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In recent years,the absolute amount of agricultural investment has increased year by year. However, there is still a large gap between the total agricultural investment and the contribution of agriculture, serving as a basic role in the national economy. The internal structure of agricultural investment is also to be optimized. By closely combining current agricultural realities in the rural economic development with the future trend, comprehensively using various quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study mainly analyzes the investment scale and structure of China's agriculture in the new era from multiple perspectives and puts forward with related policies to help make the future planning and development of the agricultural investment policies on a scientific basis.
     The major researches are as follows:①Systematically summarize the recent development, issues and results of China's agricultural investment, and in accordance with the new requirements of comprehensive construction of well-off society in the new era, and estimate the demand for the agricultural investment through the quantitative analysis in 2020.②In the main structure of agricultural investment, summarize the recent basic conditions of various major agricultural investments, study the recent changes and interaction of farmers' incomes, agricultural investment and consumption, quantificationally analyze the impact of changes in interest rates and farmers' incomes on agricultural loans, and forecast the major agricultural investment size in the future.③In the regional structure of agricultural investment, identify the major factors that influence the amount of agricultural investment in different administrative and economic regions through the analysis and give principles and main directions of the regional agricultural investment in the future.④In the industry and technological structure of agricultural investment, reveal the focus and direction of investment in various sectors across agriculture and predict the scale of investment in fixed assets of China's agriculture and direction of its adjustment and optimization.
     The major results of the study are as follows:①The target forecast. The insufficient investment and unsteady increase in China's agriculture is forecast to lead to a decrease in investment returns. In order to achieve the goal that the per capita GDP of the year 2020 quadruples that of the year 2000, investment in agriculture will be at least more than RMB 5,000 billion, 2.2 times that of 2007.②Major problems and restraining factors. Among the various investors, investment from farmers is decreasing; the financial supply in rural areas is of long-standing absence; government investment is a serious deficiency; investment motive of rural collective economic organizations is weak, and there is a small space for foreign capital utilization in the agriculture. In addition, the regional structure of investment in agriculture obviously presents that the feature of the investment distribution appears on a diminishing scale form east to west. The central and western provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), with a large cultivated land, with a great agricultural population and low per capita income of rural residents, face great challenges of developing modern agriculture. According to the future trend of the consumption structure of agricultural products, there will be a growing demand for investment in livestock industry, in spite of the fact that the investment in fixed assets of agriculture is growing relatively slowly and its structure is irrational.③Major suggestions for measures to be taken. In order to meet the need of the future investment in agriculture, we should stabilize the agricultural investment from farmers and continue to encourage government to increase agricultural investment as well as the scale of agricultural loans by a big margin. Central and western regions should give full play to the advantages and characteristics of its local agriculture. According to the development of various industries in the agriculture, the focus of agricultural investment should appropriately tilt to the livestock industry. China should significantly enlarge the investment in the fixed assets of agriculture and improve conditions for agricultural production by directly increasing the proportion of investment.
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