environment and situation. On the whole, the structure of the mechanism of citizen political socialization is carrier of realizing citizen political socialization. The mechanism of citizen political socialization is the manifestation and functioning manner of the structure of the mechanism. Only the structure of the mechanism of citizen political socialization is fully understood, can the functioning process and operating mechanism of citizen political socialization be revealed.
     The systematic arrangement of the mechanism of citizen political socialization refers to a series of orderly and regular combination which is formed during the process of maintaining the operating of the system. The systematic arrangement is the basic framework of the mechanism, which supports the theory of the mechanism. The dynamic structure refers to the comprehensive forces which pushes the operating of citizen political socialization forward and ensures the elements of the mechanism to operate harmoniously. Such comprehensive forces are a new spiritual incentive and force which are stronger than the combination of the individual and collective forces; it is also an organic and effective part of the mechanism, and the internal impetus which ensures the operating of this mechanism. The dynamic structure of the mechanism is an organic structural system which consists of multiple elements, levels and aspects. It has three levels—the macroscopic level, the middle level, and the microscopic level. The systematic arrangement and dynamic structure are the two sides of the mechanism, so in nature they together serve and comply with the demand and goal of the operating of the mechanism, which decides their relationship that they interact, influence, and restrict each other. But it is also necessary for a certain organizational form to combine them organically. This is the interaction between the systematic arrangement and dynamic structure; they three constitute the basic elements of the mechanism of citizen political socialization.
     According to the functioning manner of the operating process of the mechanism, the mechanism of citizen political socialization has three operating manners: the first one is pushed forward by the government; the second is pushed forward by the citizen; the third is a two-way coupled functioning method which is pushed forward by the interactive function of both the government and the citizen. The first manner is mainly that an impetus which is formed by the state structure and system advances the operation of the whole citizen political socialization in order to cultivate qualified citizens who have modern citizen ideology and spirit, and citizen ability and responsibility. The second manner is that individual citizen or a group of citizens influence and put the state and society under pressure through certain campaigns and activities in order to have more citizen rights. The third manner lies in two main impetuses—the interaction between the state and the citizen, that they influence, compete with, and restrict each other; the state and the citizen influence and support each other, working together to realize the given goal of citizen political socialization.
     The implementation and regulation of citizen political socialization mechanism are the important links and procedures which ensure that the citizen political socialization can effectively achieve the given aim. The implementation refers to under the influence of systematic arrangement, elements of the dynamic structure, and their interaction, citizen political socialization mechanism centers on the given goals of mechanism to effectively and smoothly realize the given goals. The regulation of mechanism refers to the agencies and staff of the mechanism influence other elements through regulating the system; they also regulate and coordinate these elements in order to ensure that the activities of citizen political socialization go on towards a given goal and in the given range. Meanwhile, they ensure the activities and actions of citizen political socialization are approaching the goals and task which are designed by the educator through regulating the transmission and feedback of the system information.
     Supervision and evaluation of citizen political socialization guarantee that the mechanism can effectively function and achieve the given aim, so they are the important links in the process of successful implementation of citizen political socialization. The supervision refers to effectively monitoring and supervising the systematic arrangement, the dynamic structure, and their interaction so as to achieve the given goals. In the operating process of mechanism, the supervision and evaluation of the results aim at finding out problems, gaps and causes so as to achieve the given goals through revising, regulating, improving measures or putting forward new countermeasures.
     The construction of mechanism bases on the bettering the systematic arrangement, the dynamic structure, and their relationship. It has five aspects: reforming the educational concepts and deepening citizen education, perfecting the political system and enlarging orderly participation, perfecting the construction of educators and regulating agencies, quantifying the standard of evaluation and standardizing the system of norm, and sorting and combining the dynamic resources and enriching the educating methods.
     In a word , the research on citizen political socialization mechanism not only reserves the original connotation and denotation of“mechanism”, but also energizes“mechanism”with creativity. Integrating them give the issue of citizen political socialization both theoretical meaning and practical value. It not only offers the space for the theoretical development of the research on citizen political socialization, but also guides the implementation of citizen political socialization. Thus, the realistic and theoretical values of this paper are revealed.
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