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Recently, China's Hi-te has developed quickly, the Hi-te enterprises play a more and more important role in national economy. They are changing into the national brace industry. Based on the basic theory and method of strategy management, with the characteristic of the Hi-te, according to the basic process of strategy formation, the thesis Studies on the process of the formation and implementation of the developing strategy which is suitable for the Hi-te enterprises. Although it is only a case study. The idea and method of the study is valuable for the Hi-te enterprises.
    This is a thesis about the business strategy of a high-tech company based on the analysis of FETECO, a high-tech JV company shared by SINOCHEM and XIOPM. After reviewing the internal and external environment of the company and according to the strategy objectives made by the BOD, the author worked out FETECO's business strategy as the position of General Manager of the company. At the same time some of the implementation about the strategy has been also involved, such as Organization, HR and Marketing strategy. The author will be happy if this paper is useful and helpful for the other High-tech Company all round the world.
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