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In this paper, the species, distribution and dynamic of INA on loquat were reported as well as the screening of bactericides for forest control in Fujian District. These results were illustrated as follows:
     First, the species of INA bacteria on loquat in Fujian were identified.Twenty-four strains of INA bacteria were isolated from loquat. Based on bacteriological methods, they were identified belonging to one genera: E.ananas.
     Second, their distribution and dynamic of INA bacteria was demonstrated primarily.
     By investigation, INA bacteria could be isolated from most of loquat, showing INA bacteria were widespread in loquat. The distribution of INA bacteria varied in loquat cultivar, geographic position and ecological conditions. They were easily isolated and had a maximum populations 1.13×10~7CFU/g.f.w.
     In Putian zone, INA bacteria population on "Zaozhong", was checked periodically. The results revealed two peaks of population during flowering stage and fruiting stage. On the contrary. INA bacteria could not be isolated easily during hot summer. It was the first reported that populations of INA bacteria varied in seasons.
     Third, it was testified that INA bacteria could induce and aggravate frost injury on loquat.
     The frost index of loquat after application of INA bacteria was higher than that of loquat treated with distilled water in programmable frost chamber; Similar examples happened in field. All the results illustrated that INA bacteria could induce and aggravate frost injury on loquat.
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