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     在掌握大量国内外有关欧盟欧盟治理和公民社会等方面研究的资料和文献的基础上,本文从一个新的角度对欧盟治理的过程进行了较为深入的研究,把林肯关于民主的定义--民有、民治和民享(government of the people, by the people and for the people)--和内涵延伸到欧盟治理层面,着重探讨欧盟这一特殊政体内部如何通过公民及其组织对欧盟决策过程的参与来体现民治意义上的民主治理(governance by the people),以弥补欧盟民主合法性的不足,促进欧盟治理的实现。文章结构安排和主要观点如下:
     整体来看,欧洲公民社会组织的构成形态或结构基本上属于网络组织(network of networks)或伞形组织(umbrella organization, federation of federations),涉及到成千上万的社团组织,在各具有高度公众关注、政治显著性的政策和议题领域(社会政策、环境保护、健康和消费者权益)为公民提供了表达渠道,以集体的方式给社会中的弱者在政治体系中提供话语机会。这就说明公民社会组织已经在欧盟层面组织起来,维护弱势群体利益、实现公共利益,为公民提供了利益表达的一个平台和渠道。
     在主观的认知和能力方面,纵向来看,公民社会组织的政治行为不仅要受成员逻辑(logic of membership)的影响,还受到影响的逻辑(logic of influence)指导。欧盟机构和欧盟政策过程塑造了欧盟治理语境下的公民社会话语,也影响到公民社会组织对自身作用和功能的认识和界定。同时,公民社会组织也具备了与民族国家内部各类政治权威和其他利益团体斗争抑或是合作的能力,在超国家机构、国家机构的互动中积累了相当的经验,民主参与能力得到锻炼和培养,而其自我管理、自我规制能力也得到锻炼和提高。
Since the enactment Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the history of European integration steps on a new platform. After more than 50 years practice, The European. Union grows into a powerful institutional player, and gains more competence. The decision taken at the European Capital are increasingly influencing and changing the national political ecology as well the daily life of common people. Under the sui generis and complex circumstances of the EU, it is an urgent and severe problem, to accomplish the goal of effective governance, via social coordination, the participation of societal groups, and also scientific decision. However, the Union is sui generis system so that it could not simply duplicate the democratic system like the national states. The drawing back of the European political integration, in particular the failure of the EU Constitutional Treaty drive EU institutions to recognize the significance of respecting the public opinion, and of strengthening the participation of diversified societal actors in policy process. On the other hand, in modern society most of citizens could only participate in the political life through appropriate medium and representatives (such as political parties or interest groups), to articulate their interest and demand, rather than present themselves at the level of decision making. Civil society organizations are just such participatory channel for citizens. Under the framework of EU multilevel governance, civil society organizations as institutional representatives of various interests are active player in the European affaires.
     The thesis presents a new perspective on the European governance, namely, extending the Lincoln's definition on democracy (government of the people, by the people and for the people) to the European level. It is of great interest to investigate the potential contribution of European civil society organizations to the democracy in the sense of "governance by the people" in this specific polity of EU. The thesis proceeds as follows.
     CHAPTER 1 Historical Evolution of the Civil Society Theories
     The long tradition of the concept of Civil Society in Europe could trace back to ancient Greek and Roma times. Classical civil society theory regards civil society as civilized society that is opposite to the Barbarism society, and also political society composing citizens. In late medieval times, modern cities became into being with the development of east-west trade. With the view of protecting their own interest, the residents of cities voluntarily joined the guilds and associations, which could be viewed as enfant form of civil society organization. Hanseatic League in 13-15 century as a commercial and trade federation with political function also could be regarded as European civil society organization in some broad sense.
     In the eyes of enlightenment thinkers, such as Locke, Montesquieu, civil society equated to political society, namely the state. Hegel and Karl Marx separated civil society from political state, and civil society mainly referred to the economic relations.
     Contemporary theorists regard the civil society as a social sphere different form state (political sphere) and market (economic sphere), whilst the students of international relation turn to the civil society concept beyond the nation state, such as the global civil society and European civil society. In official documents and governance practice of the EU, the civil society concept also has undergone different stages, which represent the gradual transformation of role and function of civil society, also the relationship between the EU institutions and the civil society.
     CHAPTER 2 European Multilevel Governance: Historical and Institutional Background for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations
     After the Governance turn, the European Union turns into a diversified, multilevel network governance structure. European governance brings pluralist actors into its system, including EU institutions, national governments and administrative of member states, sub-national and local governments, political parties, NGOs, interest groups, media and public opinion, as well as the citizens of member states. Hence, with great openness and inclusiveness, the unique governance arrangement of EU offers civil society organizations an opportunity structure, and then becomes the institutional framework for the for the participation of civil society organizations.
     In recent years, EU institutions have recognized the need to establish a more coherent framework to improve their relation with civil society actors. This holds true, in particular, for the supranational institutions of the EU, above all the European Commission (EC). The European Parliament (EP) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) have been very active in bringing the civil society organizations into the policy making, which offers access and possibility for various societal actors.
     CHAPTER 3 Historical Development and the Status Quo of European Civil Society Organizations
     In pre-EU time in Europe, as part of political life in nation states, civil society groups bear territorial, political and cultural imprint, which serves as deep-rooted social embeddedness of today's civil society organizations.
     Since the establishment of European Community, Civil Society Organizations appeared at European level and evolve with the development of European Integration. At the early period, European organizations on workers and consumer were established. Since the Maastricht Treaty the number of Community level organizations increased fast, the range of their activities got widened. In Recent 10 years, beyond the increased number and issue areas, there is a trend of professionalization in the European Civil Society Organizations.
     In terms of the organizational structure, European Civil Society Organizations come under the category of network of networks or umbrella organization, federation of federations, involving thousands of organizations and associations. They are active at high salient policy areas, such as social policy, environment protection, health and consumer, etc. Thus, they offer channel for citizens, give voice to the weaker in society in a manner of collective action. In other words, civil society has been organized on European level.
     CHAPTER4 Political Participation of European Civil Society Organizations: incentives, diversified channels and patterns
     Regarding the incentives for the Participation of European civil society organizations, there are favorable external environment and conditions, and also incentives based on subjective cognition and capability of the civil society actors themselves. For the former factor, EU institutions, above all the European Commission, European Parliament and European Economic and Social Committee, recognized the potential contribution of civil society actors to EU politics in a series of policy documents and treaties, and take various effective measures to involve the civil society into the policy process. For this purpose, the consultation and dialogue mechanisms with civil society organization have been strengthened, and thus set up legal basis and institutional guarantee for participation of European civil society organizations.
     In terms of the subjective factor, civil society organizations are subject to the logic of membership and the logic of influence. EU institutions together with the policy process shaped the civil society discourse under the background of EU governance, and this influences the cognition of civil society organizations on their own role and function. Moreover, civil society organizations gain experience of interacting with supranational institutions and governments, and thus are equipped with capabilities of competing and cooperating with other institutions and interest groups. In short, European civil society organizations have acquired capabilities of democratic participation, self-management and self-regulation in practice.
     There are diversified channels for civil society organizations to engage in the European governance: direct participation in policy process, such as consultation, dialogue and feedback etc.; indirect influence on the decision-making, such as lobbying, demonstration, campaign etc. In addition, it is another strategy influencing the policy process for civil society organizations to take part in the interactive network of the EU e-government.
     CHAPTER 5 Assessment Participation of European Civil Society Organizations in European Multilevel Governance
     As one institutionalized channel of interest intermediation of citizen groups, civil society organizations are active players in EU governance. It is the expectation of EU institutions and academia to eliminate the democratic deficit via involvement of European civil society organizations.
     Civil society organizations serve as school of democracy, offering citizens necessary training, knowledge and experience. That is to say, civil society organizations bear the function of socialization. In the European governance structure, civil society organizations also take the role of organizing social life, adding legitimacy to the public institution and the governance structure. They motivate, encourage and facilitate the alienated individuals to engage in politics. As a result, the workload of public institution would be reduced, and the solidarity among citizens strengthened.
     In the democratic life of the EU, participation of European Civil Society Organization equate to "governance by the people". In the democratic representation system of the EU, on one hand, civil society organization is important constituency, since they represent the citizens on supranational level, and monitor the political process to make the decision maker accountable. In EU participatory democracy, on the other hand, civil society organizations are foremost actors. Under the framework of European governance, representative democracy and participatory democracy complement each other, thus constitute EU democratic life. Under such circumstances, civil society organizations comprise the source of democratic legitimacy. Nonetheless, the civil society organizations only acquire voice rather than vote in European governance, and their influence on the politics is rather weaker than economic interest groups.
     To be sure, EU governance offers societal actors including European civil society organizations political opportunity structure, channeling their interests and opinions heard on EU institutions. Hence, civil society organizations and common people could actively join the policy process of the EU, rather than passively respond to the policies. Such practice would influence the cognition of the European citizens on the Union, and this may contribute to the further European identity.
①见Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1995.
    ② (Kooiman 1993:2)
    ③原文为:Governing, has to be organized in a way to "enhance the independent adaptive, reactive, and problem-solving capacities of societal actors, which means to motivate and to enable them to react purposefully at any moment of changing conditions" (Mayntz 1993:15:Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1995).
    ① Kohler-Koch 2005
    ②基欧汉/奈 2003:11
    ③ Kohler-Koch and Eising 1999: 14;Kohler-Koch 2005
    ⑤转引自俞可平 2002。
    ① Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2006
    ④这个名词能够较好地概括社会角色对于欧盟事务的参与机制,由科勒-科赫教授和齐特尔倡导和运用。见Zittel 2007; Kohler-Koch 2007
    ②相关的论述如Kohler-Koch 1999; Jachtenfuchs;吴志成2003;科勒-科赫2006;Zimmer 2007; Kohler-Koch 2008d
    ④ Kohler-Koch 1999
    ⑤ Kohler-Koch 2006
    ⑥对于公开协调方式这一治理方式的“软”特性的论述,见Bierhoff and Shahin 2005;Smismans 2006; Benz 2007; Brandson 2008; Moeller 2010; de la Porte and Nanz 2007; March and Olsen 2008:192。
    ① Finke 2007;Zimmer 2007;Zimmer and Sittermann 2005;Peeters 2003;Kohler-Koch 2005:2008b
    ② Zimmer 2007;Saurugger 2007
    ③ March and Olsen1995:2
    ①这些指标是罗伯特·达尔在他的著作On Democracy和Democracy and its Critics中提出的,原文为“Before a policy is adopted, all the members the of the association must have equal and effective opportunities for making their views about should-be policy known to the other members.When the decision finally being made, every member must have an equal and effective opportunity to vote, and all votes must be counted as equal. Within reasonable limits as to time, each member must have equal and effective opportunities for learning about the relevant alternative policies and their likely consequences. The members must have the exclusive opportunity to decide how and, if they choose, what matters are to be placed on the agenda. Thus the democratic process required by the... preceding criteria is never dosed. The policies of the association are always open to change by the members, if they so choose. All, or at any rate most, adult permanent residents should have the full rights of citizens that are implied by the first four criteria."需要强调的是平等有效的机会 (equal and effective opportunities)在整个过程中非常重要。见Dahl 1989:37
    ② Jachtenfuchs 1997
    ③ Jachtenfuchs 1997
    ④ Hueller and Kohler-Koch 2008: Hueller 2008
    ⑤ "Europa erscheint uns als Hort der Demokratie". In Hartmut Kaelble.2001:Wege Zur Demokratie,von der Franzoesischen Revolution zur Europaeische Union.
    ⑥ Lipset 1960:77
    ⑦ Jachtenfuchs 1997; Jachtenfuchs, Diez and Jung 1998; Smismans 2004
    ① Beetham 1991
    ② Jachtenfuchs, Diez and Jung 1998; Parkinson 2003
    ③ Kohler-Koch et al 2004
    ④原文‘'Das Demokratiedefizit der Europaeische Union ist zu eineim Dauervorwurf an die Bruesseler Kommissare geworden".In Kaelble.2001. Wege Zur Demokratie,von der Franzoesischen Revolution zur Europaeische Union.
    ⑤相关的论述如Majone1998;Lord 2003; Follesdal and Hix 2005;Holzhacker 2007; Wiener 2007; Ehin 2008; Eriksen and Fossum 2010; Majone 2010.
    ⑥原文为"the growing democratic expectations that came with political integration, combined with institutions—he European Parliament in particular—hat can and should be measured according to democratic norms. "见 Warren 2009。
    ① Schardf 1999
    ② Follesdal and Hix2005
    ③ Mair and Thomassen 2010
    ④ Zimmner 2007
    ⑤ Habermas 1992; Zimmer 2007
    ①相关论述见Abromeit 1998; Lord 1998; Weiler 1995; Kohler-Koch 1999
    ②来自欧盟官方网站对民主赤字的术语解释。原文为:The democratic deficit is a concept invoked principally in the argument that the European Union and its various bodies suffer from a lack of democracy and seem inaccessible to the ordinary citizen because their method of operating is so complex. The view is that the Community institutional set-up is dominated by an institution combining legislative and government powers (the Council of the European Union) and an institution that lacks democratic legitimacy (the European Commission).At every stage of the European integration process, the question of democratic legitimacy has become increasingly sensitive. The Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice Treaties have triggered the inclusion of the principle of democratic legitimacy within the institutional system by reinforcing the powers of Parliament with regard to the appointment and control of the Commission and successively extending the scope of the co-decision procedure. 见 http://europa.eu/scadplus/glossary/democratic_deficit_en.htm
    ③ Warleigh 2003:2
    ④ Armstrong 2002
    ⑤ Maloney and van Deth 2008:3
    ⑥ Peeters 2003
    ① Smismans 2007
    ② polycentric system of directly-deliberative polyarchy, or what is the same,'as a multilevel, large-scale and multi-perspectival polity based on the notions of a disaggregated democratic subject and patterns of diverse and dispersed democratic authority'.Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum. Europe's Challenge: Reconstituting Europe or Reconstituting Democracy?, http://www.reconproject.eu/main.php/EriksenFossum Paper RECONworkshop Mar09.pdf?fileitem=5423278>
    ③ Weber 1913
    ④ Zimmer 2007
    ⑤ Zimmer and Sittermann 2005
    ⑥ Kohler-Koch 1999,2008;Zimmer 2007
    ①见英文版《里斯本条约》(Treaty of Lisbon Amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishing the European Community).
    ③ Finke 2007; Kohler-Koch 2007
    ④ Peeters 2003:Zimmer and Sittermann 2005; Zimmer 2007; Finke 2007; Kohler-Koch 2005,2008b,2010
    ①见网站ISI web of knowledge.
    ②指European Framework Programme,是欧盟委员会对于科学研究的资助和支持计划,每4年为一个周期。自从1994年的第4次框架计划开始,对于人文和社会科学方面的研究进入欧盟资助的范围。在从1994到2006年间,受到资助的有关欧盟治理(EU governance)的课题为73项,参与课题研究的大学和科研机构751家,资助总额仅第5、6次计划就接近6300万欧元(数据见Larat and Schneider 2009, Trends and Patterns in Governance Research).
    ③ Zimmer 2007; Zimmer and Freise 2008:20
    ④ Zimmer 2007
    ⑤ Flora 1986
    ① Rosenau and Czempiel 1992
    .Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1995
    ⑥ Consortia英文原意为大财团、大鳄。而布鲁塞尔的公民社会组织由于规模比较大,涵盖了诸多组织、会员总数也就非常可观,因而,称之为公民社会中的大鳄也不为过。
    ① Eisele 2005;Peeters 2003
    ② Greenwood 2007; Ruzza 2004
    ③ Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007; Kohler-Koch, Humrich and Finke 2006
    ① Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007;Kohler-Koch 2008b;2008c; 2010
    ② Della Porta 2007: Ruzza 2004; Ruzza 2007; Ruzza 2005
    ③ Sudbery 2010
    ④ Finke 2007
    ⑤ Eising 2007;Steffek and Smismans 2007
    ⑥ Ruzza and Bozzini 2008; Bozzini 2007
    ⑦ Steffek and Nanz 2007
    ⑧ Lane 2010, Pleines 2010; Sissenich 2010; Kutter and Trappmann 2010
    ⑨ Zittel 2008; Kohler-Koch, De Bievre and Maloney 2008
    ①"Arguing other than bargaining", arguing与bargaining的区别在于,arguing是一个经过协商达成共识的过程,而bargaining则是零和游戏,是参与者对利益分配的讨价还价,A之得即是B之失。
    ② Kohler-Koch 1997: Kohler-Koch 2005b
    ③ Smismans 2003
    ④ Sanchez-Salgado 2007
    ⑤ Quittkat and Finke 2007; Kohler-Koch and Buth 2009; Persson 2007; Kohler-Koch, Humrich and Finke 2006.
    Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007
    ⑥ Fossum and Trenz 2006
    ⑦ Heinelt 2007; De Schutter 2002
    ⑧ Liebert and Trenz 2009
    ⑨ Rittbereer 2009:Trenz2009
    ⑩ Greenwood 2007
    11 Mavrikos-Adamou2010
    12 Friedrich 2007; Hueller 2008; Kohler-Koch, Humrich and Finke 2006
    13 Kohler-Koch2007a;Kohler-Koch 2007b
    ①最主要的是科勒-科赫教授对此方面的研究。见Kohler-Koch 2002; 2006;2007a;2007b;2008b;2008c;2008d;2009; 2010
    ① Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2006:28
    ② Mayntz 2004;Zimmer 2007; Finke 2007
    ① James G March and Johan P. Olsen.2005.Elaborating the new Institutionalism. ARENA Working paper No.11 1对于新制度主义的论述还可见于March and Olsen 1989,1995,2006;Kohler-Koch 2005c.
    ② Habermas 1996: 359, Between Facts and Norms, Cambridge: Polity Press.
    ③ Habermas 1996: 367
    ①有关参与式民主的详细论述见Zittel and Fuchs 2007;Finke 2007
    ① Pitkin 1967:9
    ② Pollak et al 2009
    ③ Eriksen and Fossum 2008
    ④ Smismans 2004
    ⑤ Kohler-Koch et al 2004
    ⑥Kohler-Koch 2008c;Kohler-Koch 2008d
    ① Habermas 1992:443
    ② Cohen & Arato 1994
    ③ Kocka 2002:16
    ④见Zimmer 2007.安奈特·季默女士(Annette Zimmer)是德国明斯特大学教授,任职于社会政策和政治学系,是国际第三部门学会的主席团成员(International Society of Third Sector Research, ISTR)。主要研究方向为非盈利部门、公民社会等,领衔多项有关第三部门、非盈利组织与欧盟治理研究课题,其作品在欧盟治理和公民社会领域有一定地位和影响。
    ⑤ Bourgeois 2005
    ① Salamon 1994
    ③ Anheier et al 2001:21
    ① "The core elements of civil society in his view, the non-stateliness of civil society, its autonomy towards public institutions, the market and the private sphere, its autonomous civic values, its decentralized characters and its link to the public-are conceivable for the European as well as for the national level". 见 Kaelble 2004,转引自Gudrun Eisele.2005: European civil society-a glance at recent literature.
    ②具体论述见Armstrong 2002, Bourgeois 2005
    ① "the sum of all organizational structures whose members have objectives and responsibilities that are of general interest and who also act as mediators between the public authorities and citizens "(EESC 1999,7.1)。
    ② -"the so-called labor-market players, i.e. the social partners;-organizations representing social and economic players, which are not social partners in the strict sense of the term;-NGOs (non-governmental organizations) which bring people together in a common cause,such as environmental organizations, human rights organizations, consumer associations,charitable organizations, educational and training organizations, etc.;-CBOs (community based organizations, i.e. organizations set up within society at grassroots level which pursue member-oriented objectives), e.g. youth organizations,family associations and all organizations through which citizens participate in local and municipal life;-Religious communities." (EESC 1999: 8.1)
    ③ Zimmer and Sittermann 2005; Zimmer 2007
    ④ Civil dialogue这一概念1996年由欧盟委员会的社会事务总司提出,强调社会部门中欧盟机构与NGo建立紧密对话伙伴关系的重要性。
    ① Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007; Kohler-Koch 2001; Finke 2007, Zimmer and Sittermann 2005
    ② Zimmer and Sittermann 2005
    ① "a direct contribution to the'Action Plan for Better Regulation'" (Communication 2002:1.)
    ②原文为'facilitators of a broad policy dialogue" (Communication 2002)
    ③ as offering a good platform to change policy orientations and society... and (as) a real change to get citizens more actively involved in achieving the Union's objectives and to offer them a structured channel for feedback,criticism and protest" (Communication 2002)
    ④ Zimmer 2007
    ③原文为"the institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society" (EU Constitutional Treaty, Article Ⅰ-47)。
    ① http://ec.europa.eu/civil_society/interest_groups/definition_en.htm 于 2010-7-17。
    ②"activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions", COM 2006: COM 2007。
    ③ COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION European Transparency Initiative, A framework for relations with interest representatives (Register and Code of Conduct), {SEC(2008) 1926}
    ①Wallace et al 2005:3
    ③Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1995
    ③Kohler-Koch 2005c: 40
    ① Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1996:15-44; Maurer 2003:345
    ② Peterson 1995; Kohler-Koch 1999:14; Wessels 1997:269; Maurer 2003:346
    ③ Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 1995; Kohler-Koch 1999; Benz and Zimmer 2010
    ⑤ Kohler-Koch 2006
    ① Finke 2007
    ② Hooghe and Marks 2001;Marks and Hooghe 1996
    ③ Neshkova 2008
    ④ Kohler-Koch 2005c: 39;Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2009
    ⑤ Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2009
    ⑧ Kohler-Koch 1996:371
    ②相关论述见Kohler-Koch 1999;吴志成2003;Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 2004:94; Kohler-Koch 2005c科勒-科赫2006:Zimmer 2007: Kohler-Koch 2008d
    ③ Marks and Hooghe 1996:18
    ⑤ Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2009
    ① Kohler—Koch 1999;2005
    ② Kohler-Koch 2008d
    ③ Neyer2002
    ② Warleigh 2003
    ① Andersen and Eliassen 2004
    ① Zimmer 2007
    ① Zimmer 2007
    ② New Oxford American Dictionary (Second Edition, Erin McKean (editor), May 2005, Oxford University Press).
    ③ Wessels 1997
    ④ Zimmer 2007: Pankoke 2004
    ⑤ Utopian socialism.19世纪中叶的政治和哲学思潮。法国的夏尔·傅立叶(Charles Fourier)和圣西门(克劳德·亨利德鲁弗鲁瓦,圣西门伯爵Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon)英国的欧文(Robert Owen)为空想社会主义有名的代表,他们揭露了资本主义制度的罪恶,主张以新的和谐的互助的制度来代替资本主义制度。
    ⑥ Fabianism,英国的工人社会主义的派别,其主张重在务实的社会建设,倡导建立互助互爱的社会服务。
    ⑦ Anarchism,它的基本立场是反对包括政府在内的一切统治和权威,提倡个体之间的自助关系,关注个体的自由和平等;它的政治诉求是消除政府以及社会上或经济上的任何独裁统治关系。无政府主义的工联主义思想在西班牙和意大利的影响比较大。
    ⑧ Archaumbault 1997:20
    ① Kaelble 2004: Eisele 2005
    ① Kaelble 2004: Eisele 2005
    ① Kohler-Koch 2004
    ③ Kohler-Koch et al 2006;Kohler-Koch and Finke,2007; Kohler-Koch,2008a
    ④ Kohler-Koch,2008a
    ① Kohler-Koch and Finke,2007;Nowicki,1996
    ② Kohler-Koch,2008a
    ③ Kohler-Koch and Finke.2007
    ④ Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007
    ① "Consultation, the European Commission and the Civil Society"的缩写,2001-2007年间欧盟委员会设立的与公民社会咨询有关的网站,2008年由新的登记系统代替。
    ① Gomlneyl986;Ringquist et al 2003;Neshkova 2008
    ② Helfferich and Kolb 2001
    ① Lehmann and Bosche 2003
    ② Promote the "autonomous input of other civil society organizations at a European, national, and local level, to the work of the European Institutions", "encourage and promote a transparent and structured civil dialogue that is accessible, properly facilitated, inclusive, fair, and respectful of the autonomy of NGOs"。见CSCG的主页,http://www.act4europe.org/code/en/default.asp。 2008-11-20。
    ③ The Platform of European Social NGOs是欧洲社会政策部门的非政府组织之间的联盟。见http://www.socialplatform.org/.26 December 2009 promote the interests of all blind and partially-sighted people in Europe")见http://www.euroblind.org/fichiersGB/orga.html.26 December 2009
    ① CEDAG是国家和地区性的公民社会联合会的网络组织,它“在欧洲层面特定议题上为非营利部门发出声音”("voice for the non-profit sector at the European level on specific issues")见http://www.cedag-eu.org/index.php?page=presentation&hl=en_US.26 December 2009
    ② Kaelble 2004:Eisele 2005
    ③ NaBmacher 2002:86; Weber 1977:216
    ④ Losche 2007; Leif and Speth 2006:64
    ①全权会员是活跃在公共健康领域的非政府组织,而协同组织则是其他非营利组织、专业团体、学术机构及区域性地方性的公共机构。http://www.epha.org/r/14, retrieved on 10 June 2009.
    ②这些数字是经过仔细审查EPHA的会员构成情况后确定的,见http://www.epha.org/r/14,10 June 2009.具体而言,在欧盟成员国中,拥有其会员的密集度最高的国家有:比利时18家,英国16家,法国7家。这表明欧盟范围内EPHA会员组织分布的不平衡。
    ③ http://www.env-health.org/r/27, retrieved on 11 June 2009.
    ④ http://www.env-health.org/r/103, http://www.env-health.org/IMG/pdf/Brochure_HEA_003-06_OK.pdt; retrieved on 11 June 2009.
    ⑤ http://www.chemicalshealthmonitor.org/spip.php?rubriquel, retrieved on 11 June 2009.
    ⑥ http://www.env-health.org/r/145, retrieved on 11 June 2009.
    ① Kohler-Koch1997; Kohler-Koch 1999; Eising and Kohler-Koch 1999; Kohler-Koch 2005b
    ① "chosen intermediary between the EU institutions and organised civil society". http://www.eesc.europa.eu/?i=portal.en.liai son-group.
    ② Kohler-Koch 1997; Hooghe and Marks 2001; Jachtenfuchs and Kohler-Koch 2003; Kohler-Koch 2005b; Nentwich 1996; Obradovic and Vizcaino2005; Eising 2005
    ③ Justin Greenwood是伦敦经济学院(LSE)知名学者,近年来主要研究领域是欧盟政策过程中组织起来的利益团体(organized interests)及其影响,其中包括经济协会和公民社会组织
    ④ Greenwood 2003
    ①'the principle of participatory democracy'requesting the EU institutions "to maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society" (CT Art.Ⅰ-47,2)
    1. "The Union Institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views on all areas of Union action.
    2. The Union Institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society.
    3. The Commission shall carry out broad consultations with parties concerned in order to ensure that the Union's actions are coherent and transparent.
    4. No less than one million citizens coming from a significant number of Member States may invite the Commission to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing this Constitution. A European law shall determine the provisions for the specific procedures and conditions required for such a citizens'initiative."
    ①里斯本条约相关条款原文:8A 3. "Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union. Decisions shall be taken as openly and as closely as possible to the citizen."
    8B"1. The institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action. 8B 2. The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society."
    ① Greenwood 2003:27
    ① Steffek et al 2008:7;Kohler-Koch 2007
    ① Maurer 2003
    ② Tommel 2010
    ③ De Schutter 2002
    ① "Activities with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision making process of the European institutions" (COM 2006).
    ② Gudguen 2007:135; Charrad 2008
    ① lobby planet这个名称是由欧洲一公民社会组织一欧洲企业观察员(Corporate Europe Observatory, CEO)创造的,意为布鲁塞尔就像《孤独星球》这本旅游指南一样为“旅游者”提供路线。见Kristina Charrad.2008. Lobbying and European civil society.
    ② O'Connor 1997
    ① Lehmann and Bosche 2003
    ① 网址为http://europa.eu/
    ② http://ec.europa.eu/civil_society/accueil_en.htm
    ③ http://europa.eu/debateeurope/index_en.htm
    ① Krasner 1982; Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007
    ① Youne and Everitt 2004: Rektor 2002
    ② Cohen 2001
    ③ Because the member organization under a CSO is composed of individual citizens, or in other words their grassroots are individual citizens, we can say that this kind of organization also is indirectly made up of citizens, of course with some distance. So this membership can be defined as an indirect membership of individual citizens.
    ④ World Bank 1995; Holloway 1998
    ① Cammaerts 2006
    ① Fossum and Trenz 2006
    ① Peeters 2003
    ② Cammaerts 2006
    ③ Fossum and Trenz 2006;Fossum and Trenz 2005
    ① Kohler-Koch, Humrich and Finke 2006; Kohler-Koch 2007,2008: Maloney and van Deth 2008:4
    ② Zimmer and Freise 2008:22
    ③ Warleigh 2001
    ① Mittag 2004,转引自伍慧萍 2008
    ② Warleigh 2001
    ③ Zimmer 2007
    ① Eisele 2005
    ② Warleigh 2001
    ③ Trenz 2009
    ④ Boerzel 2010;Pleines 2010;Sissenich 2010;Kutter and Trappmann 2010
    ⑤ Zimmer 2004:11
    ⑥参见Kohler-Koch 2008b;Kohler-Koch 2008c
    ①Sudbery 2003
    ①参见Greenwood 2004:146
    ②相关论述见Abromeit 1998; Zimmer 2004; Finke 2007; Charrad 2005; Kohler-Koch 2008b;Kohler-Koch 2010
    ③ Trenz 2006
    ① Scharpf 1999:1
    ② Sudbery 2003
    ③佩特曼 2006
    ①Pitkin 1967:114,转引自Beate Kohler-Koch 2010。
    ② Eriksen and FoSSum 2008
    ③ Smismans 2004
    ④ Kohler-Koch et al 2004; March and Olsen 1989
    ①详见Rittberger 2007; Lord 2007; Pollack 2009; Benz 2008:Trenz 2009
    ② Kohler-Koch.2008b
    ③ Greenwood 2007; Nanz and Steffek 2005; Huller 2007; Kohler-Koch and Finke 2007; Friedrich 2007
    ① Dahl 1989: 115
    ② Tocqueville 1830,1963:199
    ① Lane 2006; Heinelt 2005
    ④见讨论文件《委员会与非政府组织》(The Commission and Non-Governmental Organisations)第7页(?) Dialogue between the European Commission and NGO is an important complement to the institutional process of policy-shaping. The specific value of these consultations derives from the Commission's right of initiative. Timely consultation with all stakeholders at an early stage of policy-shaping is increasingly part of the Commission's practice of consulting widely, in particular before proposing legislation, to improve policy-design and to increase efficacy. (COM 2003;2007)
    ① Group2a 2001
    ②参见Bouven 2004
    ① Dahl 1994
    ② nmmel 2010;Kohler-Koch 2007a,2007b;Kohler-Koch 2010
    ① Dahl 1956:149-151,转引自卡罗尔·佩特曼:《参与和民主理论》2006:14
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