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     a.选择了不同的扩散参数计算方法:P-G法和相似理论(Similarity)计算方法和不同的积分取样方式:烟团模式(PUFF)和烟片模式(SLUG),进行了四种方式的模拟计算:PUFF+P-G、PUFF+Similarity、SLUG+P-G、SLU+Similarity。实验结果说明在实验条件下,PUFF+P-G有较好的模拟结果,偏差为-13.82ug m3H-1,均方根为3.02ug m3H-1,FA2和FA5分别为27.06%和61.41%,FOEX为-25.91%。
     b.选择了不同的积分取样方式即烟片取样函数和烟团取样函数,结果比较说明烟片取样函数更能反应近距离、短时间的Causality effects(因果效应),在事故情况的初始阶段能更好的模拟污染物的扩散。
     5.对于放射性核素在大气中的迁移扩散,模式研究和模式验证同等重要,对于长距离的模式研究,模式验证存在很大的困难。本文在研究大气迁移模式评价研究ATMES (Atmospheric Trans port Model Evaluation Study)计划的基础上,根据ATMES统计理论分析了模式验证的基本统计参数及代表的模式特征,并在模式验证中进行了计算评估。
The transport of radionuclides in atmosphere is a key question in many application of dispersion models such as rapid respond of nuclear accident, accidental release, fissile material production and nuclear test ban. From the Chernobyl accident in1986to FUKUSHIMA nuclear accident release in2011, the study of long-range transport have been conducted by many institutes in world,and both the atmospheric transport theory and simulation technology have been improved. The main application of long-range dispersion model is in the rapid-responds of nuclear accident, and both America and Europe have their ripe model system about nuclear accident rapid respond plan, however in our country there is not sufficient study on this scale especially in rapid-respond plan and real-time simulation about nuclear accident. To support the development of nuclear power and evaluate the atmospheric environment, we transplantate and developed radionuclids long-rang transport model based on CALPUFF, and the transplantated model can be applied in simulation of radionuclides transport, radionuclides dry deposition, wet deposition and radioation decay. In additional, we developed dose model.The dose module utilizes the results from dispersion and deposition modeling, time integrating the concentration and deposition fields, and computes the doses. In real time simulation of nuclear accident, the initial release is important. To apply in nuclear accident, we conducted tracer experiment in a complex terrain in near field and used CALPUFF to similate this experiment to evaluate the CALPUFF results. In simulation of nuclear accident, different distance and time scale are important, so we used transplantated CALPUFF and CALPUFF to calculate different cases and evaluate the results separately. The model evaluation is priorto to model application, and evaluation of long-range dispersion model is more difficult than near field. In this paper, we reviewed evaluation methods of long-range dispersion model, and studied the new simulation technology of ensemble method. Some ensemble simulation results were presentd here.
     We chose CALPUFF model as a tool to study the radionuclides transport because CALPUFF is a lagrangian puff model and recommended by U.S EPA for long-range dispersion simulation. CALPUFF model has sufficient theory study, tracking application study and evaluation study. It can be applied in complex terrain and no-stable flow situation. In long-range simulation, it can be calculated terrain effects in meteorologic field, and has different dispersion options in calculating concentration fields. The distance of CALPUFF can be set from tens meters to thousands of kilometers, and it is suitable for application in simulation of radionuclides transport in atmospheric environment. Because CALPUFF can not be applied in radionuclids condition and has not ability of calculation radioactive decay, we transplantate CALPUFF and added the ability of calculate radioactive decay and developed dose model to simulate nuclear accident crisis.
     There are four parts in this paper, the details are listed below
     1) Review of long-range dispersion model, and chose CALPUFF as a tool to study radionuclides transport and transplantate CALPUFF model.
     A:Added radioactive decay calculation and added radionuclides dry velocity parameters and wet rinse factors.
     B:Developed dose model to calculate external dose.
     2) To evaluate CALPUFF model applicability in near complex terrain, we conducted a tracer experiment in some planed nuclear plant site to simulate initial release in accident situation. The algrith area is40X40kilometers, and the grid space is500meters. From the comparison of model and measurements, we can see CALPUFF has good results totally, but there are some questions in simulation:
     A:The sufficient meteorological observation only can develop a good wind field for near-field dispersion. The CALMET model can correctly capture the shape and direction of tracer cloud and results do not suggest there are severe problems in the near-field application.
     B:Both CALPUFF dispersion methods (PG and Similarity theory) failed to predict peak concentrations in short-range dispersion. The main problem in this tracer experiment is the globally underestimation of CALPUFF especially in high concentration region. CALPUFF model has good performance when it simulates long-range or short-range but long time average dispersion, but in near-field, short-term application there is some uncertainties in its components.(e.g., in the complex terrain region close to the source where concentration sharply varies with space, the hourly meteorological field seems too coarse to reflect the variation and the dispersion model can not process this variation too.)Besides experimental errors, there are may be some inherent modeling limitation when applying in near-field complex setting for short-term prediction.
     C:For short-range dispersion, the effects of dispersion methods is more important than wind field.The wind fields affect the tracer cloud directions and mixing height which definite the vertical dispersion, but in short-range the influence is limited. The dispersion parameter method influences the concentration lever and is an important component in short-range dispersion modeling. We can not say which dispersion method is good because it likely involve site-specific decisions.
     3) Used transplantate CALPUFF model simulating FUKUSHIMA nuclear accident. The simulation area is400×400kilometers with release point as center and model default parameters was set in this simulation. The comparison shows that transplantate CALPUFF model can predict puff direction correctly and simulate results in two cities are agreed well and time series meet well too. However in near field from30-60kilometers in eight directions, the comparison of model and measurements are different and the differences are limited within one order. In north-west direction, there is high air concentration in measurements while there is not such high concentration in model. The external dose was calculated in dose model, the comparison shows the model results is little lower than measurements. The reason of lower model results is beacuse of lack of rain data and lack of correct wet deposition flux. In total, there is an appropriate model result in this simulation.
     4) Study of evaluation methods for long-range dispersion models. In model study, the evaluation of model is a important part, and any model which is applied must be evaluated at first. Although CALPUFF model is evaluated by EPA for some cases, but its applied results is different because of different condiations. The atmosphere is a complex system, and the process can not repeat. In some condiations, model has good results, in another condiations, the results will be different. Field experiments are a basic method of model evaluation, but there are many questions in conduction trancer experiments. So until now, there are only five successful field experiments about long-range transport dispersion: They are OKC(1980), ACURATE(1982-1983), CAPTEX(1983) and ANATEX(1985) in America and ETEX in Euroup. The ATMES is a atmospheric transport model evaluation study plan, based on the ATMES study, some statistical parameters were discussed and concluded. Every statistical factors definited a character of model, and based on the analysis of these parameters, we can evaluate model simulation quality. In addition, a new ensemble technology has been introduced and is claased as a evaluation method about model predict quality. A new method was concluded that is ensemble method based on space analysis of simulation results. In last part of paper, we used CALPUFF and HYSPLIT to simulate ETEX experiment, and show the percent model results and compared with measurements. Through internal comparison of models and ensemble results, we can offer simulation of crisis companied with probility to surport the decision makin in accident release. The specific content is listed below:
     A:Discussed ATMES evaluation method
     B:Evaluated the CALPUFF application in long-range dispesion used ETEX data.
     C:Discussed application of ensemble technology in model evaluation.
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