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Objective With qi-blood of TCM as theoretical guidance to study on the relative theoriesabout perioperative stress response, and to explore the mathods and mechanisms of controllingperioperative stress response with chinese medicine drug under these relative theories. MathodsWith the mechanisms of stress response, neuro-endocrine-immune theory and qi-blood ofTCM,and adoptting the analogy analytical method to analyze the traditional chinese medicinemechanisms of perioperative stress response. Use comparative study to explore the effectivebiological evidences of intervention pathological model with antiinflammatory and chinesemedicine drug.To make a clinical observation about mediate factors and developmentmechanism of inducing postoperative stess response of old people. Results Exploring Resultsshow that the development of perioperative stress response is a process of mobilized theprimordial qi of kidney, and the systemic function injuries caused by the ultimate stress responsea “inceptive kidney asthenia,qi asthenia greater than blood deficiency and qi deficiency bloodstasis”, and traditional chinese medicine can control the levels of stress hormone, immune functionand inflammatory factor. Conclusion To establish a series of TCM about postoperativestess responses, that is “inceptive kidney asthenia,qi asthenia greater than blood deficiency and qideficiency blood stasis”, make a suggestion of “Pei-yuan strengthening the economy and therestoring yang reinforcing qi” to control the postoperative stess responses with traditional chinesedrug.
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