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In order to improve China’s entironment and ensure its sustainable socio-economic development, some key forestry programs have been putted into practice with the symbol of Key Shelterbelt Development Programs in Such Regions as the Three-north and the Middle and Lower Reachers of the Yangtze River ( SDP ) in 1978. It was thought to be interesting and useful to estimate the effects of key forestry programs in boosting regional socio-economical development, and perceive some factors counteracting its benefits.
     As one of the key forestry programs in China, Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) is being constructed in national state-owned forestry regions as up reachers of Yangtze River, up and middle reaches of Huanghe River for China’s strategical and ecological development. Since NFPP, with complex and multiple objects, covers very large regions, affects numerous people and have being constructed by 10 years, it is thought necessary to estimate its effects on forestry resource, farmers’living and socio-economic development, which will be the basis for policy referrence and suggestion.
     After literature review, the study on estimating effects of NFPP is considered to make a set of indictors, which will be used for bridging a gap in key forestry programs evaluation, refecting the process of NFPP and evaluating its effects. So this study is very interesting and important for improving the efficiency of government investment.
     As a result of literature review, it is found that evaluation of NFPP should be based on a set of reasonable and practical indictors. And to construct a set of indictors for NFPP, such key factors should be considered as systemic indictors, useful method for evaluation, and sample for indictor value. All these works will be the key content and structure of this study.
     From now on, the monitoring on effects of NFPP constructed by key forestry enterprises is doing by National Forestry Economic and Development Center, SFA ( FEDRC ). After several years practice and indictors modification, its indictors for monitoring on effects of NFPP can be used for evaluation. So the indictors for evaluation used in this study have its roots deep in 330 kinds of indictors for monitoring by FEDRC. And the indictors selection are finished considering the objects of the study. The result is 33 kinds of indictors with regard to the progress and policy carrying out of NFPP, the changes of forestry resource and socio-economic development. And the indictor value also originated from the results of monitoring on effects of NFPP constructed by key forestry enterprises.
     As for the method for evaluation, this study pays much attention on relative methods used home and abroad. Based on practical situation of NFPP and relative merits of those methods being used, the method of efficacy coefficient is used for evaluation in this paper to mark the process and effects of NFPP, which will be basis for evaluation and policy suggestion.
     As a result, the process and effects of NFPP is marked 73.71, and evaluated as“good”. Regarding each part of NFPP, the construction and policy carrying out of NFPP is marked 85.59 and evaluated as“good”, social effects of NFPP, 74.74 and evaluated as“good”, both changes of forestry resource and economic effects are marked 67.25 and evaluated as“pass”respectively.
     Based on results above, we can draw such conclusions:
     Firstly, NFPP goes well and its policies carried out in place. The good effects of NFPP indicate the good work of key forestry enterprises.
     Secondly, NFPP has good effects in state-owned forestry region. With NFPP carrying out, forest recovers the region and its volume is near the level of 1997. And economic development regains its vitality and the GDP gets ahead of that of 1997. The very important thins is social security system has been build in forestry region and labor idle is relieving to some extent.
     Lastly, some steps should be taken to improve the efficiency of NFPP, especially to resolve such difficulties as funds shortage and delay, higher quantity of forestry resource consummation, labor idle, regional economic development and efficiency improvement, and social stable and peace.
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