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     项目分析结果显示各条目得分与全量表得分之间的相关系数范围:0.310-0.565.第二次探索性因素分析的结果显示:8个因子可以解释总方差变异的73.554%。信度检验的结果:①量表同质信度克伦巴赫α系数(Cronbach's alpha coefficient)为0.86,8个因素的克伦巴赫α系数分别为0.59、0.75、0.78、0.53、0.76、0.73、0.79、0.66。②量表总体Guttman分半信度为0.811,8个因素Guttman分半信度分别为0.766、0.765。③重测信度:对60名儿童及其家长在间隔2周后进行复测,总体重测相关系数为0.84,8个因素的重测相关系数分别0.84、0.69、0.82、0.89、0.70、0.68、0.81、0.78。
     4、效度分析的结果:①内容效度:本研究通过文献查阅、专家咨询、家长及专业人员专题小组讨论的方法构建条目库,并通过专家审阅及专家评分法筛选条目,保证了内容效度;②结构效度:各分量表得分与全量表得分之间的相关系数范围:0.611-0.736;各分量表得分之间的相关系数范围为:0.342-0.599.均呈中到高度相关,说明各因素之间既具有一定的独立性。各条目得分与其所属分量表得分之间的相关系数范围为:0.382-0.684,呈中到高度相关,说明各条目与其所属的因素紧密相关。验证性因素分析模型拟合达到要求,八因子模型的均方根近似误差(rmsea)为0.04,表明一个紧密配合的结构与有关自由度。NFI和CFI的值分别是0.84和0.91,说明结构的紧密性。③准则关联效度:育儿评估量表总分与儿章语言能力、社会能力及适应性行为得分之间的相关系数分别为:0.37、0.39和0.48.语言环境得分与儿童语言能力得分之间存在显著的正相关,相关系数为0.60,关注和接纳得分与儿童适应性行为得分均呈正相关,相关系数为0.49.养育关系与沟通及语言环境与儿童的适应性行为之间也呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为:0.40和0.36。此外,养育关系与沟通与儿童的语言能力和社会能力得分之间也呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为:033和0.30.育儿评估量表总分与儿童发育商之间也呈显著正相关,相关系数为:0.3 19.
【Baekground】Parenting 15 defined as the Proeess of Promoting and suPPorting thePhysical,emotional,social,and intelleetual develoPment of a ehild from infaney toadulthood.Parenting refers to the activity of raising a ehild rather than the biologiealrelationshiP.Ineluding variety of eontents,Parenting ean not be treated as a singlestructure but should be seen as a combination of Parental ideas/如owledge,behaviour/skills and styles.The eondition of Parenting won,t change over time and 15relatively stable.Parenting attitudes and skills have been linked to manydeveloPmental outeomes.For examPle,asPeets of Positive Parenting,sueh as the mother's "sensitivity", including warmth and responsiveness, can predict the child's academic readiness, self-control, and social competence. In contrast, parental behaviors identified as harsh, including physical and verbal discipline, have been linked to maladaptive behaviors, including internalization and inappropriate externalization of problems. These conflicting results concerning parenting styles in China suggest that these questions require an updated assessment but the main concern is that there is no reliable and valid tool for testing parenting ideas and behaviours in China.
     Standardized procedure was used to develop the scale for ensuring that the scale can satisfy psychometric norms.
     First, information was collected from many sources for developing the item pools:①literature review:reviewing literatures regarding parental ideas/knowledge, behaviours/skills, styles and measuring tools;②experts consultation:consulting experts from psychological, psychometric and parenting fields etc;③Focus group discussion:parents, kindergareners and professionals of child health care were invited to participate into the focus group discussion. Information extracted from the above three sources was used to develop the item pool.
     After being established, general revision was done to the item pool aimed to confirm the acceptability, relevancy, degree of understandability and integrity of items. First, professionals of child healthcare and experts from psychometric field were invited to read through the item pools as to supplement some contents that possibly being omitted and do necessary modification. At the same time,30 parents were chosen from the clinics of child health care in Capital Institute of Pediatrics and were asked to read through the items, among which those being considered as difficult to understand, with less relevancy or duplicate were deleted or verified.
     Item selection was done by:①experts pointsystem, by which items were graded by professionals of child healthcare and psychometric field as 0 score or 1 score, with the former refers to unimportant and the latter refers to important. Scores of importance for each item were calculated, items with scores higher than the average scores of all of items were retained;②field test, subjects were 98 parents with their children aged 3-6 years from the child health care clinics and immunization clinics by convenience sampling in Capital Institute of pediatrics and Maternal & Child Health Care Institute of Hunan province. SPSS 13.0 was used to do analysis with the data from field test. Exploratory factor analysis was done and factors with eigenvalues more than 1 and items with loading values more than 0.3 were remained. The results of experts pointsystem and factor analysis were integrated as the evidence to select items, with those being retained to form the formal version of Parenting Assessment Tool.
     After item selection, large-scale investigation was done. From September 2009 to March 2011, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Changsha, Tianjin, Huzhou, Wuhan, Jinan, Weihai, Rongcheng, Nanning, Tiandeng, Hejian, Huguan 16 cities were made as the studying sites. About 60 dyads of parents and their children aged 3-6 years were chosen from each city. The assessors were staff from the maternal and child health care institute in each city. Before formal investigation, all assessors from each place were trained together by video case and were asked to assess parents according to the unified scale and administration manual. All the queationnaires completed were reviewed and checked twice before being entered into computer and analysed. Epidata 3.0 was used to establish database and SPSS 13.0 was used to do analysis.
     Pearson's correlation coefficients between item score and total scale scores were calculated for item analysis. Items were deleted whichever correlation coefficient to be lower than 0.30 separately. Second exploratory factor analysis was then done to the items remained after the item analysis procedure for exploring the potential construct and mutual factors of the Parenting Assessment Tool. After Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling and Bartlett's test of sphericity done, principal component analysis and varimax rotate were performed to extract the factors. Reliability analysis including internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficients, Guttman's split-half reliability), and test-retest reliability, validity analysis including content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity and confirmatory factor analysis were evaluated respectively.
     1、One hundred and seventeen items were generated by focus group discussion, experts consultation and literature review as the item pool, after general revision,69 items were remained.
     2. Fifteen experts were invited to grade the importance for the 69 items and 98 parents were administered the 69 items. Fifty items satisfied standards for remaining of both experts pointsystem and factor analysis. Eight factors were extracted from the 50 items and can explain 65.54% of the total variance. Names of the 8 factors were as follows:①Parenting ideas;②Attention and Acceptance;③Self-regulation;④Nurture and Communication;⑤Studying Stimulation;⑥Language Stimulation;⑦Play and Enjoyment;⑧Safety and Living environment.
     3. Reliability anslysis:①The Cronbach's alph coefficient of the whole scale was 0.86, and for eight subscales, the Cronbach's alph coefficients were 0.59,0.75,0.78,0.53, 0.76,0.73,0.79,0.66 respectively;②The Guttman's split-half coefficient of the whole scale was 0.811, for eight factors the guttman's split-half coefficients were 0.766,0.765 respectively;③Test-retest reliability of the whole scale was 0.84, and for eight factors, the correlation coefficients were respectively.
     4. Validity analysis:①Content validity:this study developed the item pool by literature review, experts consultation and focus group discussion, and selected the items by experts pointsystem and factor analysis, so the content validity of the scale was ensured;②Construct validity:correlation coefficients between total scale and factors ranged from 0.611 to 0.736. between eight factors ranged from 0.342-0.599. between items and factors they belong to ranged from 0.382-0.684. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the model fitting was good.③Criterion-related validity: correlation coefficient between total score and child development quotient (DQ) was 0.319、between total score and children's language ability, sociability and adaptive ability were 0.37,0.39 and 0.48 respectively. Correlation coefficient between Language Stimulation and children's language ability was 0.60, between Attention & Acceptance and adaptive ability was 0.49. Correlation coefficients between Nurture & Communication、Language Stimulation and adaptive ability were 0.40 and 0.36 respectively. Correlation coefficients between Nurture & Communication and language ability and sociability were 0.33,0.30 respectively.
     5、Significant differences were found between parenting scale scores and different parental educational levels, marital status, working times, and careers, which showed partial empirical validity of Parenting Assessment Tool.
     1、This study developed and tested the psychometric indicators of Parenting Assessment Tool independently within Chinese social and cultural context. It is the first time to establish such a measurement for assessing the parenting conditions in China.
     2、After item analysis and factor analysis, it is confirmed that the Parenting Assessment Tool is a reliable and relatively valid tool. It has an acceptable structure and can distinguish parenting ideas/knowledge, behaviours/skills and styles to some extent.
     3、The reliability and validity analysis showed that of Parenting Assessment Tool can satisfy the psychometric standards.
     4、There were significant differences existed between different parental educational level, work times, occupations. These findings indicated that Parenting Assessment Tool had some empirical validity and can reflected the actual conditions of parenting.
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