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     本文研究了一种新型的流量自调式射流真空发生器,通过减少其内部拉瓦尔喷管的气流流通面积来实现减少耗气量。完成的工作主要包括以下几个方面:(1) 在对流量自调式射流真空发生器功能需求分析的基础上,完成了流量自调式射流真空发生器的结构研究;(2) 建立了流量自调式射流真空发生器的理论模型并进行了动态仿真,为试验提供了参考;(3) 对流量自调式射流真空发生器进行了性能测试,并且与传统射流式真空发生器进行了试验对比。
The vacuum ejector is widely used in industrial automation increasingly because of its unique advantages such as small size, light weight, high vacuum level, low price, convenient installation and so on. However, the compressed air pass the same large area of Laval nozzle in the traditional vacuum ejector all through the working process, so its large shortcoming is high compressed air consumption. There is a lack of energy resource nowadays and it's important to do energy conservation research. Therefore, it's necessary to develop a new kind of vacuum ejector, which can reduce the amount of compressed air in order to save the energy resource.
    The research tries to work out a new type vacuum ejector, which can reduce the compressed air consumption by means of reducing the area of Laval nozzle. The main contents in this dissertation are summarized as follows: (1) Doing structure research on the new type vacuum ejector on the basis of functional analyses. (2) Building the theory model of the new type vacuum ejector and simulating according to the model. The simulated results can provide reference for the experiment. (3) Making experiment on the new type vacuum ejector to test its performance and making contrast to the traditional vacuum ejector.
    The results indicate that the new type vacuum ejector can reduce the compressed air consumption compared with the traditional vacuum ejector in the same working condition. It proves the feasibility of the working principle used in the new type vacuum ejector.
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