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A reformation of public project management manners is being undertaken in China. With the deeper of the innovation into the system and mechanism of public project management, people realize that one of the critical problems is how to improve the public project management performance.
     Market agent construction system is an important method of the improvement on public project management performance. As a result, the control rights and the residual chaimancy of the public project will be reassigned. If the agent who gets the control rights isn't assigned with relevant residual claimancy, the opportunism problem of the agent will maybe emerge. So it is critical that how to spur him to select the effort level which is expected by the client. In order to solve the problem, the methods including economic analysis, stakeholder theory, comparison analysis and case study are used in this paper, the main research content and result is consists of:
     1. The Identifications of the performance and the core value of public project management. There are some differences between public project and general project in management performance. Considering the loss of the information and the ineffective supervise due to the multi-phase principle-agent chain of public project, the contents of public project performance include both the general project management performance and the consideration that the management goal is according with the requirement of the public property right or not. Thus, this paper establish the generation model and realization model based on the identification and classification of the stakeholders of public project, and ascertain the improvement goal of public project management.
     2. Establish the market agent selection system based on partnership. This paper give a solve method to the opportunism of the market agent based on informal contract. Because of the continuity of the public project, we can establish a partnership between the client and market agent based on trust and co-operation which is derived from the infinite repeated games. Thus, the market agent will give up opportunism in individual project in view of the expected benefit in the future. At last, this paper establishes the market agent club system based on the partnership and co-operation.
     3. Effective incentive to the market agent. Considering the un-conveyable characteristic of the residual claimancy of the state property right, this paper give an identification of particular ownership of public project in order to incent the market agent more effective. This paper take a research on how to realize the correspondence between the right of control and the residual claimancy in public project base on the analysis on the inner governance structure of market agent construction system according to the identification of the stakeholders of public project. Finally, this paper put forward a cost-calculated model of market agent based on the assignment and the preference of risks.
     4. The continuous improvement of public project management performance. According to the operation process of the market agent construction system of public project, this paper search the best practices of some critical elements based on benchmarking theory, including the management diathesis of agent, and the quality, time, cost control in the process of agent construction. In accordance with these best practices, this paper establishes continuous improvement of public project management performance.
     5. Pertinent case study. This paper select a pertinent case of market agent construction system in public project according to the academic framework of the improvement of public project management performance, and testify the effectiveness of the framework by the analysis on the improvement of management performance in this case in view of agent selection, governance structure and agent cost calculation.
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