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     材料与方法:新鲜拔除的18颗无症状并伴有根尖部病损的离体牙牙根,其中未治疗牙根6颗、根管治疗失败和塑化治疗失败的牙根各6颗。2.5%戊二醛固定24小时后,将牙根在颊舌向沿牙齿长轴劈开成两半,一半用于扫描电镜观察;另一半脱钙后切片,分别用HE染色(观察细胞)和Brown & Brenn染色(观察微生物)后在光学显微镜下观察。
Objective: To study the morphology, distribution and relative position of microorganisms in situ in untreated and fail-treated root canal using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy.
    Methods: 18 recently extracted roots were studied. They were divided into three groups. The roots on group 1 were untreated. Group 2 were failed in root canal therapy. Group 3 were failed in resinfying therapy. Each group had six roots. All cases demonstrated evidence of periapical radiolucencies. The root was split into two halves along the gena-lingua axis. One half was studied under scanning electron microscopy. The other half was observed under light microscopy for histology and microorganisms.
    Results: (1) Microorganisms were found in all untreated roots. However, the patterns of microbial colonization were different in individual roots and varied in different areas of the same root. The microbial colonization in root canals was made up of cocci and/or bacilli that often blended together in a community. The depth of the invasion of bacteria in dental tube was about 100 um. However, in some roots we did find that it could be up to 300um. Infiltration of chronic inflammation cell was discovered in periapical tissues with no microorganism observed. (2) In the group that failed in the root canal therapy, bacteria, mostly cocci were found in 3 cases and fungus was found in one case solely. The invasion of bateria was within 100um. Colonies can be found dispersedly in dental tubes with unitary morphology. Chronic inflammation cell infiltration was discovered in the perapical tissue of 5 specimens. Scar tissue was found in one specimens. No microorganism was found in the perapical tissue. (3) In the grou
    p that failed in resinfying therapy, cocci were found mostly in 2 cases and fugi were found solely in the other 2 cases. The invasion of bateria was within 100um. Colonies can be found dispersedly in dental tubes with unitary morphology. Chronic inflammation cell infiltration was discovered in the perapical tissue of 3 specimens, and scar
    tissue was found in 2 specimens. No microorganism was found in the perapical
    Conclusions: (1) Severe infection occurs in untreated root canals. The pattern of
    microbial colonization is characterized as climax community. (2) The pattern of
    microbial colonization in failed-treated root canals of root canal therapy and
    resinfying therapy dramatically differ from that of the untreated, which can be
    characterized as unitary morphology, smaller dispersed islet-like colonies. (3) The
    continuant existence of microorganisms is due to the failure of root canal therapy
    and resinfying therapy. (4) In the asymptomatic infected root canals of failure
    treatments, the coccus is the mostly common microorganism. (5) The eukaryotic
    microorganism is related to the chronicle continuant infection and its reoccurrence.
    (6) It is possible that little microorganisms exist in the perapical tissue of
    asymptomatic infected root canals.
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