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     科学有效的描述虚拟服务的知识结构是实现虚拟服务差异化、个性化的重要手段。本文为实现对虚拟服务形式化描述和推理求解,提出了通信领域虚拟服务本体的构建方法。构建方法根据通信领域多专业交叉的特点,提出了领域相关度(Domain Correlation)的概念,详细阐述了多专业本体集成的方法与模型,并针对知识推理构建了本体集成推理体系。
With the global economy is the rapid development of communication technology changes rapidly, the field of mobile communications in China has achieved rapid development. Whether it is in the building of communications infrastructure and other hardware, and enhances communication quality software into a new level. However, as the communications market towards mature step by step, market structure gradually tends to be reasonable, which give the communicate enterprise groups opportunities, it also brings a great challenge. On one hand, the coverage of communications services increased only by relying on the number of new subscribers to bring the development model of the dividend, the limited weak growth of users will be the bottleneck, leading to major communications companies increasingly fierce competition for user resources,on other hand, in order to deal the fierce market competition, the major communications companies continue to introduce various types of virtual services to seize the market to reduce customer rates, improving customer's loyalty purpose. Although changes in the market are difficult to control and master, in order to keep up with the changes in the market, developing appropriate policy is necessary. However, only considering from the angel of enterprise, may not grasp the needs of customers accurately, not only did the market share, but the formation of such as:the accumulation of the virtual services of the homogeneous system, the virtual service audience limited customer base, maintain the scale of high costs, as well as prior service margin of preference formation constraints and other issues, to develop post-service, great communication the company's core competitiveness.
     Communications business operation support system is an important product of the communication field of technological change in the traditional mode, provides important support for the communication virtual service operations. However, in the new virtual service as the main competitive environment, the traditional operation support system there are not suitable for new demands, lacking of flexibility in architecture features, which is difficult to adapt to the growing and rapidly changing needs of virtual service.
     In this paper, the virtual communication service system architecture, in-depth analysis of the operational status of the virtual service at this stage, with the Multi-Agent structure model and ontology knowledge to describe virtual service system architecture based on Multi-Agent and ontology in the field of communications, mainly built content and the results are as follows:
     (1) Multi-Agent virtual communication service system framework Construction of virtual communication service system is a multi-link interaction, dynamic multi-factor interaction, open-ended questions, whose body lies in the allocation of functions of the Communications Group and the regional subsidiaries in the life cycle of virtual services. According to this feature, give full play to the advantages of Multi-Agent Systems in distributed computing and collaboration, and virtual communication service system framework based on Multi-Agent.
     (2) Establish a communication based on dynamic compensation of public resources conflict resolution strategies. For the allocation of shared resources in the field of communication in conflict situations, the two models at all levels of agent collaboration model for the Group-the organizational structure of regional offices and public resources-based conflicts digestion modeling, and proposed based on dynamic compensation public resources, conflict resolution strategies, a detailed description of each area Agent consultative approach in public resource use conflicts.
     (3) Communication of virtual services in the field of ontology building methods. The scientific description of the knowledge structure of the virtual services virtual service differentiation and personalized. This realization of the formal description and reasoning for solving the virtual service, virtual services in the field of ontology for communication building. Construction method to cross the characteristics of the multi-disciplinary field of communication, but also put forward the concept of relevance in the field (Domain Correlation), elaborated on a multi-disciplinary ontology integration methods and models to build a body of integrated reasoning system for knowledge inference.
     (4) Sets out the virtual service evaluation system based on the gray comprehensive evaluation. Characteristics of virtual services from three aspects of communications companies, users and virtual services to establish a comprehensive evaluation system of the virtual services, and the gray model method was evaluated on virtual services, and evaluation of the results were analyzed.
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