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Industry clusters and urban agglomerations are a major approach for a nation or region to realize industrialization and urbanization. Industry clusters provide powerful industrial support for urban agglomerations, while urban agglomerations create various special carriers for industry clusters. They both promote the progress of industrialization of the region. The competition between modern countries is embodied on the competition between urban agglomerations based on industry clusters. The competitiveness and economic power of industry clusters and urban agglomerations has become the symbolization of that of a nation. Although in recent years, industry clusters and urban agglomerations of our country have developed rapidly, there is still a great difference between China and the developed countries in Europe and America as well as Japan. Besides the weak overall competitiveness and strength, the relationship between the two is not well enough harmonized. Meanwhile, the domestic academic studies of industry clusters and urban agglomerations lag behind the practical development, which is represented by the dissociation between the studies of the two. That is people who study industry clusters rarely study urban agglomerations and vice verse. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce the academic studies of relationship between industry clusters and urban agglomerations. The essay titled with“The Coupling of Industry Cluster and Urban Agglomerations and The Development of Regional Economy”tries to explore and summarize the characteristics, rules, generative mechanism and coupling mechanism, build the quantitative calculating module of coupling degree and coupling dividend, and illustrate the influence of the coupling degree to the development of regional economy, and finally study and design for the construction of the northeast urban agglomerations economic body. It is a challenging project, and the author hopes that it can arouse the attention to the topic in the field of theory and promote the richness, development and improvement of the theory of industry clusters and urban agglomerations, which can better lead and guide the practice. This is also the theoretical and practical value of the thesis topic.
     In certain region, the development of industry clusters and urban agglomerations are not isolated from each other, but are in the coupling relationship. The coupling between industry clusters and urban agglomerations is a process in which the composing factors of the two systems are affected and interacted with each other and promote the collocation of resource and factors and the optimization of industrial structure and urban organization and function, and form the integrative regional economic system of productivity special distribution and urban special distribution. The coupling degree is the extent to which the composing factors of the two systems are supported, matched, and cooperated with each other. It is the comprehensive reflection of their coupling power. Urban agglomerations territory economic body is the product of the highly developed coupling relationship. It is said, in a compact urban district, to combine surrounding cities centered with one or two big cities or assemble several neighboring cities around some kind of advantage industries, and form an organic industrial network or urban network through the vertical division and horizontal cooperation between enterprises and cities, and connect the cities by the industrial chain and city chain to be an integrated regional urban economic community.
     The coupling has the characteristics of endogenesis, self-organization, network, flexibility, stages. There are also the law of intergrowth and interaction, the law of accumulation and dissipation, the law of competition and cooperation. The law of intergrowth and interaction indicates that industry clusters and urban agglomerations come into being one after the other and are promoted by each other. There is harmony in time, space and rapidity between the two. The law of accumulation and dissipation means that the speed and degree of accumulation and dissipation of the resources, factors, population and industries in a region determines the coupling degree of industry clusters and urban agglomerations as well as the size of the urban agglomerations economic body and the pace of the development of regional economy. The law of competition and cooperation indicates that it forms a relation of competition and cooperation between the enterprises or the cities in the urban agglomerations territory.
     The formation and development of the coupling has both inner and outer causes. It is the effect of both internal and external power. The internal cause is that the pursuing of the maximum of self interest by enterprises and cities is to obtain the external economy which is due to the specialized division of labor, economy of scale and economy of scope. The external cause is the external pressure shaped by industrialization, urbanization, globalization of economy and regional integration. The factors of industry clusters and urban agglomerations are adapted and supported with each other and, under the integrative mechanism of industry chain and city chain, linkage mechanism of industrial organization and urban space organization, transmission mechanism, mechanism of folding and enlargement and government promotion mechanism form an integrative industrial and urban cooperating network.
     The coupling degree can be calculated by quantitative analysis. After confirming the important parameter efficacy coefficient and building the appraisal index system, the coefficient of coupling degree can be figured out by building a coupling degree model, and then we can compare the coupling degrees. In the same way, the coupling dividend of the two can also be analyzed quantitatively. After making sure the industry cluster and urban agglomerations have spilled over dividends, a calculating model can be designed, that is, coupling dividend=(dividend of industry cluster+ dividend of urban agglomerations)×coefficient of coupling dividend. Through the quantitative calculation of the coupling degree of the three industry clusters and urban agglomerations in the middle parts if Jinlin Province, it proves that the coupling degree in the region is low and shows the difference between the coupling degrees of different industry clusters and urban agglomerations, which provides strong statistical support for my argument.
     The coupling degree has great influence on the development of the region. They have the positive pertinence, that is, the bigger the degree is, and the larger the effect to regional economy development is. The coupling degree determines the power of radiation and drive of the territory economic body as well as its boundary and the economic development in the territory. The influences of high coupling degree on the territory are mainly represented in the boosting of economic strength and competitiveness, the promotion of industrial upgrade and the enlargement of employment, the enforcement of sustainable development capacity, the improvement of industrial ecology and the change of developing pattern and public policy.
     According to the promoting effects of the coupling of industry clusters and urban agglomerations to the development of region economy, in order to complete the course of developing the northeast old industrial base, the three northeast provinces shall promote the progress of regional integration, quicken the construction of northeast urban agglomerations territory economic body. The aims are to realize the combination of the industrial zone and urban zone, the cooperation of productivity special distribution and urban special distribution, and the industrialization and urbanization together, and to build a northeast urban agglomerations territory economic body with strong overall competitiveness and economic power and create the forth stage of domestic economic growth.
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