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With the large-scale exploitation and utilization of natural resources, China's economy flourished rapidly, providing necessary requirements for the comprehensive industrialization and urbanization of the society, as well as its economic transformation. Meanwhile, issues such as rapid and excessive consumption, serious ecological environment damages and pollution are becoming more and more obvious and serious. Under such condition, it is of great significance to study the environment protection and resource development, especially the resource-based industry development under the environment regulation, which is also one of the hot topics the current academic circle and government decision-making bodies are concerned.
     With resource-based industry as the research object, after the analysis of its developing characteristics, problems and current situations, it is found that many practical issues about resource-based industry are required to be dealt with, such as ecological environment protection, industrial structure, technological innovation, and system construction, among which the ecological environment protection is particularly prominent and provides a new perspective to study the issues of resource-based industry development under the ecological protection and environmental regulation. This paper mainly consists of the following four parts.
     The first part is literature review. It reviews the research status on the environmental regulation, the resource-based industry, and its development under the environmental regulation, both at home and abroad. The paper regards it valuable and necessary in terms of the realization of structure optimization, the benefits shares, the ecological compensation, and the wealth transformation of resource-based industries, which are also the key and difficult points in this paper.
     The second one is the study of the developing characteristics, problems and current situations of resource-based industry. Based on the study, it is pointed out that there exist some problems on resource-based industry in China such as unreasonable industrial structure, crowding-out effect on the human capital and innovation, lack of attention to the ecological environment and so on. The paper expounds comprehensively and scientifically the status quo of resource-based industry in China by selecting related indexes in terms of industrial structure, ecological environment, technology innovation and system construction, and constructing the evaluation system of the development of resourced-based industry.
     Part three relates to the research of resource-based industrial mechanism, which consists of four parts:Firstly, the research of resource-based industrial structure optimization mechanism. Through the analysis of the internal and external factors of the resource-based industrial development, considering the ecological environment protection, human capital, and technological innovation, a specific formula is carried out for the upgrade and optimization of industrial structure in the area of energy saving, environmental protection, independent innovation, and sustainable development. Second, the framework design of resource-based industrial interests sharing mechanism. Under the background of environmental regulation, after analyzing the behavior choice and distribution of the interest subjects in Resource-based Industrial development (central government, local government, enterprise and local residents), a game theory model is built to further clarify the relationship between them, putting forward the specific design based on the resource-based industrial profit sharing mechanism. Thirdly, the framework design of the ecological compensation mechanism of the resource-based industry. To realize the sustainable development of resource-based industry, based on the comparison of the resource-based industry ecological compensation for different subjects, a ecological compensation framework concerned about the combination of government and market, as well as the win-win situations between the resource-based enterprises and inhabitants are put forward. Fourthly, the framework design of resources industrial wealth transformation mechanism. In order to realize the sustainable utilization of resource wealth, and reduce the influence of resource depletion to social wealth, an operation mechanism about the transformation from resource wealth to industrial capital, financial capital and social capital is set up after analyzing their necessities.
     The last part is the study on resource-based industry policies. For the conservation and protection of resource-based industry and the realization of resources saving and friendly sustainable environment development, some policy recommendations involving not only the resource-based industry self-development, but also the specific requirements for all its stakeholders (such as the government, enterprise, public groups etc.) are brought forward from the aspects of accelerating the institutionalized construction, strengthening government supervision, and focusing on industrial reasonable regulation,
     On the basis of the above research, this paper draws the following conclusions:First, in China the resource-based industry is on its early stage. The ecological environment problems are obvious and the industrial structure is unreasonable. The system is not sound. Second, the ecological environment protection, science and technology innovation and human capital are some important factors affecting the realization of resource-based industry structure optimization. Third, under the environmental regulation, the sharing mechanism for all resource-based industry stakeholders is a necessity for its sustainable development. Fourth, the implementation of ecological compensation is the most effective way to control the resources industry negative externalities. Fifth, the efficient conversion of resource wealth is a basic premise to realize the sustainable development of resource-based industry.
     The innovation of this paper has the following four points:Firstly, using the game theory method to resources industry analyzing the interest relations among various economic entities, the resources industry benefit sharing mechanism construction are put forward. Secondly, it is to put forward the combination of government and market, resource-based enterprises win-win with the residents to build ecological compensation system. Thirdly, it is to put forward resource wealth to human capital, industry capital and financial capital, social capital and other capital in the form of a specific research ideas. Fourth, from the perspective of sustainable development put forward the policy Suggestions on the development of resources industry.
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