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Transference of rural land contractual management right refers to farmer households who own the contractual management right of rural land transferred his contractual management right to others such as other farmer households or some economic organizations, namely retained his contractual of his rural land but transferred the right to management. Transference of rural land contractual management right is the development of productive forces to a certain stage of the product, it is the objective requirement in rural economic development and modern agricultural development, also is the adjustment of agricultural structure and the inevitable transfer of rural labor force trends. Accelerate the transference; scale management of rural land can be come true. Rural land transference is consistent with the set up and efficient operation of land contract relations, but also the collective rural land at all insist on the basis of the land to maximize the effectiveness of the means. Since the recent decades from reform and the opening, the transference market of rural land contractual management right is started. Since entering the 21st century, from central to local governments at all levels continued to formulate and promulgate relevant laws and regulations and rural policy, the transference of rural land contractual management right was speed up. Rural tax-fee reform such as "Full-scale exemption of agricultural tax" has been carried out in recent years, which was benefit to transference of rural land contractual management right, however it did not achieve the significant effect as desired. At the same time new changes and features of transference had been emerged. In the new policy environment, voluntarily, reasonably, paid to as well as orderly transfer rural land contractual management right and establish a transference market of rural land contractual management right was of great practical significance. The results of the research was a theoretical guidance for optimization of recombinant factor of production in rural areas, implementation of large-scale agriculture, intensive management, improve land utilization and agricultural production efficiency, and promote the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure and improve agricultural industrialization level. Also it had some practical significance for the promotion of social stability in rural areas, the development of modern agriculture, acceleration the construction of new socialist countryside.
     This study analysed main factors influencing the development of the transference market of rural land contractual management right theoretically and empirically from several but different dimension by use of agricultural economics, new institutional economics, political economics, econometric theory and study method, based on former results of research on rural land contractual management right both at home and abroad, the research framework in accordance with the "Problem questioned→Analysis of the problem→To solve the problem→Summary of research results"to the overall design idea.
     This paper is divided into six parts, a total of seven chapters. After the rural tax-fee reform, transference of rural land contractual management right came to a status and some new characteristics were emerged. A general equilibrium analysis framework of the transference market was tried to set up, then main factors influencing the development of the transference market were analysed from the angle of supply and demand of rural land contractual management right. It is known that transference behavior subject of rural land contractual management right is farm household, so from point of farmer household, some influencing factors of transference will including farm household's out-transference and in-transference were tested empirically base on our survey data. Finally, the conclusions drawn in this paper and the study of opinion and strategy are accordingly. The main research content of this paper is as follows:
     The first part includes chapter 1 and reviewed existed research results and then briefly summarized the basic spirit of the "Law of Rural Land Contract", new situation and new conditions of rural land contractual management right transference after the rural tax-fee reform. The existed research results are of great guide and reference for future reform of rural land contractual management right and speed up of rural land contractual management right transference.
     The second part includes chapter 2 and reviewed the relevant theoretical basis. This part respectively commented "basic theory" related to rural land contractual management right transference, including property right theory, institutional change theories, the land rent and land price theory, land market theory as well as the theory of agricultural scale management. These theories and observations of the sort paving the oretical way for the entire study are below.
     The third part includes chapter 3 and 4. It summarized the present development situation of rural land contractual management right transference market of the whole country and Hubei Province, then demonstrated the size and trends of the market development, furthermore, a framework of general equilibrium analysis was established to exhibit some problems existed in the supply and demand of rural land contractual management right. This part also explored the relationship between rural land transference and construction of Agriculture in City Countryside in Wuhan City. After the rural tax-fee reform, some new and outstanding characteristics occured in the whole countries were as follows: Size of transference was expanded, meanwhile transference was speeded up; the expansion of the geographical extent of transference had been expanded also, but the unbalanced development existed among regions; transfer forms were innovated continuously; subjects to participate in the transference were diversified and an intermediary service system was set up gradually. At the same time, some new situations and problems were appeared such as the development of the transference market was relatively low yet, most farmers transferred their contracted rural land spontaneously yet; dispute of the transference increased instead after a series of supporting agriculture and benefiting-farmers policies carried out in recent years such as "Full-scale exemption of agricultural tax" and growing grain subsidy as well as other kinds of subsidies paid directly to farmers, hindering the promotion of the transference. Equilibrium in the general framework was considered, we found that there were shortage of both the effective demand and the effective supply in the transference market. Speed up the transference of rural land to achieve an appropriate scale management is the inherent requirement of Agriculture in City Countryside in Wuhan City.
     The fourth part includes chapter 5 and analysed main factors restricting the transference of rural land contractual management right the oretically. This part summed up the influencing factors of market development from point of the property rights of rural land, the land system change, land rent, as well as the market equilibrium of rural land contractual management right transference respectively. Restricting the flow of factors is market development. When reasons why there was shortage of both the effective demand and the effective supply was searched after, we have made a point of view firstly that there is a "dual restriction of limitation" exist in the market of rural land contractual management right transference.
     The fifth part includes chapter 6 and tested the main influencing factors of rural land contractual management right transference empirically. Based on our sample data by questionnaire and interview in Hubei Province, from the farmers point of view considerations, there were 13 variables assumed to have a significant impact of farmers transference willingness of rural land. Then, a binary Logistic regression model was established to inspect farmers' transference willingness, in-transference willingness and out-transference willingness respectively of rural land. Results of model test showed that some variables such as the householder's main industry of farm household, the quantity of agricultural labor force home; whether or not some family member(s) served as a village cadre; price level of main agricultural product; rent levels and a series of supporting agriculture and benefiting-farmers, played a significant role in farmers' transference willingness, but to varying degrees and in different direction. As far as any variable mentioned above is concerned, it also played different role in in-transference willingness and out-transference willingness respectively.
     The sixth part includes chapter 7 and contained conclusions and policy recommendations. The main conclusions of this study were summarized, and then based on the results of empirical testing previously, some proposals and advice were made to speed up the development of the market of rural land contractual management right.
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