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Inclusive education is an international education thought emerging in the 1990s. With the pursuit of educational equality and democratization in every country, the conception of inclusive education was accepted all over the world and many countries begin to put it into practice. Inclusion is the process of increasing participation and decreasing exclusion from mainstream social settings. The fundamental concept of inclusive education is to include all students, and meet all the students' needs, regardless of the states of health, intelligence, society, emotion, language, and etc. Inclusive education tries to increase students' participation and decrease their being excluded, and then makes every child receive optimum education for himself.
     In the first part of the article, it introduces the other scholars' researches and the writer's research purpose and meaning. The second part of the article, it is about the definition of inclusive education, introducing its fundamental concept. The third part, introducing background and development course of inclusive education. The forth part, from the perspective of theoretical research, the article has analyzed the inclusive education's philosophy foundation, sociology foundation and the psychology foundation; The fifth part, from the perspective of practical research, the article uses the comparison to analyze the common experience in the inclusive education and analyze its teacher training, curriculum and technical means in some countries. The sixth part, the article summarized the writer's view about some questions, which exists in inclusive education.
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