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Industry colony, as an economic issue that has been studied for several decades, has the strong advantage in innovation and competition. The administration and management of intellectual property rights becomes the more and more critical issue after China enters WTO. As pointed out by Premier Wen Jia bao, "The competition in the future will be the competition of Intellectual Property Rights". We set the aim to "continuous improve the independent innovation capability, and build the innovative country as the center content of our national development strategy. The intellectual property management based on the industrial colony will be considered as a whole issue to study. Meanwhile we will fully take the advantage of the local government, all enterprises, research institutions, service industries, resource integration, above of which will become a new perspective of research.
     This article first made a comprehensive comment on the results of research in related fields at home and abroad; clearly defined the object of research papers and research scope. Meanwhile it made a general and brief illumination of the approach and the content of logical framework of the papers.
     This article conducted a study on the theoretical issues related to intellectual property management based on the industry colony, and made a general and brief illustration on the theoretical research genre of the industry colony; defined the specific meaning and classification of the industry colony; clearly defined the meaning of intellectual property rights, the content of intellectual property rights management, the concept of intellectual property rights and the effect of intellectual property rights. Currently there are no special studies on the management content and definition of intellectual property rights based on industrial colony, therefore this paper made a very detailed address on the meaning, content and features of the intellectual property rights management based on industrial colony.
     Then the article further analyzes many factors which may have some impact on the intellectual property rights management based on industry colony, and further analyzes the mechanism of such action among these factors. These impact factors are divided into different classes, such as colony administration and management factors, enterprise internal factors, and industry environmental factors, and national macroscopical environmental factors. We made a detailed analysis of the clausal factors of each class of factors, and protracted the mechanism of action chart among each factors.
     Among all the issues related to the intellectual property rights management based on the industrial colony, it is settled that the enterprise within the industry colony is the main body of research & development, administration & management and protection of said intellectual property. Therefore based on the theory of intellectual diversion, this article made a specific research on the intellectual property management system. From several major aspects of the organizational system, intellectual and personnel training system, knowledge dissemination system and mechanism, alarm and secrecy system and mechanism, incentive system and mechanism, and cultural system and innovative system and mechanism, this article discussed in detail and analyzes deeply the relationship among the various systems and mechanism.
     This article thereafter studied the intellectual property based on industry colony management system, which started from the system view, and an overall perspective. It analyzed the fundamental elements of the management system, including the management framework system, policy system, legal system, human resource systems, information systems, and conducted a detailed analysis of the composition of each system.
     The information management of intellectual property rights is the urgent demand of the time and economic development. This article is specifically devoted to the design and development of intellectual property rights management platform of industry colony, and therefore it provided a theoretical guidance for a specific development framework. Based on the analysis of affecting factors, it made an analysis of the objective, function, and content of the platform system, constructed sub-system of resource management, sub-system of file management, and sub-system of the application of intellectual property and statistics & analysis of intellectual property, sub-system of the user management and sub-system of the system management of the management platform.
     This article also studied the management evaluation issues of intellectual property rights based on the industry colony. Based on the analysis and study of the previous paper, it constructed the intellectual property rights management evaluation indicators of the administration organization of the industry colony, corporate trade association respectively, revised the indicators by consulting the experts, defined the importance ratio of indicator through administrative level analysis, composed the environmental indicator of these three aspects, concluded the general evaluation indicator system of intellectual property management of industry colony, probed into the specific approach of the evaluation, integrated with the sample, defined the specific evaluation calculation approach of the intellectual property management of industry colony in use of illegible evaluation approach.
     Finally combined with the specific case, the article addressed some issues of the strategy plan of intellectual property based on the industry colony, and further probed into the design ideas in consideration of some cases of strategic plan for the intellectual property from the administration committee of certain national high-tech development zone.
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