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     我国新企业会计准则对金融资产在分类和计量上的规定和国际会计准则理事会(IASB)在1998年发布的《国际会计准则第39号—金融工具:确认与计量》(以下简称为IAS 39)基本相同,而2008年的金融危机将公允价值计量属性抬上了桌面,多数专家认为其是导致金融风暴的根源,2008年10月13日IASB对金融资产在重分类问题上的规定进行了简单的修改。2009年11月12日IASB发布了《国际财务报告准则第9号—金融工具》(以下简称IFRS 9),用三个阶段来完成对金融工具会计准则的修改,并完全替代IAS 39,其中的第一阶段已经完成,第二阶段涉及金融资产的减值技巧,第三阶段则与套期保值会计有关,IFRS 9将在2013年实施。IFRS 9对金融资产的分类、减值准备的计提、重分类等问题都进行了修改,其中笔者认为变更最大的是有关金融资产的分类依据和计量方法。旧准则中可供出售金融资产之所以能看作是盈余管理的一个安全隐蔽的工具,是因为公司对金融资产在初始确认时的分类主要是依照管理当局的主观判断,并且期间的公允价值变动首先计入资本公积,待出售时转入当期损益影响会计利润。而IFRS 9对金融资产的分类依据主要是依据业务模式测试和合同现金流量特征测试,把可供出售金融资产期间价值的变动计入其他综合收益,并引入FV-OCI模式,处置时不允许转入损益。这就能很好的控制其盈余管理的空间。
     笔者阅读分析了有关盈余管理的文献,发现上市公司的利润操纵主要是为了再融资、扭亏为盈、利润平滑等目的,大多数文章是对我国旧企业会计准则下的盈余管理现象的研究。由于新准则实施至今不太长,相关文章主要是关于新旧准则的对比分析,而其中对金融资产的分类和计量与盈余管理关系的研究不太多,仅有的也集中是对其关系进行理论和会计实务操纵上的对比分析,说服力不够大,进行实证分析的文章不太多。我国上市公司已经由单纯的融资主体发展为重要的投资主体,证券投资收益占上市公司当年会计利润的比重也越来越大。国内现有文献已经指出我国部分上市公司有利用可供出售金融资产来进行盈余管理的行为,产生了一定的负面影响。联系国际会计准则理事会(IASB)颁布的IFRS 9对此有一定的抑制作用,而且我国会计准则的发展向国际会计准则的靠拢是必然趋势,笔者认为对我国上市公司金融资产的分类和计量与盈余管理关系的研究十分必要,可以让我们发现自身问题,也为我国会计准则的下一步修订更新做足准备。
     本文以此作为出发点,首先分析概述了有关的盈余管理的理论、内外部诱因,并从会计准则出发,具体分析了旧准则下的存货准则以及资产减值准备准则,结合实例说明利用会计政策的选择来进行盈余管理行为。随后引出新企业会计准则,介绍了公允价值的引入带来的盈余管理的新手段和途径,对金融资产进行了重点介绍。通过对比IAS 39和IFRS 9、我国新旧会计准则下对投资活动的核算、交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产的计量,指出我国上市公司在2007年A股牛市中存在利用可供出售金融资产进行盈余管理的可能,并随后进行了实证研究分析。由于数据来源的限制,笔者以2007年作为观察年度,又考虑到证券市场的走势也会对上市公司持有买卖金融资产的行为产生影响,因此将2008年作为对照组进行对比分析。在实证部分,笔者首先运用描述性统计分析观察了主要变量数据的分布情况,观察并检验上市公司是否会在相同条件下偏好于持有可供出售金融资产;随后,利用回归模型,检验上市公司是否有通过处置可供出售金融资产的收益来进行盈余管理的行为,并将处置交易性金融资产的收益作为另一个对照组进行相同的模型回归。实证结果表明,在相同条件下,上市公司偏向于持有可供出售金融资产,而不是交易性金融资产;描述性统计部分显示,不论在市场环境良好的2007年还是相对低迷的2008年,上市公司对可供出售金融资产的持有比例均大于对交易性金融资产的持有,并且公司通过处置可供出售金融资产获得的收益占总利润的大部分,说明该项非经常性损益对公司当年的盈利贡献颇大,公司具有通过这项非经常性损益来进行利润调节的动机。2007年的数据显示利润平滑和扭亏为盈作为盈余管理的动机对当年可供出售金融资产的处置有显著性影响;而交易性金融资产带来的收益占当期利润比重不大,并且几个重要变量没有通过显著性检验,说明其与盈余管理没有太多联系。
The company's earnings management activities have been one of the academic and practitioners old topics, not only because the economy develops and the way it applies becomes complicated, but also it could mislead information about the users'decision, leading to serious economic consequences. Chinese enterprises almost use three ways to manipulate their profit, such as the choice of accounting policy, related party transactions and regulation of production, among which the choice of accounting policy of listed companies as the primary means.
     The choice of accounting policy bases on the provisions of accounting standards, the enterprises can change their accounting system conditions in accounting policy only when two happen, one is statutory and regulatory requirements of the Unified Change, second is that change can better reflect the real business situation. China issued new accounting standards in Feb 2006, more emphasis on the use of recognition and measurement criteria to determine whether the transactions comply with accounting standards, which provides a more flexible way of the enterprise for greater earnings space. During the implementation of the old accounting standards, verified by the theoretical and practical phenomenon, more listed companies adopt the provision for impairment of assets and reversal of inventory on a FIFO measurement method and LIFO, etc. But the new guidelines were targeted for this amendment to prohibit the vast majority of the reversal of asset impairment, removed the LIFO inventory valuation method, and effectively inhibited the listed companies'earnings management activities. The biggest new feature of the guidelines is the introduction of fair value measurement attributes, financial assets, investment property, debt restructuring, trade and other non-monetary assets are for the use of fair value measurement as its primary means. Without an open market, it mainly depends on the value techniques and it's subjective. In 1999, China has introduced the fair value to the debt restructuring and non-monetary transactions, but it was the use of a listed company earnings management and brought serious economic consequences, the Ministry of Finance in 2001 cancelled it.
     The new guidelines bring in the fair value in a larger region; no doubt it will bring earnings management of listed companies to take this opportunity. The author compares the old and the new guidelines; found that the biggest fair value changes are the financial assets and investment real estate types. But the criteria for the change between cost model and fair value measurement model are too strict, so the author focused on the study of financial assets. Reading the literature, collecting market data of new corporate accounting standards on four categories of classification and measurement of financial assets, I find that the provisions on the earnings management of listed companies provide a great opportunity. These are the standpoints from which this paper starts from.
     The old accounting standards divide the company's investment into two types as long-term investment and short-term investments. The former is further divided into long-term equity investments and long-term bond investments. New standards for short-term investments, long-term bond investments, and some special use of the long-term equity investment of financial assets are carried out the provisions of the relevant criteria. Old criteria emphasis the use of historical cost, and there is no manipulation space, but the new standards for four types of financial assets using the amortized cost method and fair value measurement method. Held to maturity investments and accounts receivable, loans, amortized cost method used, the cost of its nature and history, as the transaction available for sale financial assets and financial assets at fair value. This paper doesn't focus on the study of fair value, but on these two types of assets brought by a different method of accounting earnings management opportunities. The change in fair value during the holding period, trading of financial assets takes it into "fair value through profit or loss", and not impairment. But the available for sale financial assets take it into the net assets as "capital surplus", which has a store function, and can be released through the sale, and earnings management has a certain role.
     Chinese new corporate accounting standards on the classification and measurement of financial assets are most the same as the international Accounting Standard39---Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement" issued by the IASB. The financial crisis in 2008 pushed the fair value measurement attributes waves, most experts believe that it is the root. IASB verifies the reclassification of financial assets in Oct 2008. On November12 2009, IASB issued the "International Financial Reporting Standards Financial Instruments 9", using three stages to complete the accounting standards on financial instruments, completely replace IAS 39. The first one has been completed, the second stage involves skill impairment of financial assets, and the third stage is related to the hedge accounting, IFRS 9 will be implemented in 2013. In IFRS 9, the classification of financial assets, provision for the impairment, re-classification and other issues have been modified, and I believe the biggest change is the classification of financial assets and measurement. In Old guidelines, the available for sale financial assets are secure, because the companies in the initial recognition of financial assets are mainly depended on the management's subjective judgments, and the changes of the fair value in the period are brought to capital surplus. The classification in IFRS 9 is mainly based on testing and contract business model based on cash flow characteristics of the test, the change of financial assets available for sale introduced the FV-OCI mode, which does not allow disposal profit or loss. This can be a very good room for earnings management control.
     I read the analysis of the earnings management literature, find the listed companies manipulate the profit to refinancing, turnaround, profit smoothing purposes, etc. Most articles are related to the old accounting standards of the phenomenon of earnings management. The new guidelines implemented not for so long, the relevant articles are mainly comparative analysis of old and new, of which financial assets are classified and the earnings management research is not too much, and among these their focus are the relationship between theory and accounting for its comparative analysis on the practical manipulation, persuasion is not strong, and the empirical analysis of the article is not too much. Literature have pointed out that the listed companies in China use the available for sale financial assets as a tool, and the phenomenon reflects a negative impact, referring the IFRS 9 has some inhibitory effect, and the development of accounting standards closer to international accounting standards is inevitable, I believe that our listed companies on the classification of financial assets and earnings management research is necessary to allow us to find their own problems, but also for our country under the accounting standards further revised and updated to prepare.
     This article take it as a starting point, and the first overview of the theory related to earnings management, internal and external incentives, from the accounting standards, analyzes the stock under the old criteria in the guidelines and criteria for impairment of assets, combined with exact examples of the use of accounting policy for earnings management. Then refer to the new accounting standards, introduced the fair value as a new means of earnings management, and finally, focus on the financial assets. Compare the IAS 39 and IFRS 9, then the old and new accounting standards on investment activities, the differences between the trading financial assets and financial assets available for sale. The author supposes that in 2007's bull market, there are possibility to use the financial assets available for sale for earnings management, and then carry out an empirical research and analysis. Been limited by the data sources, the author mainly observe the data in 2007, and taking into account that the trend of stock market may also conduct an impact, so the author takes the 2008 as a control group. In the empirical part, the author describes the statistical analysis of the key variables and verify whether the listed companies under the same conditions have a preference to holders of financial assets available for sale; Then, using the regression model to test whether the listed companies use the way of disposing the financial assets available for sale to make profit earnings management, and taking the trading financial assets as another model for the control group regression. The empirical results show that under the same conditions, listed companies tend to hold financial assets available for sale, not for trading financial assets; descriptive statistics section shows that both in a good and poor market environment, such as in 2007and2008, the listed companies' financial assets held for sale are in greater ratio than that of financial assets held for trading. The profit from the disposal of available for sale financial assets leads the majority of the total profits. The result show that the smooth and turnover to profitable as a motivation for earnings management on the current disposal of available for sale financial assets have significant impact, and the trading financial assets account for a very small proportion of profits, and they have little connection with the earnings management in the listed companies.
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