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    著性影响 叩川.05)。门静脉血氨浓度峰值,试验组在抓,对照组在儿。
     ①颈动脉血氨浓度在采食后两组均上升。日粮中添加 8%果胶,降低了颈动脉血氨
     (P>0.05)。颈动脉血氨浓度峰值,两组均在 3h。
     ③动静脉血氨浓度差在采食后两组均上升。日粮中添加 8%果胶,降低了动静脉血
    组与对照组均在 Zh。
In order to correctly evaluate the nutritional values of the component of fiber in growing pigs. Soluble fiber-pectin was used as experimental material in this thesis. The influence of soluble fiber-pectin on the nutritional digestion , metabolism by means of total collecting feces technique and on the concentrations of plasma glucose, plasma ammonia by means of carotid artery and hepatic portal vein catheter technique were studied with growing pigs.
    Experiment of digestion, metabolism Six healthy crossbred barrow(Durocx Landrace* Large Yorshire) with weighing about 30 kg were randomly divided into two groups and placed into stainless steel metabolism cages. Pigs were fed semipurified diets. The treatment diet was added 8% pectin and control diet was not added pectin. Water was provided ad libitum. The concentrations of energy and nitrogen in feeds, feces and urine were determined.
    Experiment of catheter technique Four healthy crossbred barrows (Duroc x Landrace x Large Yorshire) with weighing about 30 kg were fitted with catheters in the hepatic portal vein and carotid artery. The experiment was used crossover design .The growing pigs were randomly divided into two groups and placed into stainless steel metabolism cages which were fitted with organic glass. Pigs were fed semipurified diets. The treatment diet was added 8% pectin and the control diet was not added pectin. Water was provided ad libitum. Blood samples were taken from the portal vein and carotid artery cannulas after 7 days when pigs had regained their preoperative health. The time of collecting blood was conducted during the preprandial (Oh) and Ih, 2h, 3h, 4h. 5h, 6h, 7h postprandial period. Blood samples were collected at 7 days intervals. The times of collecting blood samples was three. Plasma glucose and plasma ammonia concentrations of each blood sample were determined.
    The results showed that:
    (1) 8% pectin-supplemented diet depressed the apparent digestibilities of energy, ADE (PO.05) and also depressed the apparent metabilizabilities of energy, AME (P<0.01).
    (2) 8% pectin-supplemented diet depressed the apparent digestibilities of nitrogen (P<0.05). but did not affect the apparent metabilizabilities of nitrogen . quantities of nitrogen deposition and BV (P>0.05).
    (3) Portal plasma glucose concentration was rapidly elevated for two groups after feeding.
    8% pectin-supplemented diet decreased the portal plasma glucose concentration, but only had significant difference at 3h (P<0.05) postprandial and did not affect the average portal plasma glucose concentration after feeding (P>0.05). Highest portal plasma glucose concentration was measured for treatment group and control group at 2h.
    (4)Arterial plasma glucose concentration was elevated for two groups after feeding. 8% pectin-supplemented diet decreased the arterial plasma glucose concentration, but had no significant difference (P>0.05) and did not affect the average portal plasma glucose concentration after feeding (P>0.05). Highest arterial plasma glucose concentrations were measured for treatment group at 2h, 5h and control group at 2h.
    (5) The porto-arterial concentration difference of plasma glucose was negative for two groups before feeding and elevated for two groups after feeding. 8% pectin-supplemented diet decreased the porto-arterial concentration difference of plasma glucose, but only had significant difference at 3h (P<0.05) and 4h (P<0.01) postprandial and did not affect the average porto-arterial concentration of plasma glucose after feeding (P>0.05). Highest porto-arterial concentration was measured for treatment group and control group at 2h.
    (6) Portal plasma ammonia concentration was rapidly elevated for two groups after feeding. 8% pectin-supplemented diet decreased the portal plasma ammonia concentration, but only had significant difference at 3h (PO.01) postprandial and did not affect the average portal plasma ammonia concentration after feeding (P>0.05). Highest portal plasma concentration was measured for treatment group at 2h and Control group a
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