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New model system of rural cooperative medical services is to organized, led, held out by government, the peasant adds voluntarily, individual, collective and the government raise in many ways money, the peasant medical treatment giving first place to health insurance covering major cases of illness to help each other relieving system. The function comes to analyze from whose society, ought to be that one kind is situated between society succor and social security, has the social security system being sure that the character medical treatment helps each other.
     Building new model system of rural cooperative medical services is city and countryside economy society coordinated growth important measure conscientiously, resolving three agriculture problems, planning as a whole, return to improving a peasant cause healthy guarantee level, the disease lightening medical treatment burden , resolving a reason poor, being due to illness poor have the important effect , be the "auxiliary booster" structuring harmonious rural area society, be that the peasant sets out on a road to prosperity heading for the comparatively well-off "accelerator".
     The government is maximal supplier of new model system of rural cooperative medical services, is a core and basis closing stable operation of system, sustainable development keep the new agriculture, whose effect is irreplaceable. This can get a certificate theoretically all to some extent disregarding being that rural area cooperative medical care experience and lessons twice is still secondary from the past. Though our country new model rural area cooperative medical care has got gigantic achievement, but government responsibility, fulfilling among them are at present not completely entirely satisfactory. Therefore, comply with again allocation being in progress theoretically to government function, and find the way of fulfill the government function especially urgent right away.
     The thesis tries to study by the fact that research method such as social investigation, induction summary is in progress to this one problem. Full text divides into three parts together:
     Part I: The history having analyzed original system of rural cooperative medical services of our country changes, significance having set forth original system of rural cooperative medical services, and by the analysis summing up the summary and defects, the key location pointing out government if fulfilling responsibility is rural area cooperative medical care success or failure to two time of the system of rural cooperative medical services characteristic.
     Part II: Have summarized our country new model system of rural cooperative medical services weight structure and have developed condition, have analyzed government certainty and necessity undertaking responsibility in rural area cooperative medical care in new model, and have pointed out current government reverse choose and reverse payment having fulfilled existence in new model system of rural cooperative medical services responsibility by the fact that social investigation , being summed up as and analyzing and so on study method is analytical, rural area medical treatment resource The supply is short, financing policy hiatus, country medical treatment marketplace monopolize, supervision administration mechanism faulty, legal liability incomplete and so on problem.
     Part III: First secondary theoretically, the boundary has fixed the government fix position in function in new model system of rural cooperative medical services , has made government responsibility clear. And then suggest that the government throws into, improves rural area medical treatment condition of service by strengthening policy design and the fund being innovative, enlarging, build science financing mechanism, cancel the fixed point hospital, build certainty entering system, abolish country medical treatment marketplace function in the legislation managing mechanism, accelerating a relevance, the system of rural cooperative medical services ascertaining whose that wait for approach perform official duties according to law , fulfilling in the new model monopolizing , perfecting rural area cooperative medical care supervision. Can be affirmative, fulfill do not hesitate to question many facing the at present late-model system of rural cooperative medical services, but with government function successive steps, new model system of rural cooperative medical services is sure to more and more rational, improve and perfect, ultimate farmers also can enjoy same as the city and town dwell to unified medical security.
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