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For a long time, our country is paying attention to industry of environmental protection and urban environmental problems while ignoring the rural ecological environment protection;at the same time,the academia is not to the rural ecological environment protection as the important object of study. As the world's most populous and on agriculture as the main body of Chinese population, protect rural ecological environment, promote the rational development and efficient utilization of agricultural resources, is not only an important part of building a conservation oriented agriculture, but also a major measure to solve the"Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer"issues and achieve sustainable development of agriculture and plays an important role in the healthy development of the national economy and state safety. To promote the sustainable development of agriculture,our country must pay attention to the ecological benefits of agriculture, realize agriculture better and faster development. The study current situation of the development of modern agriculture industry in hubei province (based on the ecological perspective), measure and the fuzzy evaluation of ecological benefits of agricultural industry and agricultural industry ecological benefits achieved all the stakeholders in the process of game behavior and characteristics of the comprehensive statistics and measure analysis, a more comprehensive understanding the present situation of the ecological benefits for the development of agricultural industry in hubei province, development trend, development potential and a comprehensive system to understand the ecological efficiency of the agricultural industry development in hubei province and the present situation of the industrial sustainable development, on the basis of the final proposed comprehensively promotes our province agricultural ecological welfare level of strategy. The main research work and conclusions are as follows:
     (a) In Hubei province, agriculture ecological welfare index showed a trend of declining industry, the sustainable development of agriculture industry bottlenecks encountered
     First,from1990to2011the population of Hubei Agricultural Development Index per capita ecological footprint of agriculture simultaneous growth of population and agricultural economic development pace.Second, the ecological benefits of agriculture industry development index showed fluctuations, the overall downward trend and reached a peak of1.9773agricultural ecological benefits in2000, this paper divided the development of agricultural development in Hubei Province ecological benefit into5stages:the first stage(1990-1993), the Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological welfare index decreased; second stage(1993-1994), the agricultural industry development and ecological well-being index rose; the third stage(1994-1998) the development of Hubei agriculture ecological welfare index showed a weak fluctuation a downward trend; the fourth stage(1998-2000), the development of agricultural industrialization in Hubei Province Ecological Welfare index rebound, the rapid increases and reaches a peak of fifth Ecological Welfare Index;fifth stage(2000-2011), index of ecological benefits the development of agricultural industrialization in Hubei province showed a rapid downward trend in the weak fluctuation. Although the development of agricultural industry in hubei province ecological welfare level enhances unceasingly, but due to the growth of the agricultural ecological resource load far exceeds the ecological benefits of growth, leading to decline in agricultural ecological welfare index volatility. Third, in1990-2011the evolution of agricultural industry development in Hubei province can be divided into three stages, experienced by the sustainable reduced to the enhancement and weakening change. Fourth,1990-2011, Hubei Province, the agricultural population development index and the agricultural production value of average per capita has also increased, but with the rapid growth of agricultural output value per person, the agricultural population development index trend growth slowing. With the rapid development of economy of Hubei province agriculture, agricultural economic growth economic benefits and ecological benefits are still reach threshold.But But growth is slowing down, means that near to the threshold. In other words, the agricultural development mode in Hubei Province in recent20years has not adapted to the current situation of ecological demand is growing, the growth of agricultural economy and ecological well-being threshold arrive soon.
     (b) The peasant way of life and the natural ecological environment of agriculture is an important factor that affects the Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological benefits.The Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological welfare in a general level,and have a bigger promotion space
     First, the current agricultural ecological benefits from the perspective of measurement or evaluation is mainly composed of farmers production, farmer life style factors influence dimension, the natural ecological environment of agriculture influence of dimension three main contents, the variance contribution rate of each factor in turn: household production accounted for23.42%, farmer life style factors accounted for16.73%, the natural ecological environment of agriculture factors accounted for14.36%, three factor accumulation ratio reached54.51%. Two is the use of household survey data, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results show that the current development of Ecological Welfare agricultural industry still has a great space to improve the welfare measure based on the results, only71.38, with reference to the relevant standards for evaluation of "general". The three is the empirical analysis results and policy implications based on given including:(1) strengthen the understanding, focus on the force of public opinion, to accelerate the transformation of agricultural growth mode;(2) pay attention to agricultural production practice, guiding farmers to plant habit, popularization of dear environment of agricultural production technology and organization mode;(3) strengthen the rural ecological civilization construction, raising the environmental awareness of residents, and actively create a good village environment;(4) pay attention to the rural ecological environment protection, improve water quality, increase environmental pollution punishment, build a harmonious external environment.
     (c) The interests of agricultural ecological benefits of stakeholders have different goals, ecological benefits of agricultural industry is difficult to achieve
     On the analysis of agricultural ecological goal game behavior in the process of development, research and analysis shows that the central government, local government and agricultural industry operators are not consistent in the agricultural ecological objective interests. In the process, coupled with the central government and local government, local government and agricultural industry between the operators, the central government and the agricultural industry operators have distinct information forces known problems, realize agricultural ecological objectives leads to restrict the behavior of stakeholders. Through the game analysis model of three parties and the final solution, and obtain the following policy implications:on the one hand, have shared interests of all stakeholders in the implementation process of agricultural ecological objectives, can form a win-win situation, therefore the stakeholders need to continue to supply efforts; the other hand can foresee in theory, when the central government, local government and the agricultural industry operators in the ecological agriculture industry in the process of achieving the objective of effort is significantly different from zero, the welfare level agricultural ecological objectives can be achieved, the parties can reach their own appeal.
     The article finally proposed: We should strengthen the government regulation system, organization and management mechanism, social participation mechanism, investment mechanism, the establishment and perfection of mechanism of information network construction. At the same time, put forward to control the supply of agricultural means of production market, establish ecological agriculture compensation mechanism; to establish the agricultural environment related standards, strengthen ecological agricultural products management;encouraging ecological agriculture technology innovation, develop the agriculture of environmental protection, such as technology policy trend in the future.
     The main innovation point:
     (1) The research perspective and content has a new idea. Research on welfare has mostly focused on the economy and social welfare, but about ecological benefits'researchs are less; Study on agricultural industry has mostly focused on the agricultural industry development present situation, problem, countermeasure, pattern, benefit, the industrial welfare research rarely. The author puts forward the ecological benefits of agricultural industry, this is a supplement to the welfare research, extension of agricultural industry research, has some innovation.
     (2) The research methods have some new ideas on the application. The existing research on Ecological welfare measure mostly concentrated on the macro level, from the environmental perspective analysis of ecological benefit. This paper extends the existing research path, quantitative study of ecological welfare measure separately from the macro level, micro level analysis, and try to build three side dynamic game to analyze tripartite welfare of agricultural ecological subjects.
     (3) And obtain some valuable conclusions. According to the research, an empirical study on the micro level and macro level, mainly in two aspects to obtain some valuable conclusions, one is the Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological welfare index has continued to decline, the sustainable development of agriculture industry bottlenecks encountered; The second is farmer's production and life style and the natural ecological environment of agriculture is an important factor that affects the Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological benefits, the Hubei province agriculture industrial ecological welfare level for the general, have bigger promotion space.
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