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     针对目前产品生命周期管理系统(Product Lifecycle Management System, PLMS)中信息管理粒度过大的问题,从机械产品的生命周期、设计结构层次和设计结构分解三个维度,详细分析了产品组成信息的内容、信息的载体及信息间的关系,提出了设计结构元和功能面概念,以产品、机构、构件、零件、设计结构元及功能面为信息描述的核心,为机械产品生命周期信息的表达提供了载体,并在此基础上建立了三维的生命周期统一信息模型;以本体为信息描述工具,根据机械产品的特点,建立了具有机械产品信息特点的类、关系和属性的模型;构建了机械产品生命周期信息本体核心视图,为机械产品信息的表示奠定了基础。
     结合机械产品设计结构层次化的特点,提出设计结构层次实例库模型,支持基于实例推理(Case-Based Reasoning, CBR)的产品设计知识重用。在分析了实例库的需求及特点的前提下,对机械产品设计实例的表示方法及实例库的组织结构进行了研究。提出了基于本体和属性决策表的实例表示方法和机械产品设计层次实例库的组织结构。根据机械产品生命周期模型和设计层次实例库的需求,设计了机械产品信息数据仓库的层次组织结构;并在此基础上,利用数据集市技术构建机械产品设计结构的层次实例库,为高效率的机械产品设计知识的发现和重用奠定了基础。
     针对于PLM系统中对产品设计结构信息描述的缺失,分析了机械产品三维模型的描述方法,从三维产品的基于边界的表示(Boundary Representation,B-Rep)模型中提取组成零件的面、边信息,从装配模型中提取设计结构及其联接关系信息,通过构造设计结构元、零件、构件、机构、产品各个层次结构的属性联接图(Attribute Adjacent Graph,AAG),与设计结构AAG子图库中的AAG子图相匹配,实现设计结构的自动识别;在子图匹配过程中,提出基于知识引导的匹配算法,压缩了子图匹配空间,提高了匹配的质量和效率;构建了基于本体的设计结构知识库和设计结构AAG子图库,利用本体对概念的无二义定义和开放式的架构,为设计结构知识库的扩充提供了基本框架。
     根据基于规则推理(Rule-Based Reasoning, RBR)和基于实例推理(CBR)的各自的优缺点,取长补短,提出了一种CBR-RBR混合推理策略应用于机械产品设计结构相似实例的修改,为基于CBR的机械产品设计的实例自动修改提供了思路。
Confronting the challenges of globally increasingly competitive market, innovation and speedy design of mechanical products have become the focus of competition among enterprises, while, knowledge is the fundamental resource of product designs.
     The Enterprises have to transit their development focus to the management of product design information in response to the quick and innovation product design, i.e. effectively build up the product design information for reutilization.
     This thesis took the advantage of case-based reasoning, integrated mechanical products hierarchy design, conducted an intensive research on five aspects of mechanical product design information management, including the representation and integration of products lifecycle information, construction of hierarchy design case database, automatic recognition of product design structures, index and modification of similar cases. The significance of this research is to eliminate the "isolated information resources" phenomena essentially, enhance the reuse of accumulated information, and advance the mechanical product innovation and speedy design.
     To solve the problem of oversized granularity of information management in Product Lifecycle Management(PLM), we comprehensively analyzed the relations among the contents of product components, information carriers and information itself from three dimensions of lifecycle, structure hierarchy of designs, and disintegration of design structure, We then put forward the conception of design structure unit and function surface, It is product、mechanism、component、part、design structure unit and function surface which The cores information described, which provide the carrier for representation of product design intension and schematic information. Finally, we established unified3-D whole lifecycle information modeling.
     According to the mechanical product features, using ontology technology information representation method, we built the class-relation-attribute modeling which possesses mechanical product information characteristic. Furthermore, we brought out the product lifecycle information ontology that layed the foundation for information representation.
     we utilized the advantages of case-based reasoning and the feature of layering mechanical product design structure, and built up the mechanical product design hierarchal case database model. According to requirements and features of case library, we describe the case upon ontology and decision table, and design the hierarchical of structure mechanical products design case database. The information of mechanical products is gathered through data mart, and the hierarchal structure case library is established, for knowledge discovered and reused lays the foundation.
     In solving the problem of the lack of descriptive information for product design structure in the PLMS, we analyzed3-D mechanical product model descriptive procedure, extracted the surface, edge information from3-D product B-REP model and the structure of design and topological relations from the assemble model. The design contracture auto recognition system was developed by the technology of matching the unit, parts, component, mechanism and product level structure associated graph (AAG) and AAG sub-graph. During the process of sub-graph matching, we developed knowledge based matching algorithm, compressed the sub-graph matching space, and enhanced the matching quality and efficiency. We also structured the ontology design knowledge database and AAG sub-graph database, provided basic frameworks for expansion of the design structure database utilized that ontology dictates conception and open infrastructure of ontology.
     Through reduction based on rough set theory,we Remove redundant properties of mechanical product cases. For the successive value of partial attributes we come up with successive attributes discretization method based on the combination of rough set knowledge classification approach and expert experience, which ensured the compatibility of decision table and engineering significance of attributes. For fuzzy case decision table of condition attributes, we listed four model of case retrieval and applied fuzzy similarity calculation method. We come up with similarity calculation method of multiple fuzzy attribute cases that is a nearest neighbor algorithm by adding correlation parameters. The quality of similar fuzzy case retrieval is improved by using the algorithm.
     After fully considered the pros and cons of rule based reasoning (RBR) and case based Reasoning (CBR), we draw on each other's merits and put forward a CBR-RBR integrated reasoning strategy which applied on the modification of similar mechanical structure and provided a new approach which can automatically modify CBR mechanical design.
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