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In recent two decades, the economic construction and development obtained great success in China, but also paid heavy environmental cost. There is a popular worry among the public that the current environmental problems are only a little piece of iceberg. Although there is a quite long line of the literatures on the environmental changes, for most of them has no minimum academic foundation including data resource and methodology, it is hard to know the exact situations of the environments and the garbage disposing in the rural area. Anyway, a common conclusion is agreed that the environments in the countries are worsening and the conflicts on the garbage disposing become heavier.
    Using the theory of the public good supply under the dual economics as the analysis structure, this dissertation does a systematic and complete economics study on the environmental problems in the rural areas in China.
    This dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter is the literature review and introduction. The second chapter formulates the questions and explains why the study on environmental problems and garbage disposing in the rural area plays such an important role. Additionally, this chapter evaluates the contributions of this study to the field of the environmental economics and implies the relative academic directions.
    The basic model is presented in the third chapter. Through adjusting the assumptions including income variation, consumption preference changes, property right reform, taxation and subsidy regulation, information problem, random and periodical shock, garbage disposing (discrete or continuous assumption), the structure of the environmental market, multi-period's uncertainty, multi-resolutions to the game, it analyzes the difficulty regarding with rural environments and the garbage disposing.
    The forth chapter discusses the practical scenario of the traditional zero-emission pattern in rural under the classical theory of the utility function, and the implications of the relative policies.
    By means of three models, the fifth chapter analyzes the interactions between the rural environments and industrialization, urbanization, and urban-rural structure under different regimes. Meanwhile, this chapter raises the policy suggestions on how to improve the rural environments and garbage disposing. That is, based on the model, it discusses, under certain conditions, which factors could be used as the tool of the policy, and explain why some environmental policies failed from the viewpoint of economics.
    The final chapter illustrates the strategies of rural environmental protection and garbage disposing, and tests the models empirically.
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