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From 1980s to now, It have appeared lots of academic papers researching on direction words, which have made a thorough research on the nature and culture intension of the direction words. But looking entirely, the research on the direction words is lacking in systematicity.
     There is also little comprehensive research in the usage and meaning of single direction word. All the direction words of "in", "inside" "inner" can be expressed as "in the given limits", They are similar in usage and meaning, but the difference is also great.
     Based on the research of the predecessors, Through sorting out and analysis about lots of linguistic materials, I make a research on "in", "inside" "inner" using the methods of comparisons and explains. Firstly, I have a systemic research on the usage and semantic meaning of every single direction word, Then in the base of these researches, Ifurtherly analyze and compare the same and difference between usage and semantic meaning of these three direction words. The usage and semantic meaning of "in" and "inside" are richer than "inner" relatively. And also the difference between "in" and "inside" is small. The usage and semantic meaning of "inner" is simple and easy to hold.
     The first chapter is the introduction, mainly on the current status of the direction word and the problems and the solutions left about the direction words. Before the nineteenth of the 20th century the term researches on the direction words were about the classification of the direction words. After the nineties of the 20th century the researches on the direction words were mainly on the characteristics of the methods, functional, semantic, and cultural angles. In the 21st century, the researches of the direction words increased, they are lots of researches on the structure, the meanings of the direction words.
     The second chapter is about the semantics and the usage of the direction word "in". By analyzing lots of corpus of the word research the use of functions and the semantic features of the word. The structure and semantics of the word are very complex, it can be with different parts of speech in the phrase, and it also can be formed with the preposition. The semantics of the word can be space sense, time, conditions, and the extent of such significance.
     The third chapter is to the usage and the semantics of the researches about the direction word inside. By analyzing lots of the corpus of the word research the use of functions and the semantics features of the word. This direction word can be attached to the noun or noun phrase and constitutes a prepositional phrase with preposition. It can be expressed the time sense, the state, the scope and limits based.
     The fourth chapter is about the direction word of inner. By analyzing lots of the corpus of the word it research the use of functions and semantics features of the word. The besic usage of word is directly attached to the back of other words or phrases.it also can be constitutes a prepositional phrase. The besic principal is that the semantics space and time, and limits the scope of justice.
     The fifth chapter is about the similarities and difference of the usages and the semantics of the three direction words above. It helps the foreign students to learn to use the word of the three direction words easily.
     The sixth chapter is the conclusion part. It summarizes the results this study.
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