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Land use planning is a foresight arrangement for future land utilization of a certain region, and also an integrated measure of land management for land resources distribution and reasonable land utilization in time and space according to the natural and historic characteristic of land and the regional social and economic development. The general land use planning is an important constitute of the land use planning system and the leading composition of the land utilization and management, which plays crucial role in the overall picture of land management of China. Therefore, compilation of the general land use planning is an urgent task among different levels of people's governments. Up to the present, there have been three rounds of general land use planning and compilation carried out throughout the country. The question that the planning frequently fails to meet actual situations is ubiquitous and asks for repetitive revisions afterwards. In this paper, the general land use planning and compilation of Jiangjin District, Chongqing during a time period of10years was used as an example to analyze the most-influencing factors in the process. The aims of the paper are to supplement the methods of planning, reduce and avoid the uncertain disturbances of the process and make the planning more scientific and applicable. The main research conclusions are as follows.
     1. The influence of base period data variation on the general land use planning and formation
     The present study used data of all three rounds of general land use planning of the area. It was found that the second land survey data was more accurate; effects were larger for cultivated land and urban industrial land use. Compared with the land use change data of2005in Jiangjin showing the area of cultivated land being103369.34hm2, it was identified as114719.09hm2in the second land survey of2009; the addition was11349.75hm2. According to the land use change data, the holding capacity for cultivated land and basic farmland were100510hm2and92600hm2respectively. Based on the data of2005, the annual average decrement of the cultivated land area was178.71hm2from2005to2020. As for the data of2009, it became1184.09hm2from2009to2020. Thus the potential annual average decrease was1005.38hm2, which went far beyond the normal average quantity of cultivated land occupation and did no good to the conception of cultivated land protection. So the relevant indexes should be evaluated and adjusted. The overuse of aerial photograph interpretation and lack of field investigation resulted in remarkable errors for collecting data of urban and industrial land use in the second land survey. The rural settlements near town were often misread as urban industrial land and evacuated area after urban emerging was also noted as urban industrial land. These errors led to the fact that the area of the urban industrial land was abnormally increased and the size of the town was therefore narrowed. Certain adjustments and correction should be made after assessment. In addition, the country-level planning was based on the data of2005, while the town-level planning was based on the data of the second land survey in the current planning. It was obvious that the huge difference between these two sets of data would lead to certain contradictions. As a result, assessment in the planning and implementation process was needed, if necessary, some planning details might be adjusted.
     2. The influence of government action on the general land use planning and compilation
     Negotiations are inevitable between the local government and the central government of the country concerning with the issue of cultivated land protection and urban industrial land expansion. The central government pays more attention to the cultivated land protection while the local government tries to expand the urban industrial land use area out of economic benefits. The changing of local leaders goes with changing of ruling ideas. It directly influences the general land use planning, especially big change in the size and layout of the urban industrial land use. The local leaders' decisions are more sensational than rational out of scant field investigation and rare professional knowledge. It lacks rigorous thinking of the general planning and only meets the demand of flexible land usage, which results that the planning does not guide the actual land usage, on the contrary, the latter becomes the only guideline of the former. The cost for land planning is increased and the authority of planning is at stake. It is foreseeable that, the local government will continue making adjusting requirements while implementing the plan. Therefore, it is necessary to add the flexibility of the planning beforehand and limit the unnecessary impulse of adjusting afterwards.
     3. The influence of economic development on the general land use planning and compilation
     Economic growth is a pushing force for urban industrial land expansion. In order to attract more investment, the local government puts forward some preferential terms, including preference for land acquisition. Hence, investors find it unnecessary to follow the general land use planning with regard to the size and the layout of the land. This not only breaks the entirety of the land utilization planning, but also leads to extensive use of land, which go against the concept of intensivism. The relatively more developed towns have a high need for land, and the adjustment of layout is more frequent. They usually overrun the limit of the planning while the less developed towns have no need at all. As a result, it is unnecessary to formulate general land use planning for all towns at the same time, instead of which evaluating their implementation of previous planning. If the previous planning was carried out well, then new planning is. allowed. In this way, it is under dynamic monitoring and controlling. China is undergoing high-speed economic development and rapid urbanization, so it is difficult to make long-term prediction. The planning cycle is as long as ten years at present, so the planning of later period usually contradicts with the actual situation. Considering China's national economy plan and term of office are both five years, the planning period could be changed correspondingly.
     4. The influence of the policy variation on the general land use planning and compilation
     During the third general land use planning and compilation, the government successively put forward the policy of returning the farmland to forest and land use balance of cultivated land and residential land. Correspondent adjustments were made according to the requirements of policies through the general land use planning of Jiangjin. However, before the planning was finished, the policies were changed again. The variations of the policy increased the uncertainty of the planning and delayed the completion.
     5. The influence of technical specifications on the general land use planning and compilation
     The new Guidelines for General Land Use Planning of Village (Town) pays more attention to the flexibility of the planning. For the number of planning area, extra land is allowed to be preserved for unexpected and necessary land use. As for the layout and controlling of the construction land, a concept of "conditional construction zone" is came up with to make the urban industrial land use planning more flexible and more practical to implement. But this policy is not applied to the transportation land use, which causes inconvenience and needs revision in the following guidelines.
     Roads and other linear features across town are no longer viewed as transportation land use in the new guideline. They are regarded as either urban land use or residential settlements. This incorrect statistical method fails to indicate the actual land area for transportation and unfairly increases the urban land use area.
     The accuracy of the planning data is greatly improved by the introduction of GIS, which also allows dynamic monitoring of the implementation process through techniques of RS and GPS. According to The Procedures of Data Inspection in General Land Use Planning issued in2011and the requirements for inspection software, the planning database does not come up to the requirements. The smallest area on the map of the planning area is4mm2, which brings much inconvenience in land use planning for rural residential settlements and transportation, and disagrees with the technical norms of the satellite images and routine inspection. From the perspective of land management, this guideline should be revised.
     In conclusion, with reference to the planning example of Jiangjin District, the relationship and combination of rigidity and flexibility was analyzed regarding to their theoretical and practical meaning and its application to the new round of general land use planning was investigated. Moreover, the present paper discussed how the present land planning was affected by variation of basic data, government policy, economic development and the governing of local government.
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