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     分析了Hockey-stick现象对企业营运及物流绩效的影响,论证了造成这种现象的根源是企业广泛使用的总量折扣(Volume discounts)政策。通过对某国际著名食品公司在大陆某生产厂的深入调研、数据收集和分析,研究后发现Hockey-stick现象是造成公司需求波动的主要原因,该现象对公司的仓储、运输等方面的物流绩效有显著不利的影响。通过建立数学模型和案例分析,论证了造成Hockey-stick现象的根源是公司普遍对其经销商提供的基于一定期间累计总订货量的价格折扣(Volume discounts)政策,公司可以通过多产品组合定价、延长或缩短考核周期、对经销商采用不同的考核周期、降低提供返利的最低数量、按经销商的实际销量提供返利等方法缓和或消除这种现象。
The logistics performance is the main component of supply chain performance which has decisive influence upon supply chain competitiveness. The buyer-vendor coordination is the key mechanism of supply chain management, which can affect logistics performance. Thus, the problem of vender-buyer coordination for supply chain logistics performance is researched in this dissertation. The main contents could be summarized as follows.
     The quantization relationship between logistics capacity of supply chain node and level of customer service has constructed. In the case of constraint of due date of delivery, the maximum circulation quantity of node which has key influence upon the level of customer service is generally restricted to the capacity of bottleneck facility. A sequencing algorithm for both minimizing the number of late jobs and reducing tardiness quantity to the greatest extent is put forward. Finally, a method is extended to calculate the required capacity of bottleneck facility to achieve the perfect full rate of order.
     Based on constraint of transport capacity, the buyer-vendor coordination tactic is presented. Considering the freight cost of unit product is sensitive to order quantity and the manufacturer undertakes products transportation, the optimal lot size models in decentralized decision and centralized decision are presented. The analytical result shows that the more flexible the transport capacity is, the smaller the optimal production lot size is, which is consistent with short order lead time and small order quantity that claimed by the wholesaler. Then, the tactic of order lot size coordination based on other party in the supply chain for undertaking products transportation is put forward. Finally, the numerical analysis shows that under decentralized decision situation, when the transport capacity is more rigid, the quantity discount policy is superior to the tactic of replacing the manufacturer by the wholesaler to undertake products transportation. However, when the transport capacity is more flexible, the case is the opposition.
     Hockey-stick phenomenon prevails in supply chains and has many negative impacts on logistics and production operation of companies. Through statistic analysis of the data collected from the factory of an international notable food company which locates in mainland China, the effect of hockey-stick phenomenon on demand fluctuation and logistics performance of the factory is validated. A model is proposed to prove that the reason for the phenomenon is the price policy of volume discounts, which is popularly employed in industry. Then, the methods such as multiple products compounding pricing policy are proposed to mitigate the problem. Finally, our model and methods are validated by a case study.
     The coordination tactic of downstream logistics capacity expansion in supply chain is put forward. A mathematical framework is proposed to understand the interrelations among delivery time guarantee, pricing and order processing capacity of the retailer. The model and numerical analysis illustrate that the demand is higher and the retailer needs greater order processing capacity under the integrated decision situation than under the decentralized decision situation. The supplier could facilitate the retailer to add the order processing capacity and to achieve the best supply chain performance through reducing tranfer price, sharing in the investment cost of logistics capacity of the retailer or returning part profit increment of itself to the retailer.
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