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Compared with the international ecological agriculture, the Chinese ecological agriculture separated with the non-pollution-food development; therefore, the integration management system of agriculture has not been in form. As a result, the economic benefit was limited. Therefore, if we want to wholly upgrade the Chinese ecological agriculture with the increasing of economic benefits and ecological benefits, or if we wanted to solve the practical problem and perfect the theoretic system of Chinese ecological agriculture, we must introduce the profitable experience from overseas and integrative the relative industries within ecological agriculture system. By this way, the connection of tracks on advanced standards between Chinese ecological agriculture and that abroad can be realized. Some conclusions were made from the combination of theory study and case study.
    The theories of the ecological agriculture integration were shaped out. (l)It was pointed out that the ecological agriculture integration system should integrate the ecological production, the ecological processing and ecological marketing into vertical industry chain and network by the principles of ecological link and longitudinal joint, and the evolution to realize ecological agriculture integration in China was to develop non -pollution food, green food, and organic food stage by stage. The evolution path to develop ecological agriculture in China gradually was also the effective and practical path fitted to the situation of China to realize the connection of tracks with the international criterion. (2) Two development models of ecological agriculture integration were summed up. One was propelled by the leading industry; the other was driven by the leading corporations. (3) The support and safeguard system was summarized in the dissertation, including the development of agriculture agribusiness, the appl
    ication of ecological agriculture standardization, the hierarchy of ecological products, the green-brand marketing of ecological products, the usage of advanced and clean technologies, and other means to ensure the ecological agriculture integration in China. The support and the safeguards system was the important structural element of ecological agriculture integration. (4)The realization of ecological agriculture integration depended on the non-pollution, green, and overall process control along the production, the processing and the marketing industry chain. That is to say, the production must be controlled by non-pollution food criterion, the green food criterion, or the organic food criterion, the processing need to be controlled at the same by clean techniques to ensure the environment protection and products quality, such as ISO9000, ISO 14000 or HACCP series standards should all be carried out and used in the processing. As for the marketing procedure, it was proposed to increase the green benefits b
    y green-brand-strategy.
    Some results of cases study were obtained. On the basis of theoretical framework above mentioned, the Pinggu district and Huairou district in Beijing as two typical cases were chosen and studied systematically, comprehensive, and in depth. (1) Great economic interests and good ecological benefit were gotten in Pinggu and Huairou through the establishment of ecological agriculture integration system, including ecological production, ecological processing and ecological marketing. (2) The
    development of ecological agriculture integration in Pinggu was propelled by the leading industry, and then the processing corporations were developed with other industries by the expansion and the promotion of leading industry. Compared with Pinggu district, the propelling of leading corporations developed all the three leading industries in Huairou, and the leading corporations acted as the kernel role in the ecological agriculture integration. (3) Following detail support and safeguards system in two districts were adopted and applied: the development of agriculture agribusiness, that is, the processing corporation was built, w
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