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     本文试图探讨在二语习得中,习得者的起始年龄与相关成就之间的关系。习得者成功程度不同使得研究者们更关注于对学习者的个体差异(Individual Differences)的研究。其中,年龄较小的学习者在二语习得的某些方面呈现出比年龄较大学习者更大的优势,引起学术界对语言习得的关键期假说(Critical Period Hypothesis)的争论。联系当前外语学习的低龄化趋势,我们觉得很有必要研究外语学习者不同的起始年龄及其相关的成绩,这样我们可以更好地了解不同的起始年龄与他们的学习成就之间的关系。本文借助调查问卷,分别对大学英语专业学生,非英语专业学生和2003届高中毕业生(共630人)进行调查,区分出他们不同的英语学习起始年龄,查阅其高考英语成绩,英语专业四级考试成绩以及大学英语四级考试成绩作为原始数据,利用
Second language acquisition has been a hot research topic
    since the 1960s. But in the early approaches, much was emphasized on
    how second language was taught, as a result, various teaching methods
    were proposed and put into practice .It seemed that all the methods were
    good to some extent but no method was good in all circumstances. Many
    theoretical problems had to be solved in teaching when learners'
    individual differences were taken into consideration. So researchers'
    attention was shifted from the teaching process to the learning process. In
    the past three decades, the study in this field has surpassed the
    traditional linguistics approach, it has extended into almost all the
    relevant fields of language such as neuropsychology, psycholinguistics,
    pedagogy and statistics, it has become a trans-research field.
    This thesis sets out to explore the relationship between the age onset of second language acquisition and its relative achievements. Because of the differential success of the second language learners, more was attracted to the study of the learners' individual differences. The superiority of the younger learners to the older learners in the second language acquisition finds its explanation from Critical Period Hypothesis, but the arguments from proponent and opponent side never lead to any
    agreeable conclusion. Personally, relating the current tendency to start English learning/teaching at lower age, we feel a great necessity to make comparison and analysis about the different age onset of the learners and their relative achievements so that we may have a better understanding of the relationship between learners of different age onset and their learning results.
    438 students in Quanzhou Teachers College (including English majors and non-English majors), and 192 senior school students in Guoguang Middle School participated in our study. An investigation was made through a questionnaire to identify the subjects' age onset of English learning, and then an archival study was performed to compare the achievements of the learners with different age onset. The original scores of the subjects' College Entrance Examination, Test for English Majors (Band-4) and College English Test (Band -4) were taken as raw data for statistics and analysis. The results indicated that there was significant difference between the types with different age onset and the achievements of second language acquisition, particularly in the aspect of Listening and Speaking. The results are of some significance in deciding the age onset for a child to learn a foreign language.
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