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This artic begin from the position, character and the investment theory of the expressway. Analyzes the first character of expressway is the public welfare and basement; the second is economic character of merchandise. Because of the character of public welfare, the expressway needs investment of the government; But for the shortage of the money and the expressway needs too much money, now the government can only supply 25% of the investment. For the character of merchandise, it should absorb all sorts of investment, especially use the money of social fund. Today more and more basement projects absorb money in the capital market. Because the expressway develop speed is faster than GDP and the profit of it is mainly in the late period, So in developing district, especially in chongqing district, financing is more difficult. The article introduce all kinds of succeed financing experiences of expressway in the world. Different country use different methods. Some mainly depend on government investment, some main
    ly depend on capital market, some use all kinds of methods. But if one country develop its expressway on capital market, it must develop faster. Then the artic analyzes the theory of project investment and economic evaluation, and ChongQing expressway present development situation, plan and problem about investment and financing. Then take out some measures of expressway financing in ChongQing district. We should open three main financing channel, The first is government investment. Besides traditional way, we should develop land rent; absorb the country government investment of land occupied by expressway. The second is use the bank loan under the present good macroscopic environment. The third is use social fund: use BOT to absorb co-operation partner, this is a important method chongqing should choose today in developing expressway; Use TOT to absorb more money; Issue the expressway bond and share;. In the end, the article uses the theory of investment and economic evaluation to analyze the YL project as
    a sample. The analyzing proves the expressway's character of huge scale investment and long period of recouping investment. Also it proves this method is the best method to absorb money for developing expressway in chongqing district.
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