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本论文对锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)“黄水病”进行了研究,该病是近些年来发生在我国浙江沿海养殖锯缘青蟹的一种流行性疾病,患病青蟹的主要症状表现为甲壳内出现黄色腔液、血淋巴呈黄色或浊白不凝液体,该病持续时间较长,呈季节性流行趋势,危害严重。为了更多地了解该病的致病机理,我们对患病蟹的免疫水平、血液生化指标进行了测定,并对肝胰腺在“黄水病”胁迫条件下的基因表达差异进行了探索性研究。本研究主要结果如下:
This study investigate a kind of epidemic disease——“yellow water”disease which broke out in the cultured Scylla sarrata along the coastal area of Zhejaing province,China in these years.The mian symptoms of the diseased crab display as following:yellow water could be seen under carapace,hemolymph turned into yellow or turbid white liquid which can’t coagulated.The disease caused serious loss because of its long duration,and it shows a seasonal epidemic trend now.In order to learn more about the pathogenesis of the disease,we survey and evaluate the immunization levels and measured blood parameters of diseased crabs,and carry out a exploratory reseach about the mRNA differential displays in hepatopancreas from diseased crabs which coerced by“yellow water”disease.The main results of our study are as followings:
     1. Classified the hemocytes of Scylla serrata into three categories
     Use the hemolymph of healthy crab as studied material, and observated it microscopically and submicroscopically.We classified the hemocytes of Scylla serrata into three categories: semigranular cell(SGC),granular cell(GC) and hyaline cell(HC),these three kinds of hemocytes show significantly differences microscopic and submacroscopic structures.Classification of the hemocytes can provide the theory premise for the analysis of the changes in the hemocyte proportion.
     2.The impact of“yellow water”disease on the immunization levels of scally serrata.
     Chosed total hemocyte count(THC),hemocyte proportion,the phagocytosis activity of hemocytes,ACP, AKP, LZM, POD, SOD, PO activity in serum as indicators,measuered and compared the immunization levels of crab with“yellow water”disease and controls,and discoverd that most of the indicators showed significantly changes,the THC,hemocyte and phagocytosis activity and enzyme activity in serum decreased significantly,the proportion of different hemocytes also changed significantly.All these indicated that after contracting“yellow water”disease,the capacity of immunity was inhibited,the immunity system suffered damage,and the possibility of contracting secondary infection would increase.
     3.Blood biochemistry analysis of“yellow water”disease in Scylla serrata.
     Compared to healthy crabs,most of the blood biochemical parameters of the diseased ones changed significantly.The protein content and enzyme activity in serum decreased significantly,the metabolites contents of carbohydrate/lipid/protein in serum is abnormal,and electrolyte in serum imbalanced.These indicated that,the capacity of digestion/absorption/excretion and Osmoregulation had been damaged,and the organs associated with these function had serious lesion.
     4.mRNA differential displays in hepatopancreas of crabs with“yellow water”disease and controls.
     Adopt the methold of molecular pathology and study the pathological changes in the hepatopancreas of crabs with“yellow water”disease.Using the mRNA differential display technology,we discovered the exist of differential displayed genes in diseased crabs and healthy ones.Amplificated the genes of hepatopancreas from different crabs using PCR technology,and compared the PCR product using PAGE. At least 10 differential displayed strips were discovered,and two of them wre recycled and reamplificated successfully:one from healthy crabs and another from diseased crabs,which were thought to be the fragments of differential diaplayed genes.Cloned and sequenced the two gene fragments,blasted the results in GenBank,and no similar gene were found,thought that they may be new genes which were respectively displayed in healthy crabs and diseased crabs,they were opened or closed in different physiological states.The changes happened in micro-molecular level lead the changes of metabolism in macro-tissues,and revealed the pathological changes on molecular level,and this study can also provide new ideas in pathological reseach.
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