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Urbanization is a necessary period in the process of economic and social development. After 30 years’reformation, China has stepped in the rapid evolution stage, the area of cities and towns was expanded universally, more and more farm land has been expropriated and transformed to other uses. At the same time, land use policy and land rights is promoted in different levels and aspects, the existed relationship between units, family, individual and land is under great influence, a large number of land-related conflict emerge ,spread and even upgrade under such background. It is of utmost importance to carry out efficient management measures to cope with rural land-related conflicts and avoid the situation goes worse. It is of practical significance to study the theory and give practical suggestions on land-related conflict management in the process of urbanization.
     Based on outcomes of the existing research on land-related conflict and conflict management abroad and home, the thinking and methodology of the foreign research is renewed to apply for China’s factual land conflict situation in the paper. This paper is divided into four major parts besides the introduction. The first part gives a summary of land conflict related concepts and analyzes the definition as well as inducement. It also explains the connotation of land conflict management and studies the process of it through horizontal and vertical way. The second part includes a general description of land conflict management related theory and graphics are used to describe different levels and stages of land conflict, a concept maps was made to summary the whole course of land conflict management. FCE is used to evaluate the conflict risk. It also gives a detail suggestion of land-related conflict management process, the conditions and timing, purpose and results as well as proper ways and methods in different stages are covered, some probable appropriate countermeasure of land conflict management are given. The third part builds a possible proper land-related conflict management system. The final part is conclusion.
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