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In response to cope with the complexity of the development of modern agriculture and rural reform and adapt to the new situation, development of rural intermediary organizations need to resolve the predicament of development of the agricultural industrialization through "solution of cooperation, technology and innovation". Meanwhile, through the soft structures changes and inter-organizational networks' collaboration, making it become the domestic and overseas markets of modern agricultural management organization which can lead the farmers to participate in.
     Rural intermediary organization network is made by rural intermediary organizations, businesses, farmers, members of the government through the arrangements of such institutional ones as super-market contract and non-institutional ones which posed a multi-level, multi-dimensional complex network system. According to modern organization network theory, the organization is regarded as a kind of complex interaction among internal subsystems, subsystems and the external environment. In this sense, the rural intermediary organization network not only refers to the relationship of mutual benefits between supply and marketing, but also is a profit-oriented organization form, which bases on contracts as mechanism and internal rules; gets companies、farmers、large families and intermediary organizations together to participate in as the main bodies; as well as takes produce、supply and marketing of agricultural productions as organization activities.
     According to the way of network nodes and contents, rural intermediary organizations network can be classified such the main types:project allied organizations network, virtual organizations network, organizations network of industrial chains, internal network of intermediary organizations and so on. Project Allied type combines operating elements business advantages of all kinds of rural intermediaries to form the joint property rights and interests and then achieves network cooperation beyond organizational boundaries and operating contents. Virtual type makes use of the Internet as the center of information technology, adopting outsourcing, symbiosis, the virtual functional form to build a dynamic, network-based economic organization. The type of Industrial chain relies on the industrial chains with feature in local or surrounding areas, which is a system of organizations with interrelated, interdependent to produce and sale common productions. Internal network of intermediary organizations emphasize the symbiosis with internal network, which relies on cross-organizational collaboration and mutual co-operation, and prefer to build a unified unit of action by concentrating various intermediary organizations related to projects of agricultural operations.
     Rural intermediary organizations network meet the farmers' preference, select the path of "induced institutional innovation", but they also lead to the phenomena of "Prisoners' Dilemma" appearing between farmers and rural intermediary organizations, which block rural intermediary network of organizations' momentum to move forward. To compensate for these shortcomings, we must take analysis of models of rural intermediary organizations network systematically, make clear their structural features, introduce scientific governance mechanism and coordinate the relationships of membership, making them connect the rural economy and society with a large market more effectively.
     There are three important aspects in rural intermediary organizations network for governance:benefit-distribution mechanism, decision-making coordination mechanism and, which exert functions on information, resources, culture, benefits, risks, and other domains, and keep maintenance the transactions of members as well as the overall effectiveness of network. As the width of members and the complexity of involved factors, especiallygeneral linear model can not give the reasonable evaluation of organization network governanceBased on this, the analytical method of neural net is the more scientific and reasonable management of rural intermediary organizations network to evaluate.
     Scientific and rational management of rural intermediary organizations network should be based on the results of governance assessment, should start from the inside and outside of networks, and consider various factors of economic、political、and social impact. Among of them, internal forces are mostly regarded as organizers and executors of rural intermediary organizations network, who need to improve their quality and management levels; external forces mainly come from buyers, sellers and competitors of government and rural intermediary organizations networks, who need to provide policy support and standardize their own behaviors. The most effective way to support the healthy development of rural intermediary organizations network is to build up representatives, carry out experimental demonstrations, and then on the basis of consolidating the results and lessons are learned from trial to run a number of rural intermediary organizations network steadily.
     As an organizational and institutional innovation, rural intermediary organization network integrates social capital, human capital and the abilities of social mobilization in rural areas, reduces transaction costs, leads the benefits are greater than the cost of institutional change, makes the "dominance behavior and the relationship between rules in organizational environment changed", in order to form a smooth network system finally that agricultural products could realize their values, agricultural science and technology could transform into practical productive forces successfully.
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