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The specialized farmers cooperatives flourishes in recent years,It is becoming an important carrier to improve the degree of farmer organizations,develop modern agriculture, and build the New Socialist Countryside. Actively prevent and properly handle the risk are very important for the specialized farmers cooperatives,even for agriculture and rural development. But the risk management issues of the specialized farmers cooperatives are not started both in theory and practice.In order to enrich the theory of specialized farmers cooperatives,foster awareness of the risk of farmers,guide the specialized farmers cooperatives to carry out risk management and help the specialized farmer cooperative steady develop, this dissertation, using social investigation methods , the analytic hierarchy process , the probit model and other methods, mkes a systematic study to the risk management of the specialized farmers cooperatives for the first time in china.
     The results showed that,the risk of the specialized farmers cooperatives is Significantly different In different historical periods. The main risk is war before the liberation, then it is policy risk between after the liberation and before the reform and opening up. Now the specialized farmers cooperatives is facing many kinds of risks because of its ways of production, living environment and the quality of members. Various risks mutual influencing which has caused serious damage to the specialized farmers cooperatives and increased it the pressure on the survival.Inside the the specialized farmers cooperatives,The level of members’risk perception is generally low and hierarchy. In contrast, the managers’perception of risk is higher than that of ordinary members,educational level and training are the most significant in the effective factors. Farmer cooperatives and their core members are mostly risk aversion,their attitudes to risk are closely related with their age, income, educational level and gender.
     Based on the above , this paper appling the theories of cooperatives and risk management,establishes the risk evaluation index system,puts forward the methods to measure the overall risk and the opinion to construct the risk alert mechanism of the specialized farmers cooperatives,then makes A cooperatives as an example to elaborate.In the practical aspects of risk management,the paper properly sets the risk management objectives of the specialized farmers cooperatives Before and after the occurrence of a risk,outlines the basic framework of risk management organization. After this,the author referencing the foreign experience and linking the actual situation of our country,Proposes the specific path for the specialized farmers cooperatives to apply the strategies of risk management :avoid risk, control risk, transfer risk and accept the risk. In the end ,the dissertation suggests that the government shoud provide a good external environment for the specialized farmers cooperatives to strengthen risk management from the following aspects:strengthening research,providing more support,strengthening the co-supervision,building and perfecting the information service system,perfecting the price protection rules,accelerating the development of agricultural insurance and agricultural futures markets.
     The whole dissertation is divided into eight chapters, each chapter of primary coverage is as follows:
     The first chapter, introduction. This chapter first describes the research background, purpose and significance,subsequently summarizes the related literature and the achievement of the domestic and foreign farmers cooperatives on risk management researches. Based on the predecessor research results,the author puts forward the methods and approaches of research, and also points out the article's possible innovation and shortcoming.
     The second chapter, the related concepts and basic theories. This chapter defines clearly the concepts of the specialized farmers cooperatives in particular the risk management, explains the related basic theories, such as the cooperatives theory, the risk management and the risk control theory, which laid the conceptive and theoretical foundation for the study.
     The third chapter, the risk management experience and the inspiration of foreign cooperatives. This chapter first introduces the basic situations of four countries, namely, American, German, Japanese and the British cooperatives,then analyzes all-directionally the risk management experience of the overseas cooperatives from the point of project evaluation, the expert management, the inside and outside supervision, the mechanism innovation, the audit supervision and so on.
     The fourth chapter, the risk evolution and causal analysis.This chapter reviews the development history of the agricultural cooperative from three phases:before the liberation,after the liberation and after the reform and opening up,and analyzes in-depth the risk types of the specialized farmers cooperatives on different stages, then the article evaluates the causes and features of the risk which the specialized farmers cooperatives are facing.
     The fifth chapter, the risk perception and preferences of the specialized farmers cooperatives. This chapter is a presentation and analysis of field research to 25 cooperatives in Y city. In the research on risk perception of the specialized farmers cooperatives,the author of this paper conducted a questionnaire survey to the managers and the general members,then applied Probit model to analysis the factors affecting members’risk perception. On the preferences of the specialized farmers cooperatives,the article appling the ELEC model carried tentatively out an experimental research to the core member consist of Some leaders and council members.
     The sixth chapter, the risk assessment and early warning of the specialized farmers cooperatives. Based on the existing theory,this chapter discusses the elements of each type of risk assessment respectively. On this basis, the author establishes the risk evaluation index system,raises the methods to measure the overall risk and the opinion to construct the risk alert mechanism of the specialized farmers cooperatives.
     The seventh chapter, the risk management path and countermeasure of the specialized farmers cooperatives. This chapter analyzes the goal and organization construction of the specialized farmers cooperatives for risk management. according to practical situation of the specialized farmers cooperatives. This papers presents four kinds of strategies and seven points of policy recommendations for the specialized farmers cooperatives to cope with risks .
     The eighth chapter, the conclusion and extension. This chapter summarizes the main theses, refines the main conclusions and proposes the direction for further study .
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