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Agriculture logistics is a procedure of agriculture products processing, packaging, storage, transportation and distribution to keep and add the value of agriculture product. It has become a third profit source except reducing the cost of material and improving productivity. The research of agriculture logistics is till poor in theory and practice because of its complexity and need to pay more attention.
     The paper is trying to make a research from theory and development of agriculture logistics. It will analyze the situation of China and discuss the possible room for further development. Then the paper makes a detail research on the enterprises involved in logistics: the agricultural key Enterprises (processing company and wholesalers), supermarket and agricultural 3PL.Finally the paper puts forward some suggestions for future development in China.
     The paper is divided in 9 chapters.
     Chapter 1 and the Chapter 2 are an introduction and theory review. It introduces the background and the reasons for select the topic. It makes a literature review of related research and puts forward the research objevtive, contents and methods of research. Then it gives a theory review of agriculture logistics. It reviewed the logistics and supply chain theory, marketing theory, agricultural logistics and agriculture supply chain management.
     Chapter 3 made a research on the development of agriculture logistics of developed countries. Based on the study of US, Japan and Netherlands, the paper suggests that it is better for China to develop wholesaler and supermarket together. It also suggests that the government should play an important role for agriculture logistics development and it is also necessary to import logistics techniques and management system, to build logistics center, develop agricultural supply Chain and train more skilled people.
     Chapter 4 analyses the development of agriculture logistics in China. As the changing of agricultural circulation system, more parties have involved in agriculture logistics instead of state-owned enterprises and the logistics foundation and logistics techniques have been developed very fast. The increasing logistics scale, trade changing from export surplus to trade deficit, developing rural marketing channel and foundation are the characteristics of agriculture logistics. The food logistics has been developed in warehouses and logistics channel while the structure of warehouse still needs to improve. The vegetable and fruits' logistics is still in a lower level and its foundation and information system cannot meet the requirement. The poultry and livestock is lack of processing and management. The marine lives industry is lack of organization and specialization. In general, the problems of agricultural logistics are as follows: higher logistics cost, poor techniques, lack of cooperatives and trained personals. Finally, this chapter makes a research about relations of agricultural logistics and agriculture products' price based on the data of trucks in rural area, the price of wheat of farmers and the price of the market from 2003-2005. It proved that the improvement of logistics foundation and techniques could lower the price of agricultural product by reducing the circulating cost.
     Chapter 5 analyzes the room for further development of agriculture logistics. The development of agriculture and rural economy has improved the level of consumer and purchasing power and provided more market for logistics. WTO has brought china into the world market while puts forward more challenging for agriculture logistics industry. It is the power for development of agriculture logistics and will bring more reform of agriculture logistics. Based on the research this chapter proved that the agriculture logistics has more opportunities and it also needs to improve customer services and improve its competitiveness.
     Chapter 6 makes a research of the agricultural key enterprises (which includes processing factory and wholesalers). The agricultural keys Enterprises are the organizers of agriculture industrialization. They are logistics service providers except small fanners and 3PL, which is undeveloped. The key agricultural Enterprises are the logistics service provider and manager from farmers to process and wholesale. It also includes some retail logistics. The paper made a questionnaire and interviewed 228 enterprises (which is named national and provincal agricultural key enterprises by government) and finally got 49 effective questionnaires. Based on the analysis of the data, the paper found that whether it is wholesalers or processing company, their logistics management need to be improved, especially their consciousness of modern logistics. They should pay attention to the potential profit of logistics and strengthening the work of logistics department, recognize the importance of supply chain and improve information management and customer service.
     Chapter 7 makes a research of supermarket and agriculture logistics. As a new party in agriculture products market, supermarket develops has developed very fast and has become the most important retail for agriculture products because it can provide safe and high quality products to consumers. Logistics distribution is the most important part for supermarket, which includes self-distribution, 3PL distribution and cooperative distribution. Now the self-support distribution is prevalence in China, which is low productivity, poor facilities. So it is important to change the situation. In order to learn more about it, the paper made a case study of Suguo Supermarket. Suoguo gets good profit while Agriculture products are the main products and many shops are in rural area. Its success proves that supper market can play an important role in agriculture logistics. Of course, it needs good distribution center, good food quality management and high techniques to reduce cost.
     Chapter 8 analyzes the development of 3PL for agricultural logistics management. As professional logistics, 3PL could reduce circulation cost and improve the efficiency of logistics. Now it has become a hot issue for many experts, especially about fresh agriculture products. In order to know more about it, a questionnaire and interviews about 31 enterprises have been made. From the survey, it seems that the 3PL for agricultural logistics is very weak. The weak consciousness about logistics of society, poor environment, poor HR, Lack of techniques and support from government leads to a poor condition of customer service of 3PL.
     Chapter 9 puts forward some suggestions for future development. It suggests that it is important to improve agricultural logistics innovation, promote development of the agricultural key enterprises and supermarket logistics, develop 3PL and logistics market agency. Finally it puts forward that the government should make and publish related laws, promote development of agriculture logistics parties.
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