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Fuzzy set theory, which was established by professor Zadeh in1965, provides a kind of approach todeal with fuzzy information. Atanassov introduced the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set whichextended the theory of fuzzy set in1983. Because intuitionistic fuzzy set considers the information ofmembership and non-membership,it has more advantage over Zadeh’s fuzzy set to deal withuncertainty. Intuitionistic fuzzy set has been widely used in many fields, such as social, economic andmilitary. This dissertation studied the problems of multi-attribute intuitionistic fuzzy decision making,multi-attribute interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision making, stochastic multi-attributeintuitionistic fuzzy decision making and multiple-attribute large-scaled group decision making inintuitionistic fuzzy set. The obtained results enrich the theory of intuitionistic fuzzy theory andprovide efficient methods when people facing uncertain problems.The main results can be summarized as follows:
     (1)Research on multi-attribute intuitionistic fuzzy decision making based on grey incidenceanalysis. First, according to the characteristic of intuitionistic fuzzy set and relative properties ofMYCIN certainty factor, a kind of intuitionistic fuzzy decision making method based on greyincidence analysis and MYCIN certainty factor was proposed by using grey incidence analysis to getthe reliability of the evidences. Then, in view of the advantage of the evidence theory to deal withuncertainty, a kind of intuitionistic fuzzy decision making method based on grey incidence analysisand evidence theory was proposed by using grey incidence analysis to get the reliability of theevidences.
     (2) Research on multi-attribute interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision making based ongrey incidence analysis. In this section, the object of study is changed into interval-valuedintuitionistic fuzzy set from intuitionistic fuzzy set. A new interval-valued score function ofinterval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number is proposed. And the interval-valued score function can betransformed into score function according to the decision maker’s appetite for risk. On the basis of theabove mentioned method, two interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision making methods areobtained by combining grey incidence analysis with MYCIN certainty factor and evidence theoryrespectively.
     (3) Research on stochastic multi-attribute intuitionistic fuzzy decision making method based onprospect theory. In this section, the decision making environment decision maker faced is uncertain.Three kinds of stochastic multi-attribute intuitionistic fuzzy decision making methods are proposedbased on prospect theory. First, a new score function of intuitionistic fuzzy number is proposedaccording to the theory of set pairing, and the weights of attributes are obtained by grey incidenceanalysis. The integrated prospect value of every alternative is obtained by using prospect theory andthe decision making method is obtained. Second, the weights of attributes can be obtained by usinggrey incidence analysis. The prospect values are obtained by applying the prospect theory and theprospect values are fused by MYCIN certainty factor and the decision making method is put forward.Finally, the weights of attributes can be obtained by using grey incidence analysis. The prospectvalues are obtained by applying the prospect theory and the prospect values are fused by evidence theory and the decision making method is put forward.
     (4) Research on new clustering method on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and its application to multiple-attribute large-scaled group decision making method. In this section, new formula to derive theintuitionistic fuzzy similarity degree between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets is proposed. And aclustering method is developed based on the new formula. The large-scale multiple attribute groupdecision making (MAGDM) method with intuitionistic fuzzy information is studied. Because themembers of decision makers are too many, it is necessary to clustere the decision makers intodifferent classes by the above method and the core decision makers can be found in the differentclasses. Then a method is designed to determine the weights of the core decision makers. Andaccording to the information provided by the core decision makers we can make a decision making.Finally, the decision making method is applied to brownfield development project.
     (5) Research on the evaluation of the suppliers running performance for a large aircraft company.In this section, the principles of building evaluation index system are analyzed. On this basis, elevencorresponding evaluation index are summarized. And the quantification method of index evaluation isprovided. Finally, the running performance of four suppliers is evaluated by the intuitionistic fuzzynumbers decision-making method based on grey incidence analysis and MYCIN certainty factor.
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