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     其次,本研究对组织情境下的人-组织匹配模型进行了测度与动态性检验。先运用PDP系统的Proscan和Jobscan测量技术,分析并建制了两个匹配主体的人格特征:继而将两个匹配主体的特征数据组成同异反集对,导入SPA集对分析技术中的集对同一度分析模型进行匹配的度量及数据处理。分析结果表明,人与组织匹配可以由N-J fit、E-J fit来表征,两个匹配构面的动态性不同。
     最后,本研究对“组织情境下人-组织匹配对个体绩效影响的理论模型”进行了实证检验和修正,验证了E-J fit在个体绩效实现过程中的核心地位和重要的预测作用,分析了组织情境在这一过程中的作用及其影响路径。实证结果表明:基于人格的P-O fit对绩效具有较强的预测作用(35.7%);E-J fit对绩效有直接重要的影响(27.2%),而N-J fit通过E-J fit的部分中介作用影响工作绩效;研究也证明了在P-O fit与个体绩效之间确实存在态度变量的调节作用,而且该变量与组织情境相关;修正的后的模型认为,组织情境通过E-J fit的中介作用对个体绩效产生影响;可能通过长期的社会学习认知过程及反馈作用对N-J fit产生影响,从而对未来的长期绩效产生作用;同时,组织情境也可能通过对招聘及人岗适配的双向选择决策产生作用而影响到N-J fit。在上述研究基础上,研究提出了个体绩效干预的四个可选路径:招聘及人岗适配干预、组织情境干预、情境认知及情感反应干预以及激励约束干预。
Individual performance is the cornerstone of organizational performance, also a weak link in performance management as well, as human resource management. How to achieve sustained, effective and efficient guidance during the conduct of individual performance is still unresolved in theory and practice. Effective management of performance process has become a black box in the field performance management. As to existing theortes of view, considering the impact.on the individual performance from the dynamic fit of people and organization under the mutual influence of organizational situation and personality, is expected to be the key point about performance intervention management in this paper. And taking this as a starting point for building a systematic performance intervention management system has a good theoretical and practical significance.
     Firstly, this study thebretically analyzed and discussed the impact mechanism on individual performance from the people-organization fit under organizational situation, and built the model. Based on a comprehensive analysis of personality and performance, fit and performance and other related theories and research, combining with CAPS theory and other latest social cognitive theory and results, the study analyzed the impact mechanism on individual behavior and performance under the interaction of situation and personality: further built the people-organization model based on personality, and on this basis constructed a theoretical model of mechanism for individual performance. The model put the people-organization fit characterized by personality under the dynamic influence of situatioffto analyze its impact mechanism on performance; considered that under the influence of external factors in the situation, through the fit of N-J and E-J respectively, under the regulation of individual emotional cognitive elements and psychological variables, individual behaviors and performs. Model also assumed that people-organization fit changed dynamically due to the impact of organizational situation. The model is a reflection on the individual performance under the impact of interaction between people and situation.
     Secondly, this study conceives and dynamically tests the individual-organization fit model under organizational situation. First the measurement techniques Proscan and Jobscan in PDP system are used to analysis and form the personalities of two fit subjects; then the personality data of two fit subjects is composed to the set of IDC, and the identical degree of set pair analysis model for techniques in SPA set is imported, then the measurement of fit and data processing are conducted. The results show that the fit of individual and organization can be expressed by N-J fit and E-J fit and the two fit dimensions are different dynamically.
     Thirdly, this study researches on the structural factors and their effect of individual-organization fit under organizational situation. The paper explores and tests the organizational situation factors influencing the individual-organization fit through grounded theory, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to explore and test the components of organizational situation influencing people-organization fit, and forms the organizational situation questionnaire; then conducted an empirical study on the impact to the people-organization fit of organizational situation. The results showed that:the organizational situation influencing people-organization fit are of 5 dimensions: organization support, job structure, leadership influence, interpersonal atmosphere and organizational value; each factor and the interaction of two in five have different influence degree on two fit dimensions. Gender, age, education level, work experience and other demographic variables differ on the impact to the organizational situation factors.
     Finally, the study empirically tested and modified "the theoretical model of the impact on individual performance from the people-organization fit under organizational situation",then verified core position and important predictive role of E-J fit during the process of individual performance implementation and analyzed the role and influence path of organizational situation in this process. The empirical results show that:personality-based P-O fit has a strong predictor of performance (35.7%); E-J fit has a direct significant impact on performance (27.2%), while NJ fit works by the partial intermediary role of E-J fit; the study also proves that the regulation of attitude variables does exist between P-O fit and performance, and these variables associates with the organizational situation; the modified model considers that the organizational situation affects individual performance through the intermediary role of E-J fit:it may affect the N-J fit through long-term process of social cognitive learning and feedback, then affect the long-term future performance; at the same time, the organizational situation may also affect N-J fit through working on the mutual selection decision of recruitment and distribution. Based on these studies, the research proposed four optional paths for individual performance intervention:①recruitment and job distribution intervention;②organizational situation intervention;③situation cognition and emotional response intervention;④incentive intervention.
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