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Composition teaching has been the hot and difficult spot. Innumerable educators of Chinese Language have made useful exploration and practice from various angles of educational reform, and have made a number of accomplishments. But from an overall view, we haven't had an optimistic view of the composition writing situation. At present, primary school students don't have strong interest on writing. The content of their compositions is shrivel, and some even false. They are not able to express their sentiment. They don't know what and how to write while writing composition. The difficulty in composition writing is the teacher's great anxiety.
     Through analysis of successes and failures of the transfer training and development for student-centered writing in the system of writing teaching in primary school, the researcher attempts to seek out a new way to reform composition teaching in primary school, tries utilizing strengthening strategy of the writing psychology for primary school, improves training transfer system of writing teaching, make student-centered writing return to the original condition, heighten the writing ability of primary students.
     This thesis is divided into three sections:
     The introduction analyses the problems that exist at present among primary students, reviews the role of the transfer theory and student-centered teaching in the teaching of writing in primary school, leads to the argument of the thesis, finds the joint between transfer theory and the student-centered development: the intensification of psychological element in writing.
     The first section is a reflection on present composition teaching in primary school, in which the author takes into consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of transfer theory and the problems that still exist in composition teaching of the student-centered development from the two aspects of "Reading Writing Transfer"、"Speaking Writing Transfer" in writing training of primary school and the writing teaching of student-centered development.
     The second section is a theoretical exploration of the ways for composition teaching, in which transfer training are integrated with student-centered development. Starting with the analysis of psychological element in writing for primary students, the author points out the important effect of interest, affection and need in primary writing. Meanwhile, the author analyses the correlation between transfer training and student-centered development, leads to the turning point in which student-centered development is combined with transfer training the intensification of psychological element in writing.
     The third section is a preliminary exploration, in which the researcher puts forward the strategies of writing teaching based on the analysis of the theories above. The author proposes a tentative teaching strategies from both the orient intensification of the psychological element in writing and that of writing action for primary students, in order to explore a new way for the composition teaching in primary school via the researcher's own teaching practice.
1 此表是笔者于2007年9月18日分别在湖北省公安县斗湖堤小学和毛家港小学中高年级进行调查后整理而成的,尚未公开发表。
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