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In modern word, the shortage of resources and the deterioration of financial environment have been puzzling the enterprise all the time. Competition among enterprises has been more and more turning to the area of finance, thus people has to revise the relationship between the enterprise’s finance and its continuously competitive advantage. Some scholars expand the enterprise’s competence theory to the area of enterprise’s finance and propose the concept of enterprise financial competence, maintaining that enterprise’s financial competence is the important power to ensure the enterprise’s continuously competitive advantage. However, with further research, traditional management theory including enterprise’s competence theory can’t support its continuous development: because of the complex and abstract financial competence, the above theories can only describe one side or one stage of its competence instead of describing the whole theory. How to solve this bottleneck problem has become the research difficulty of financial competence. This paper benefits from some scholars points of taking complex adaptive system into financial competence theory’s research and researches the enterprise’s financial competence based on complex adaptive system, attempting to construct the theory structure of enterprise’s financial competence and research the gradual evolution of financial competence system.
     On the basis of observing enterprise’s competence theory and complex adaptive theories, this paper reviews and organizes the research of financial competence. According it, the concept of enterprise’s financial competence, internal constitution and competence features are redefined. Based on complex adaptive system the concept of enterprise’s financial competence system is proposed, and the subject of financial competence system, system elements and system units are analyzed in detail, constructing the concept frame of enterprise’s financial competence system.
     Through the complex adaptive analysis of enterprise’s financial competence system, it reveals its complex adaptive features. Based on the frame of systematic analysis, it clarifies the internal logical relationship of financial competence system’s constitution, expounds the relationship between system evolution and gradual evolution, defines the concept and features of financial competence system evolution, proposes the gradual evolution frame of financial competence system, analyses the gradual evolution process and mechanism, and summaries that the core mechanism of financial competence system gradual evolution are adaptive study mechanism and emergence mechanism.
     This paper researches on the core mechanism of enterprise financial competence system gradual evolution. Drawing on relevant research, the adaptive study mechanism of the interaction between enterprise financial competence system and environmental system by employing the genetic algorithm is researched. Drawing on adaptive landscape and NK model, the intrinsic mechanism of enterprise financial competence system adaptive study is analyzed. Based on the meaning and feature of emergence, this paper describes the emergence phenomenon, emergence feature and emergence result of financial competence system and constructs the concept model of financial competence system emergence phenomenon. On this basis, it describes the emergence process of financial competence system and analyzes the limited generating process and intrinsic mechanism of financial competence system emergence.
     Based on the above research fruits, this paper has carried on the macro-description for the evolutionary process of financial competence system, constructed the level concept model of financial competence system gradual evolution and proposed the relative concepts of financial competence system level and root of gradual evolution. On this basis, this paper constructs the index system of enterprise financial competence system evaluation chooses to utilize grey relational analytical method to evaluate enterprise financial competence and further defines the gradual evolution level and route of financial competence system.
     This paper has conducted the case study on financial competence system’s gradual evolution. Through the evaluation and order of 25 sample listed companies’financial competence in 2008 in Hebei province, the gradual evolution level of sample companies’financial competence is divided, thus it defines the route type of each company’s financial competence system gradual evolution. On this basis, this paper has chosen one company——Hebei JianTou Energy Company Ltd. as the research object whose financial competence system evolution is the most typical. Combined with the above research fruits, this paper has conducted systematic analysis for gradual evolution of its financial competence system and further confirmed the above-mentioned research results.
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