SOPC Plus协同设计架构及在AMT中的应用研究
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     (1)提出了基于SOPC技术、硬件构件技术和量子平台技术的SOPC Plus协同设计架构
     该架构用SOPC技术解决软硬件设计分离问题、设计者的创新能力、想象力和优化设计能力受限问题及运算能力不足问题;以硬件构件技术解决硬件设计缺乏重用支持问题;以量子平台的事件驱动架构、软件总线技术和代码自动生成技术解决软件开放性层次和软件质量不高问题。上述技术的有机结合,使SOPC Plus架构不但继承了SOPC的所有优点,而且将硬件系统设计从芯片级解决方案升级为电路板级解决方案,将软件系统从顺序控制模型升级为事件驱动编程模型,形成了“五层/三总线/一平台”的一体化协同设计架构。不但可以解决当前汽车电子开发中的不足,对其他嵌入式系统的开发也有借鉴作用。
     汽车电子产品在应用后发现缺陷,或产品功能得到增强时,产品就有系统升级的需求。SOPC Plus架构的硬件基础是FPGA技术。在系统编程ISP功能和在应用编程IAP功能都可以实现以FPGA为基础的系统升级。基于ISP的在线升级,需要停止当前系统的运行,并且需要外接JTAG接口,对于汽车电子产品的系统升级并不合适。基于FPGA的直接IAP和CAN总线的升级方案以FPGA的主动串行配置方式和SOPC的引导过程为基础,通过构建基于Avalon,总线的IP核使系统具备外围芯片的访问能力。不需要停止当前系统运行,通过CAN网络及增强的ISO15765标准协议传输升级文件并更新配置芯片的方式实现升级。以AMT的系统升级为例,阐述了其双核架构,硬件构成原理、层次化升级指令、升级步骤和实验情况等。
     SOPC Plus是一种全新的汽车电子设计平台。基于该平台的AMT电控系统设计中,首先对AMT电控系统进行了功能分析,提出了对应设备级、电路板级和芯片级的由外到内的层次化设计顺序。外部设备层主要涉及TCU外围辅助系统的工作原理及设计思路;片外硬件构件层研究了AMT的基础构件库、组合构件库以及电路板级硬件的设计过程;片内协同设计层研究了芯片选择、软硬件划分、基于IP核的片内硬件系统设计和基于量子平台的软件设计。软件设计中选用量子平台内嵌的Vanilla内核,实现了针对NiosⅡ软核的移植,并使用量子平台图形化建模工具QP Modeler设计了AMT的主活动对象层次状态机HSM并自动生成对应HSM的C代码。
With China's auto production and sales hit record highs, the phenomenon of urban congestion and environmental pollution is increasingly serious. With the continuous development of automobile industry, people put forward higher requirements on car safety, comfort and economy. Car with automatic transmission will become a trend, with a huge demand. AMT reserve most of the original manual transmission assembly body, with good inheritance, low cost and fuel saving, is considered to be the development trend of automatic transmission of China. The development of domestic AMT has four stages, which are theoretical exploration, prototype, product prototype and industrialization, but the current industrialization is not smooth. The industrialization of the AMT is not only related to industry standards, but also closely related to the core technology. The software and hardware design of system is the most basic and most critical core technology, which is the design of the tranmission control unit platform as to the AMT.
     AMT electronic control system belongs to the automotive electronic control systems and the typical embedded systems. The current design of automotive electronics system has shortcomings, such as design separation of hardware and software, the limit of designer's ability to innovate and optimize the design, lack of computing power and poor hardware design reuse support as well as low quality software. To solve these problems, and to promote the industrialization of AMT, some work done in the thesis is as follows:
     (1) The SOPC Plus co-design framework is proposed based on SOPC technology, hardware component technology and quantum platform technology
     With the SOPC Plus framework, SOPC technology is used to solve the problem of separation design of hardware and software, the limit of designer's ability to innovate and optimize the design, and the lack of computing power. The hardware component technology is used to solve the lack of support for hardware design. The quantum platform event driven architecture, software bus technology and automatic code generation technology is used to solve the problem of low quality software. For the combination of these technologies, SOPC Plus has not only inherited all the advantages of SOPC, but also upgrade the hardware design from the chip-level solutions to the board-level solutions as well as the software design from the sequence control model to event-driven programming model, and the integrated "five layers, three buses and one platform" co-design framework is formed. The framework can not only solve the current design shortcoming of automotive electronics, and also serve as a reference to the other embedded systems.
     (2) Hierarchical online system upgrade program based on FPGA's direct 1AP and CAN bus
     If the defects found or function enhanced, automotive electrics products need to be upgraded. Upgrade can be achieved both with in-system-programming and with in-application-programming in FPGA-based system as the SOPC Plus architecture. In-system-programming is not suitable for automotive electronics upgrade because the system has to be stopped and the external JTAG interface needed. The hierarchical online system upgrade program is based on the active serial configuration mode of FPGA and SOPC-based boot process. The soft cores can access the peripheral chips by the IP cores based on Avalon bus. Do not need to stop the current system, chips upgrade can be achieved by configuration file transmission through the CAN network and the enhanced ISO 15765 standard protocol. AMT electronic control system online upgrade is used as an example to demonstrate the dual-core architecture, hardware architecture principles, hierarchical upgrade instructions, upgrade procedures and experiments
     (3) Platform-based, hierarchical, component-based and hardware-based algorithms design for AMT electronic control system
     AMT electronic control system is designed based on the SOPC Plus framework, which is a new automotive electronics design platform. First of all, the functional analysis is carried out, then the hierarchical design order is proposed from the outside to the inside as device layer, board layer and chip layer. The thoery of the peripheral and design ideas are researched in peripheral layer. The based component library, combined component library and the entire combination of hardware are researched in board layer. The chip selection, hardware and software function division, the construction of the system on chip, and software design based on quantum platform are researched in chip layer. Vanilla kernel embedded in quantum platform is selected and transplanted to NiosⅡin software design. QP Modeler, a quantum-platform graphical modeling tool is used to design the hierarchical state machine of AMT's main active object, and the C code is generated automatically corresponding to the hierarchical state machine in QP Modeler.
     Various intelligent algorithms can significantly improve the startup and shift quality of the AMT, but intelligent algorithms are limited for a mass of calculation, taking up more resources and easy to lose the AMT real-time character. Hardware-based algorithms can take advantage of parallel computing ability of FPGA, greatly improve computing speed, so computation is no longer a barrier to apply intelligent algorithm. A clutch BP-P1D control algorithm is designed in the paper, and the design framework and the principles of the main module of BP-PID are studied.
     (4) Bench and road testing
     Bench tests of unit actuator position control verified the effectiveness of the sensor, actuator, control circuit and basic control algorithm. Startup and shift tests in different road condition validated the effectiveness of hierarchical state machine of main active object and associated control strategies.
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